What are the four main types of consumer services and what percentage of jobs in the US belong to each type?

The key to good customer service is building good relationships with your customers. Thanking the customer and promoting a positive, helpful and friendly environment will ensure they leave with a great impression. A happy customer will return often and is likely to spend more.

To ensure you provide the best customer service:

  • know what your customers consider to be good customer service
  • take the time to find out customers' expectations
  • follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive
  • ensure that you consider customer service in all aspects of your business
  • continuously look for ways to improve the level of customer service you deliver.

The following are some of the main elements of good customer service.

Customer relationships

To build good customer relationships you need to:

  • greet customers and approach them in a way that is natural and fits the individual situation
  • show customers that you understand what their needs are
  • accept that some people won't want your products and concentrate on building relationships with those who do
  • help people – even just letting a customer know about an event that you know they're personally interested in is helpful
  • continue to keep customers aware of what's in it for them to do business with you.


If you want to provide the best customer service, all of your staff need to have good communication and sales skills. You will also need to show leadership by personally providing excellent customer service at all times. Learn more about the sales process.


Listen to customer complaints; you may learn something about your product or service. Let customers know that you appreciate feedback.

Overcome any objections. Listen to what the customer is objecting about (often price, merchandise or time). Confirm the validity of each concern and offer a solution. Find out more about managing customer complaints.


Know your products — where everything is located, brand names, place of manufacture and price. The more you know, the more confidence you can build in the customer.

Recognise product features. Turn these features into benefits for the customer. Ensure your staff can tell customers about the product features and benefits.

Also consider...

  • Find out how to manage online customer reviews.

  • Last reviewed: 17 Jul 2017
  • Last updated: 11 May 2022

Are you looking for a career in consumer services? It’s a great option if you want a flexible, low-stress job that offers plenty of room for advancement. However, consumer service is a broad term that can include any number of different roles. From customer service to retail, from hospitality to healthcare, a wide range of opportunities is available.

This guide provides you with a list of the most popular jobs in consumer services. You will find out what you need to know to land one of these jobs and what roles are available. 

Consumer Services in the United States

The United States is a capitalist country and high internal market competition. The country has over 334 million people as of May 2022. Also, a nominal GDP of almost $22.94 trillion. 

The United States is also home to some of the world’s largest and most influential companies, including Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. The country’s service sector accounts for over 70% of its GDP, making it the largest sector in the economy.

The service sector comprises a wide range of industries, including transportation, tourism, healthcare, and financial services. As the economy continues to recover, more and more people are looking for jobs in the consumer services industry.

Millions of jobs are available in the consumer services sector. This includes jobs in retail stores, restaurants, hotel and motel management, transportation and delivery, and many other areas. 

So if you are looking for a career that offers a good balance of flexibility and opportunity, the consumer services industry may be the right choice for you.

What Are Consumer Services?

A consumer service is a type of service that is offered to consumers. This type of service can include anything from providing customer support to helping with product orders. Consumer services are often an important part of a company’s overall customer experience. 

Many companies provide excellent consumer services to set themselves apart from the competition and keep customers happy. There are many jobs available in the consumer services industry.

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Various Types of Consumer Services

When most people hear the term “consumer services,” they might think of banking, cable TV, or internet service. While these are all examples of consumer services, there are many more. The definition of a consumer service can be quite broad. Essentially, it is anything that is provided to consumers for a fee.

There are many types of consumer services, but the four main types are

  • Retail & Wholesale Services
  • Leisure & Hospitality Services
  • Health & Social Services
  • Education

Now let’s have a look at each of them in detail.

Retail and Wholesale Services

The retail and wholesale consumer services sector is a broad term that refers to businesses that sell goods or services to the public. This sector can be divided into two main categories: retail and wholesale.

Retail businesses include small mom-and-pop shops as well as large department stores. They sell products directly to consumers, either in person or online. On the other hand, Wholesale businesses sell products to retailers, who then sell them to consumers.

Both types of businesses are crucial to the economy. Retail businesses create jobs and generate tax revenue, while wholesale businesses help keep prices low for consumers. The retail and wholesale consumer services sector is a vital part of the economy and continues to grow every year.

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Available Jobs in the Retail and Wholesale Services Sector

There are many jobs available in the retail and wholesale services sector. Retailers need salespeople, managers, accountants, and engineers, among others. Wholesalers also need managers, accountants, logistics professionals, etc. 

Many jobs are available in support roles, such as marketing research analysts, human resources professionals, and information technology professionals.

The retail and wholesale services sector is a great place to work because it offers many opportunities for career growth.

Leisure and Hospitality Consumer Services

Leisure and Hospitality Consumer Services is a very important sector of the economy. The industry provides services that are important to the quality of life for consumers. These services include lodging, food service, and recreation. The industry employs many workers, and it is a major source of revenue for many communities.

The industry is especially important to the economies of rural areas. For example, many people who work in lodging and food service do not have to travel far to get to work, making them more productive at their workplace. Tourism is a very important part of the economy. Many people depend on these industries for their jobs.

Available Jobs in Leisure and Hospitality Sector

The leisure and hospitality sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in this sector are projected to grow faster than any other industry over the next decade. 

The leisure and hospitality sector includes jobs in various industries, including food services, accommodation, recreation, and amusement. 

Jobs in this sector are available at all education levels, and many offer opportunities for advancement. If you are looking for a job that offers flexible hours and growth opportunities, consider pursuing a career in the leisure and hospitality sector.

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Health & Social Consumer Services

Health & Social Consumer Services (HSCS) are a vital part of the United States healthcare system. They provide essential services to people in need and help ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare. There are many different types of HSCS, each with its unique mission and purpose.

One important type of HSCS is called a “Safety Net Hospital.” These hospitals serve low-income and uninsured patients and often have to provide care for patients who can’t pay their bills. They rely heavily on government funding, which can be unpredictable and unstable.

Another important type of HSCS is the Community Health Center (CHC). CHCs provide primary care services to people in underserved areas who don’t have insurance.

Available Jobs in Health & Social Consumer Services Sector

Health and social consumer service jobs can be found in various places. They are available in different organizations, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, schools, and rehabilitation centers. There are many different types of health and social consumer service jobs. 

Some common examples include nurses, doctors, social workers, therapists, pharmacists, and dietitians. These jobs can be very rewarding because they help people live better lives. They also offer good salaries and benefits. 

The health and social consumer services sector is growing rapidly in the United States. This means that there are many job opportunities available for talented professionals. If you are interested in a career in this field, now is a great time to pursue it.

Education Consumer Services Sector

The education consumer services sector is a rapidly growing industry that offers various services to students and their families. These services can range from college counseling and test preparation to student loan refinancing and career planning. The market for education consumer services is large and growing. More students than ever seek assistance to gain admission to the best schools and receive the best education possible.

The industry is highly competitive, with many companies vying for a piece of the market. This competition has led to innovation and creativity, as companies strive to offer new and better services. Many of the largest players in the space are well-funded, making them well-positioned to compete for market share.

Available Jobs in the Education Sector

Education jobs come in all shapes and sizes. From teaching young students in elementary school to working with college students in a university setting to helping adults learn new skills for a new career, education jobs offer a wide range of opportunities for people passionate about making a difference in the lives of others.

All education jobs have in common that they require individuals who have strong communication and interpersonal skills. They also require individuals who are patient, organized, and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

If you are interested in working with students, there are a variety of education jobs available to you. Elementary school teachers work with students from kindergarten through fifth grade, teaching them basic subjects like math, science, and reading.

Other Common Consumers Services

Each type of service has its unique benefits and drawbacks for consumers. For example, transportation services allow people to travel to different places quickly and easily, while communication services allow people to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where they are.

However, both transportation and communication services can be expensive, so consumers need to compare prices and choose the service that best meets their needs. Financial services are also important for consumers, as they allow people to save money and make investments that can help them secure their financial future.

Each of these industries is massive and constantly evolving. For example, the healthcare industry is now shifting towards providing more preventive care and away from treatment after someone becomes ill. This shift requires providers to offer new services and rethink how they do business.

The transportation industry is also changing rapidly. With the advent of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, traditional car rental companies are struggling.

What Skills Are Required to Find a Job in Consumer Services

When it comes to finding a job in the consumer services industry, certain skills will help you stand out from the competition. These skills can include customer service experience, sales experience, problem-solving skills, and communication skills.

Working with customers and solving their problems is essential in this industry, so having strong customer service skills is a must. Sales experience can also be helpful, as it can teach you how to market and sell products or services to consumers effectively. Strong problem-solving skills are also important, as you may face difficult situations while working with customers. Excellent communication skills are necessary to interact with customers and resolve disputes effectively. If you have these skills, you will be well-prepared for a career in consumer services.

What Is the Average Salary for a Consumer Services Associate?

A consumer services associate helps customers with their inquiries and complaints. They may work in a call center or a retail setting. The average salary for this position varies depending on the location and the company. 

However, the average salary of a services associate is ​​$40,326 per year. Some companies may offer additional benefits, such as health insurance or 401(k) plans. The best way to find out the average salary for a particular position is to search online. Many websites list salaries by occupation and by location.

Why Choose a Career in Consumer Services?

There are many reasons to choose a career in consumer services. Perhaps the most important reason is that it can be a very rewarding field. Working with consumers, you can help them solve problems and make their lives easier. In many cases, you can also help them save money.

Another reason to consider a career in consumer services is that it is a growing field. Jobs in this field are expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. This means that there will be plenty of opportunities for you to find the right job for you.

Finally, working in consumer services can be a great way to build your skills and experience. You will have the opportunity to learn new things and grow as a professional.


Consumer services are one of the most promising industries. Also, there are many job opportunities in the consumer services industry. With a wide range of positions available, there is a good chance that you can find a job that matches your skills and interests. So if you’re looking for a new career, be sure to consider the consumer services industry.

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