The excerpt provides evidence to support the general claim that the Spanish who colonized America

11.The excerpt provides evidence to support the argument thata.European settlements in the Americas met with immediate economic andpolitical success.b.early contacts between Native Americans and Europeans were entirely

Questions 5–7 refer to the following excerpt. “Instructions to you, Vicente de Zaldivar. . . . of the expedition to New Mexico. . . . for the punishment of the pueblo of Acoma for having killed . . . soldiers. . . . “Since the good success of the undertaking depends on the pleasure of God our Lord in directing you to appropriate and effective methods, it is right that you should seek to prevent public or private offenses to Him in the expedition. . . . You will proceed over the shortest route. . . . At the places and pueblos that you pass through on the way you will treat the natives well and not allow harm to be done them. . . . “If God shall be so merciful as to grant us victory, you will arrest all of the people, young and old, without sparing anyone. Inasmuch as we have declared war on them without quarter, you will punish all those of fighting age as you deem best, as a warning to everyone in this kingdom.” Don Juan de Oñate, Spanish colonial official in New Mexico, 1599 5. The excerpt provides evidence to support the general claim that the Spanish who colonized America (A) viewed Native Americans as criminals who deserved no mercy (B) consideredNativeAmericansaspartnersinservingtheking (C) respected Native Americans as their equals in the eyes of God (D) treated some groups of Native Americans better than others 6. Which of the following best explains why Native Americans became so important to the Spanish empire? (A) Native Americans quickly filled powerful positions in the Spanish colonial government. (B) NativeAmericansprovidedmostofthelaboronSpanish-owned land. (C) Native Americans often joined the Spanish military. (D) Native Americans were primarily trading partners of the Spanish. 7. Officials in the Spanish colonies such as the writer of this excerpt received their authority to act from which of the following? (A) The joint-stock companies that began as trading ventures (B) Agovernorelectedbyresidentsofthecolonies (C) The king of Spain who claimed control over the Spanish empire (D) The pope who led the Roman Catholic Church 752 UNITED STATES HISTORY: AP® EDITION

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