Why isnt waluigi in smash

  1. He will be, the last 2 games didn't have 2 waves of dlc. Considering they have ARMS which was hard to make a moveset for I don't see Waluigi being any less hard.

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...because he has no "image". I think Sakurai said once in an interview, that a chosen character for Smash should not only reflect the game series that they came from in their fighting styles and animation, but also themselves. They need to have a clear identity. Daisy is a tomboyish princess, K. Rool is an unbalanced, demented lunatic, Ridley a furious monster, Sora a happy-go-lucky young boy with a heart of gold, and Banjo a nice, gentle bear, while Kazooie is a reckless, chaotic bird. What is Waligi's identity? So far he is just this other guy in Mario Party or Tennis. This is what Waluigi desperately needs, a clear identity.

Daisy is only in because she's an echo.

He needed a little molding of course; what kid doesn't? But in time, we came to love him as our own. Say hello J.J.

That checks out, maybe he'll get some games of his own in the future.

This signature is currently under construction, please remain behind the yellow tape.

Sony_7 posted...

Daisy is only in because she's an echo.
A whole lot more deserving than Waluigi, who's not even canon in his own damn series.

JustinTheJagged posted...

That checks out, maybe he'll get some games of his own in the future.
One game I was hoping for was a potential Mario & Luigi RPG 5 - starring Wario and Waluigi in a side story, similar to what they did with Bowser in Bowser's Inside Story.

Sony_7 posted...

Daisy is only in because she's an echo.
This, she was easy to make. She could get decloned in the future but even a unique daisy would be easier than waluigi since she's so similar to Peach appearance wise.

i can't think of a good signature right now

Waluigi has a crotch chop celebration in Strikers. If that isn't identity I don't know what is.

Rolf's Bow is funny in that its name tells you the problem - it's a bow, and it belongs to Rolf. It would be fine if those things were not true.

Deranged cheater with a major persecution and inferiority complex.

PaperSplash posted...

Deranged cheater with a major persecution and inferiority complex.
This is how we see him, but what about Nintendo?

Waluigi isn't made by Nintendo. That's probably the main reason.

Thousands (if not millions) of gamers watched recently as Masahiro Sakurai named Kingdom Hearts' Sora as the last character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. But while this means that the villainous Waluigi will never officially make his way into the game that promoted itself with the slogan "Everyone is here!", a few fans decided to take matters into their own hands.

Uninvited — YouTuber and animator King Bob Gaming collaborated with a few other fans to create the above trailer, which shows various denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom receiving their invites to the Smash Bros. tournament. Needless to say, it does not go well for our friend in purple. Though we've seen our fair share of charming fan-crafted videos in the gaming space over the years, this is one of the best ones, so definitely give it a watch — it's really well-done.

Even in an industry that is constantly congratulating itself, Sora's addition to the roster was a legitimate "end of an era" moment, as Nintendo has continued to work on Ultimate for the better part of three years now. Still, the decidedly unofficial Smash mod community has been hard at work as well, as this trailer is meant to advertise a mod that adds Waluigi to Project M, a modern, fan-driven version of 2008’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl remade with gameplay mechanics from 2001’s Super Smash Bros. Melee. Versions of that mod have been available for download since 2016, but modder MKHT has been working on upgrading Waluigi recently, and the new release will drop sometime this month.

The forgotten ones — While many Nintendo aficionados have a soft spot for Waluigi, let's not forget the dozens of popular characters that gamers lobbied to see in Smash, but didn't make the cut. Habitual contenders included Lanky Kong (a "cousin" of Donkey and Diddy from Donkey Kong 64), Devil May Cry's Dante, and Doomguy from the Doom reboot series. Several of my friends have carried a torch for Viewtiful Joe, and Ammie from Okami. As for me, I suppose it's probably time to admit that Yuri the Harmonixer from Shadow Hearts was always a long shot.

Disney dreams — And while Sora is definitely a good choice for the final spot, it is somewhat strange that he isn't accompanied by any of the licensed Disney characters that made the series such a success — particularly his party-mates Donald Duck and Goofy — but hey, if the mouse doesn't return your call, what are you supposed to do?

Let's start with the conclusion. The reason why Waluigi can't participate in Smash Bros. is because there is no game in which Waluigi plays the main role. I'm sure everyone who reads this will say "duh". But it's a shame that there are still people who can't recognize this obvious fact and won't give up on trying to get Waluigi on Twitter. So what can we do? First, we can invest in Camelot, the creator of Waluigi. Camelot is a company that would be nothing without Nintendo, so if you really want to make Waluigi a success, this should be the quickest way to do it. Alternatively, you could get a rabid Waluigi fan to work at Nintendo's headquarters in Japan. The more Nintendo employees like Waluigi, the more games will be made starring him, and the more he will be a factor in the game.

Nintendo’s fighting game series, Super Smash Bros., is no stranger to controversy — from overpowered characters to including mechanics that seem designed to frustrate competitive players. But perhaps no disconnect between developer and fans is as large as the demand for one particular character: Waluigi.

Nintendo has been so inundated with demands for Luigi’s purple-suited rival that Reggie Fils-Aimé, president of Nintendo of America, explained in an interview that, while the company is aware of the fan demand, the Smash character roster is ultimately up to series director Masahiro Sakurai.

As of this writing, Waluigi remains an unplayable “Assist Trophy” character. And this will never, ever change.


But why do fans want Waluigi so badly in the first place? Part of the character’s appeal is rooted in his bizarre origin. His partner in crime, Wario, first appeared as a foil for Mario in the plumber’s second adventure on the Game Boy. The farting garlic-muncher’s popularity soon got him his own game, later spinning off into the manic WarioWare series.

Conversely, Waluigi first appeared in the Nintendo 64 title Mario Tennis as an evil counterpart to Luigi. He has never starred in his own game and appears exclusively in Mario sports titles, Mario Party games, and the Mario Kart series. Waluigi is an enigma — a superfluous reject of a character who fans have latched onto as an emblem of dejection, leading to his modern-day position as meme in his own right.

Even if he’s never had a starring role, Waluigi’s many appearances in the Mario universe make him a natural candidate for inclusion in Smash. After all, Wario has been in the last three games and Luigi’s sometimes-love interest Daisy — who only appears in one game, besides spin-offs — is in Smash Ultimate, the newest release in the series. But ever since Super Smash Bros. Brawl in 2008, Waluigi has appeared solely in the background. Even through the release of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS, when Waluigi’s fandom truly began to bloom, Sakurai continued to relegate the purple plumber (?) to the status of randomly-summoned Assist Trophy. He swings a tennis racket at fighters for a few seconds before disappearing as quickly as he came.

The question is, why? Why hold back on this character in particular as fan favorites like Pit, Mega Man, and even Ridley — a much-desired character players thought would never be included due to his physical proportions — have made the roster? To understand the truth, we need to talk about the difficult position Sakurai has been in for the last two decades.

Trauma and Control

When Super Smash Bros. was released in 1999, nobody could have anticipated the heights of popularity the series would ascend to over the next 20 years. Ten years later, while Brawl was still in development, anticipation was so high that Sakurai published daily updates about the game. By 2013, he was diagnosed with calcific tendonitis, a condition in which calcium deposits build up in the tendons. This made it painful for him to work and understandably slowed down his process.

It was somewhat unsurprising, then, when Sakurai publicly considered retiring in 2015. The stress of game development — especially on the Smash series — was taking its toll. Since then, he has apparently reduced his schedule to a “mere” 50 hours a week. Even so, he is effectively trapped in the Smash development cycle. The pressure on Sakurai from within and without is so immense that retirement seems unlikely anytime soon.

That isn’t healthy. In The Body Keeps The Score, psychiatrist Bessel Van der Kolk defines traumatic situations as those in which the normal response to stress (fight or flight) is blocked.

“When people are held down, trapped, or otherwise prevented from taking action,” he wrote, “the brain keeps secreting stress chemicals, and the brain’s electrical circuits continue to fire in vain.”

Under such circumstances, a person is stripped entirely of their sense of control. One way people react to this feeling is to seek desperately for any realm of their life in which they can still exert that control — no matter how minor. Rather than allowing them to gain authority over their lives as a whole, however, this behavior is a coping mechanism that doesn’t allow for meaningful growth as a person.

You might think I’m being flippant, likening Sakurai’s position to situations more conventionally understood as traumatic. But imagine the stress involved in running one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. Imagine living with the daily pressure, not just from the company to produce another hit, but from fans demanding that the game cater to casual players while also allowing for high-level tournament play, that it feature an expansive single-player experience, and that the game’s roster include highly specific characters from Nintendo’s history. And Sakurai is, for all intents and purposes, unable to escape this situation. Nothing short of retirement or death will rescue him.

Nintendo typically doesn’t allow candid interviews with its developers. When they are on mic, they tend to speak in general terms, avoiding discussion of the pressures of game development. But in addition to Sakurai’s suggestion that he might retire a few years ago, evidence of his pain is visible in his work.

The Smash Ultimate adventure mode begins with greedy, grasping hands (which are widely implied to represent Nintendo fans) advancing on the game’s roster. Just then, an enveloping light disintegrates not just the playable protagonists, but every character in the game. Only Kirby, Sakurai’s original creation, survives.

Of course, Kirby rescues the other fighters as the game progresses and together they destroy the mysterious antagonists. But it isn’t hard to imagine Sakurai would prefer the Smash cast stay “dead” — and the ravenous demands of fans with it — leaving only his simple, precious puffball unscathed.

It’s Never Waluigi Time

Let’s now return to Waluigi, remembering Nintendo acknowledged the requests for his inclusion in Smash Ultimate (and the company’s statement that the character roster is ultimately under Sakurai’s control). Bombarded by pressures on all sides, and with no real way out, it seems likely Sakurai would exert the only real control he has over the situation by refusing, again and again, this one demand. The more fans clamor for Waluigi’s inclusion, the more adamantly Sakurai would refuse.

Before Smash 4‘s release, he was pleased to announce the featureless Wii Fit Trainer as a surprise character. And his inclusion of a generic Piranha Plant as free DLC for early purchasers of Smash Ultimate — a character nobody asked for and few are excited about — can be seen in this light as the ultimate gesture of refusal. In the buildup to Smash 4’s release, Sakurai went so far as to openly taunt fans.

“Just because you try hard doesn’t mean you’ll make it into the battle,” he said of the character in a Nintendo Direct.

The refusal to include Waluigi reminds fans that, at the end of the day, Sakurai is in control. And as long as he remains unable to escape his situation, that reminder may be the only thing keeping him — and the series — going.

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