Why are allyl halides more reactive than alkyl halides towards nucleophilic substitution reaction?

In a reaction, SN2 as well as SN1 reactions take place. It only matters that which reaction pathway gives the major product. The answer to your question depends on the type of base used, the substrate and the overall stability of the product. Allyl halides are also reactive to SN2' reactions, i.e allylic nucleophilic substitution reactions. There are a lot of possibilities.

Keep in mind that the electronegativity order of hybridized carbons is $\ce{sp > sp2 > sp3}$. So in an allylic halide, such as $\ce{CH2=CH-CH2Br}$, the alpha carbon is much more partially positive than the alpha carbon in $\ce{CH3-CH2-CH2Br}$. Therefore, the attacking nucleophile will be attracted to the alpha carbon more in the allylic halide compound than in the primary halide. Hence, allylic halides tend to follow SN2 pathways more than primary halides.

But how allyl halide is more reactive than alkyl halide?

The key to reactivity towards $\ce{S_N1}$ is the stability of the formed carbocation. Allyl system stabilises the carbocation through overlap with the vacant p orbital (@gsurfer999 has shown the resonance structures in his answer below). However, note that any allyl halide wouldn't be better at $\ce{S_N1}$ than any alkyl chloride.

In fact, the tertiary alkyl chloride's rate of $\ce{S_N1}$ is faster than that of allylic chloride which is secondary at one end. (due to $\ce{+I}$ effect of 3 methyl groups as well as hyperconjugation)

Visual aid for stabilisation through hyperconugation (from Clayden):

For such comparison, here's a useful table again from Clayden:

In $\ce{S_N2}$ the most important factor is the substrate. The reaction proceeds through a single transition state with trigonal bipyramidal geometry and $\ce{\sim sp^2}$ hybridisation of the electrophilic carbon. The p-orbital makes two partial bonds, one with the nucleophile and another with the leaving group. Thus, it's electron deficient. In such a case, the allyl system provides the additional electron density through conjugation.

However, again note that primary alkyl chloride is better at $\ce{S_N2}$ than allylic system due to least steric hindrance!

  • Page ID45548
    1. SN2 Reactions of Allylic Halides and Tosylates
    2. Contributors and Attributions

    Allylic halides and tosylates are excellent electrophiles for bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN2).

    They exhibit faster SN2 reactivity than secondary alkyl halides because the bimolecular transition state is stabilized by hyperconjugation between the orbital of the nucleophile and the conjugated pi bond of the allylic group as shown in the diagram below.


    6. Arrange the compounds 3-bromopentane, bromobenzene, and 3-bromo-1-propene in order of decreasing SN2 reactivity using their bond-line structures.



    Contributors and Attributions

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    Why is allyl compound more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution than alkyl compounds?

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