What is water in japanese

September 23, 2014

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水 (みず) water (noun)


The woman is drinking water.


Can I have some water, please?


The man is drinking from the water bottle.


drink water


glass of water

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1 translation entry available
a glass of water グラス一杯の水

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Water in Japanese is みず (mizu). The kanji is 水. Learn kanji compounds with 水 and other kanji with the “water” radical.

Listen to the pronunciations and learn the stroke order in the video.

Nihongo Flashcards Kanji Practice Notebook

Practice writing kanji with this traditional 原稿用紙 (genkōyōshi; Japanese composition paper) notebook. Each square (called マス masu) has a quadrant guide for positioning and balance. You can start off with some Japanese food by copying the kanji on the cover.

Japanese Vocabulary: 3 Japanese words for “water” – Review Notes

Today, we will learn 3 Japanese words for “water”. Did you know that there is a different word for hot water in Japanese? It might not be what you think!


 Today we will learn 3 words for “water” in Japanese.

 You may have heard the words 水 (mizu) or お水 (omizu)

 But have you heard the words お冷 (ohiya) or お湯 (oyu)?

 Actually, 水 (mizu), お水 (omizu), and お冷 (ohiya) all are used for water that is not hot.

 There is a special word for hot water in Japanese: お湯 (oyu)

 Be careful; you cannot put the words for “hot” and “water” together like this: 熱い水 (atsui mizu). You have to use お湯 (oyu)

 When ordering water in a restaurant, you can say: お冷をください。(Ohiya o kudasai.) or お水をください。(Omizu o kudasai.)

 Of course, if you wanted hot water, you would have to say: お湯をください。(Oyu o kudasai.)



Today we learned 3 ways to say “water” in Japanese! If you have any questions, leave a comment below!


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Native speakers say “mizu” to mean ‘water’ in Japanese. Probably, many Japanese learners know this word as it is often used in Japanese conversations. In this blog post, however, I will explain this word in detail and how to use it through example sentences. My explanations would help Japanese learners to understand “mizu” more clearly. Then, let’s get started!


Definition and meaning of “mizu”

Let me start with the definition and meaning of “mizu”.

  • mizu – 水 (みず) : a noun meaning ‘water’ in Japanese. This necessarily means ‘cold water’.

Native speakers use this noun to refer to cold water in Japanese. For hot water, they say “oyu” instead. So, we need to be careful. It’s also worth mentioning here that this kanji character is widely used in Japanese words related to water.

In the Japanese language, “Wednesday” is called “suiyoubi”. This can be written in kanji as “水曜日”. So, Japanese people often use “水” as its abbreviation. We need to be careful with this fact as well.

The definition and meaning are simple and clear, I think. Then, let me explain how to use “mizu” through the example sentences below.

Example #1: how to say “drink water” in Japanese

watashi wa mizu wo nomi tai – 私は水を飲みたい (わたしはみずをのみたい)

I want to drink water.

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