How to keep radio on when car is off Honda Accord

Keep the radio on when turning off the ignition

Anyone know how to set it so that the radio doesn't turn off immediately when you turn off the ignition? Several cars I've rode in have this feature which I find really handy since I don't want to waste gas sitting there listening to the end of a song I'm really into at the moment.

Join Date: Feb 2006

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RE: Keep the radio on when turning off the ignition

there are a couple of ways to wire it or do this.... if you wire your power line into a constant 12v power (like the cigarette lighter for example) then the radio will play unless you turn it off on your own. That's probably the easiest way, otherwise you could consider trying to wire a trip switch of some sort into the door frame that doesn't shut it off until you open the door...

Been Around A Long Time Member

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RE: Keep the radio on when turning off the ignition

I'm pretty sure the radio is wired to acc1 so can turn the engine off, but leave the key in the ignition and finish the song. If its hooked up to acc2 just wire it to acc1.

Been Around A Long Time Member

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RE: Keep the radio on when turning off the ignition

I just noticed today on my 06 EX, the windows have power until you open the door. Check and see if you car does this. If it does then the best way to do it would be as follows: Get a relay and wire it to the window power wires, so the relay switches on and off with the window power. Then hook the switched side of the relay directly to the battery. By using a relay you won't be pulling the power from the window wires, which may get overloaded when blasting music and dropping all four windows, but it will switch the constant power from the battery on and off with window power. If you need more info on how relay works, and how to set it up just send me a PM, its really very simple. I hope you have a 7th gen, if not its going to be pretty difficult for you to do this.

RE: Keep the radio on when turning off the ignition

Thanks for your replies. I noticed the same thing the other day t00fatt, that I can just leave the key in. I havn't tried the window thing yet though.

1993, accord, car, cigarette, door, engine, honda, lighter, open, power, radio, shut, shuting, shutting, turn













think this is that three time button vid









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