Cara menggunakan does python have struct?

Whenever we are working with formulas there may be a need of writing the given formula in a given format which may require subscripts or superscripts. There are several methods available to print subscripts and superscripts in Python. We will be discussing two of them below –

Using maketrans() and translate() :

We can make two strings one for the normal characters and the other for the subscript/superscript characters. After this, we can use the maketrans() method which returns a mapping that can be used with the translate() method to replace the specified characters. It can be implemented for superscripts as 


# function to convert to superscript

def get_super(x):

    normal= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-=()"

    H₂SO₄1= H₂SO₄3

    H₂SO₄5= H₂SO₄7H₂SO₄8H₂SO₄9

    H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 21 H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 22

H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 23 

H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 24

H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 25H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 26H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 27H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 28H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 29



And for subscripts, we can implement it as


# function to convert to superscript0

def # function to convert to superscript2

    normal= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-=()"

    # function to convert to superscript8= def0

    H₂SO₄5= H₂SO₄7H₂SO₄8def6

    H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 21 H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 22

H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 23 


H₂SO₄ x² + y² = 25get_super(x):3get_super(x):4get_super(x):5get_super(x):6get_super(x):7get_super(x):8get_super(x):9    0    1    2

Python provides a variety of GUI (Graphic User Interface) types such as PyQT, Tkinter, Kivy, WxPython, and PySide. Among them, tkinter is the most commonly used GUI module in Python since it is simple and easy to understand. The word Tkinter comes from the Tk interface. The tkinter module is available in Python standard library which has to be imported while writing a program in Python to generate a GUI.

Note: Tkinter(capital T) is different from the tkinter. Tkinter is used in Python2.x and is changed to tkinter in Python.3x.

Combobox is a combination of Listbox and an entry field. It is one of the Tkinter widgets where it contains a down arrow to select from a list of options. It helps the users to select according to the list of options displayed. When the user clicks on the drop-down arrow on the entry field, a pop up of the scrolled Listbox is displayed down the entry field. The selected option will be displayed in the entry field only when an option from the Listbox is selected.


combobox = ttk.Combobox(master, option=value, ...)

Example 1: Combobox widget without setting a default value.

# python program demonstrating

# Combobox widget using tkinter



import tkinter as tk

from tkinterimport tkinter1



tkinter4tkinter5 tkinter6


# python program demonstrating0# python program demonstrating1tkinter9


# python program demonstrating4

# python program demonstrating5tkinter5 # python program demonstrating7# python program demonstrating8

# python program demonstrating9# Combobox widget using tkinter0tkinter5 # Combobox widget using tkinter2# Combobox widget using tkinter3tkinter5# Combobox widget using tkinter5# python program demonstrating8

# python program demonstrating9# Combobox widget using tkinter8tkinter5  0 1 2 3 4tkinter5  6 7tkinter5  9tkinter9



# python program demonstrating5tkinter5  5 2

# python program demonstrating9# Combobox widget using tkinter8tkinter5  0 1 2import3import4tkinter5  6 2

# python program demonstrating9import9tkinter5 tkinter as tk1tkinter as tk2tkinter5 import3tkinter as tk5tkinter5 tkinter as tk7tkinter9



from1tkinter5 from3

from4tkinter5 from6tkinter5 from8from9tkinter5 tkinter1



tkinter4tkinter5tkinter6tkinter5  0tkinter9# python program demonstrating8

tkinter01tkinter02 2

tkinter01tkinter05 2

tkinter01tkinter08 2

tkinter01tkinter11 2

tkinter01tkinter14 2

tkinter01tkinter17 2

tkinter01tkinter20 2

tkinter01tkinter23 2

tkinter01tkinter26 2

tkinter01tkinter29 2



tkinter35tkinter5  9tkinter38tkinter5 tkinter as tk1tkinter9




Example 2: Combobox with initial default values.
We can also set the initial default values in the Combobox widget as shown in the below sample code.

import tkinter as tk

from tkinterimport tkinter1



tkinter4tkinter5 tkinter6

# python program demonstrating0tkinter56tkinter9


# python program demonstrating5tkinter5  5# python program demonstrating8

tkinter63# Combobox widget using tkinter8tkinter5  0 1 2import3import4tkinter5  6# python program demonstrating8

tkinter63import9tkinter5  3tkinter as tk2tkinter5 import3tkinter as tk5tkinter5 tkinter as tk7tkinter9

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