Why does my nipple piercing itchy after 2 years?

Have an itchy piercing? You’re not alone. Even if you follow your piercing aftercare plan to a T. Often, itchiness starts a week or more into the healing process. We answer whether it’s a concern, what causes it, and how to prevent itchy piercings.

Is It Normal for Piercings to Itch?

Fear not, an itchy cartilage piercing is perfectly normal. In fact, it’s actually a good sign. An itchy piercing is a sign that your healing is progressing properly. Remember, even though itchiness is normal, scratching is still a bad idea. 

What Causes Itchy Piercings?

When you get a piercing, your body perceives it as a wound. Swelling and scabbing are common in the first few days as your body attempts to defend itself. As the swelling fades your body may attempt to remove the jewellery.

To do so, the connective tissue around the piercing jewellery slowly moves towards the surface of the skin. This results in an itchy feeling that is essentially the body’s attempt to get you to scratch the piercing and remove the jewellery.

It’s important for your body to go through this process to heal around your new piercing, but resist the urge to scratch. Severe itchiness or a rash, however, is not normal. If you have a severe itch or rash it could be a result of: 

Improper Piercing Aftercare

When you get a piercing any qualified piercer will provide detailed piercing aftercare instructions to clean and care for your piercing. If these instructions are not followed, it’s possible to get an infection that can cause an itch. If you believe you have an infection visit a doctor or your piercing artist.

Our Favourite Piercing Aftercare Products

Soaps are also a likely culprit. If you clean the piercing with a soap containing harsh chemicals or triclosan (a common ingredient in household soaps) it can cause an itch. Replace with antimicrobial clear, fragrance-free glycerol soaps or PurSan. 

As well, if you’re using too high of a concentration of salt in your sea salt soaks you may irritate or itch the piercings. Harsh chemicals like hydrogen peroxide are another potential risk. 

Jewellery Selection

Jewellery is a likely candidate for your itchy piercing, especially if you don’t get it from a professional piercing shop. Nickel allergies are common causes of an itch or rash, and nickel is found in many cheap piercing jewellery products. 

Our Favourite Ear Piercing Jewelry

When purchasing jewellery for a new piercing look for implant grade titanium or 14k-18k gold. These materials are lightweight and are free of nickel contamination.

We advise to keep using these materials as long as you have the piercing, but once the piercing fully heals you can replace with other materials. Just keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction. If you start developing a rash or an itch switch back to nickel-free jewellery.

What Can You Do to Stop or Prevent Itching?

As addressed above, the first thing to do is to make sure you are following the right aftercare and using the correct products. Then consider the jewellery. Low-quality jewellery is a potential cause. If these aren’t the source of the issue, there’s more you can do.

Try airing out the piercing. Piercings covered by clothing, such as a belly button piercing, need to breathe. Wearing light, breathable clothing can help as well as removing obstructing clothing when at home. 

Salt soaks can also help reduce itchy piercings. Keep the ratio of salt no greater than ¼ teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt to 1 cup of warm distilled water. You can perform as many salt soaks as you need throughout the day.

If you have dry skin causing the itch there are suitable ointments available. Use only small amounts of ointment. You want to have just enough to moisturize the skin without blocking oxygen from getting to the piercing. If there is any additional redness following the use of ointment stop using the product. 

Don’t scratch. The worst thing you can do for an itchy cartilage piercing is to scratch it. It makes the itching worse, aggravates the piercing, and may even cause damage.

Make Sure Your Piercing Aftercare is Up to Scratch With Expert Piercers

When it comes to your health and safety it always pays to put your care in the hands of experts. At Pierced, our professionally trained piercers always put your safety first. We will advise on suitable jewellery as well as providing personalized piercing aftercare programs.

Schedule a piercing appointment today or walk-in at our Mississauga Square One Shopping Centre

Working with an experienced piercer can make all the difference when it comes to your piercing experience. If you’re in the Mississauga, Ontario area and have any questions about ear piercing, body piercing or jewelry, give us a call or stop by our piercings studio today. We’d love to help walk you through what to expect and help you choose the right option.

Reviewed by Gabriela Pichardo, MD on June 13, 2021

Do you plan to get your nipple pierced? Make sure the procedure is done safely and that you know how to care for your nipple after it’s pierced.

Nipple piercing has some health risks. If you have a health condition or take medication that makes you more likely to get an infection or bleed a lot, nipple piercing could be riskier for you.

Longer healing time. Nipple tissue takes longer to heal than most other pierced areas of your body. It may take up to 6 months for yours to heal.

Lactation and breastfeeding. Nipple piercing could cause problems if you want to breastfeed. Scar tissue around the pierce or your nipple ring could block your milk ducts. Piercings that damage the nerves in your nipple may make it hard for milk to come out. Nipple jewelry can make it harder for your baby to latch on. Your baby might even swallow or choke on a loose nipple ring. Don’t get your nipple pierced if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Wait a few months after you complete breastfeeding.

Abscesses. A pierced nipple is more likely to form an abscess. That’s a painful, pus-filled lump under the nipple or in your breast. You’ll need to see the doctor for treatment.

Infection. Nipples are sensitive tissue and connected to milk ducts. A nipple pierce is more likely to get infected than some other types of piercings. Infections can happen well after you get your nipple or areola, the darker ring around the nipple, pierced. Like any other body piercing, unsterilized equipment can put you at risk for infection with blood-borne diseases like HIV, hepatitis B or C, or tetanus.

Torn skin. If your nipple ring gets caught on your clothes and rips loose, it can tear your skin and require stitches.

Make sure you get your nipple piercing done by a licensed professional in a clean studio. Never pierce your own nipple or let a friend do it.

When you choose a place to get pierced, make sure:

  • The studio is clean.
  • They do piercings and tattoos in separate areas.
  • A staff member asks you if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and refuses to pierce you if you say yes.
  • Nipple piercing equipment and rings are sterilized in a machine called an autoclave.
  • Piercings are done with sterile, single-use needles sealed in a packet that’s opened in front of you.
  • They don’t use piercing guns. These can’t be properly sterilized.
  • The staff member washes their hands before and after the piercing.
  • They wear a new pair of disposable latex gloves while they pierce you.
  • They give you detailed instructions on how to care for your nipple after it’s pierced.
  • Your jewelry is the right size for your nipple.

There will be some pain when you get your nipple pierced. It’ll typically be sore for a week after the piercing. You may also bleed, itch, or see swelling or discharge from the wound. Your nipple may feel sore or irritated as it heals over the next few months.

While it’s healing, keep your pierced nipple clean to prevent infection:

  • Wash your hands with antimicrobial soap and warm water before you touch or wash your nipple.
  • If you see any crusty stuff around your nipple ring, gently rinse it off with warm water.
  • After you wash your nipple, pat it dry with a clean paper towel.
  • You can also soak your nipple in a saltwater solution made of a half-teaspoon of sea salt and warm water. You can let it air dry or pat it dry.
  • Try not to let your nipple ring snag on your clothes, towels, or sheets. This could tear your skin and lead to an infection.
  • You can wear a padded bra, thick sports bra, or cotton T-shirt to protect your newly pierced nipple.

As your nipple heals, you may see some white crust. Your nipple may be sore, irritated, or itchy at times. Even after it heals, you may notice some waxy ooze or crust.

If you notice these signs of an infected nipple, see your doctor:

  • Hot, sensitive, or painful nipple
  • Nipple oozes yellow, green, or brown discharge, or smells bad
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Body aches
  • Rash
  • Fatigue
  • Redness that spreads out from the piercing

Some women remove their nipple rings to breastfeed. Milk can leak out of the piercing. The hole may get smaller or close up after a few weeks. But you’ll probably be able to put your nipple ring in again after you’re done breastfeeding.

If your piercing closes up for any reason, go to a professional studio to have it redone. Don’t try to re-pierce it yourself.

Nipple piercing costs vary, so shop around. It may cost more than ear piercing. The studio will charge you for the piercing and nipple jewelry separately.

Only use nipple jewelry that’s less likely to cause an allergy. This includes metals like gold, stainless steel, titanium, platinum, and niobium. Nickel jewelry is cheaper, but it’s more likely to cause skin reactions.

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