Who wrote the 14 principles of scientific management?

F.W. Taylor or Fredrick Winslow Taylor, also known as the ‘Father of scientific management’ proved with his practical theories that a scientific method can be implemented to management. Taylor gave much concentration on the supervisory level of management and performance of managers and workers at an operational level. Let’s discuss in detail the five principles of management by F.W Taylor.

1. Science, not the Rule of Thumb-

This rule focuses on increasing the efficiency of an organisation through scientific analysis of work and not with the ‘Rule of Thumb’ method. Taylor believed that even a small activity like loading paper sheets into boxcars can be planned scientifically. This will save time and also human energy. This decision should be based on scientific analysis and cause and effect relationships rather than ‘Rule of Thumb’ where the decision is taken according to the manager’s personal judgement.

2. Harmony, Not Discord-

Taylor indicated and believed that the relationship between the workers and management should be cordial and completely harmonious. Difference between the two will never be beneficial to either side. Management and workers should acknowledge and understand each other’s importance. Taylor also suggested the mental revolution for both management and workers to achieve total harmony.

Additional Reading: Difference Between Fayol and Taylor Theory of Management

3. Mental Revolution-

This technique involves a shift of attitude of management and workers towards each other. Both should understand the value of each other and work with full participation and cooperation. The aim of both should be to improve and boost the profits of the organisation. Mental Revolution demands a complete change in the outlook of both the workers and management; both should have a sense of togetherness.

4. Cooperation, not Individualism-

It is similar to ‘Harmony, not discord’ and believes in mutual collaboration between workers and the management. Managers and workers should have mutual cooperation and confidence and a sense of goodwill. The main purpose is to substitute internal competition with cooperation.

5. Development of Every Person to his Greatest Efficiency-

The effectiveness of a company also relies on the abilities and skills of its employees. Thus, implementing training, learning best practices and technology, is the scientific approach to brush up the employee skill. To assure that the training is given to the right employee, the right steps should be taken at the time of selection and recruiting candidates based on a scientific selection.

Also Read About Fayol 14 Principles of Management

These five (5) principles of scientific management process involved experiments, observation, analysis, and inference and were applied to create a cause and effect relationship.

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As per the principle of scientific management formulated by Taylor, rule of thumb means application of methods decided by the manager based on his past experience or decisions taken by the manager based on personal judgements.

There are six elements of scientific management as formulated by Taylor:

  1. Work Study
  2. Standardisation of tools and equipment
  3. Scientific selection, placement and training
  4. Development of functional foremanship
  5. Introducing costing system
  6. Mental system

Frederick Winslow Taylor is regarded as the Father of scientific management.

The three advantages of scientific management are as follows:

  1. Reduced cost of production
  2. Increased efficiency
  3. Less production time

14 Principles of Management: this article explains the administrative theory and management theory of the 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol in a practical way. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful management tool.

The 14 principles of Management of Henri Fayol are:

  1. Division of Work
  2. Authority and Responsibility
  3. Discipline
  4. Unity of Command
  5. Unity of Direction
  6. Subordination of Individual Interest
  7. Remuneration
  8. The Degree of Centralization
  9. Scalar Chain
  10. Order
  11. Equity
  12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel
  13. Initiative
  14. Esprit de Corps

History of the 14 principles of Management

In the last century, organizations already had to deal with management in practice. In the early 1900s, large organizations, such as production factories, had to be managed too. At the time there were only few (external) management tools, models and methods available.

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Thanks to scientists like Henri Fayol (1841-1925) the first foundations were laid for modern scientific management.

These first concepts, also called principles of management are the underlying factors for successful management. Henri Fayol explored this comprehensively and, as a result, he synthesized the 14 principles of management. Henri Fayol ‘s principles of management and research were published in the book ‘General and Industrial Management’ (1916).

14 Principles of Management of Henri Fayol

14 principles of Management are statements that are based on a fundamental truth. These principles of management serve as a guideline for decision-making and management actions. They are drawn up by means of observations and analyses of events that managers encounter in practice. Henri Fayol was able to synthesize 14 principles of management after years of study.

1. Division of Work

In practice, employees are specialized in different areas and they have different skills. Different levels of expertise can be distinguished within the knowledge areas (from generalist to specialist).

Personal and professional developments support this. According to Henri Fayol specialization promotes efficiency of the workforce and increases productivity. In addition, the specialization of the workforce increases their accuracy and speed. This management principle of the 14 principles of management is applicable to both technical and managerial activities.

2. Authority and Responsibility

In order to get things done in an organization, management has the authority to give orders to the employees. Of course with this authority comes responsibility. According to Henri Fayol, the accompanying power or authority gives the management the right to give orders to the subordinates.

The responsibility can be traced back from performance and it is therefore necessary to make agreements about this. In other words, authority and responsibility go together and they are two sides of the same coin.

3. Discipline

This third principle of the 14 principles of management is about obedience. It is often a part of the core values of a mission statement and vision in the form of good conduct and respectful interactions. This management principle is essential and is seen as the oil to make the engine of an organization run smoothly.

4. Unity of Command

The management principle ‘Unity of command’ means that an individual employee should receive orders from one manager and that the employee is answerable to that manager.

If tasks and related responsibilities are given to the employee by more than one manager, this may lead to confusion which may lead to possible conflicts for employees. By using this principle, the responsibility for mistakes can be established more easily.

5. Unity of Direction

This management principle of the 14 principles of management is all about focus and unity. All employees deliver the same activities that can be linked to the same objectives. All activities must be carried out by one group that forms a team. These activities must be described in a plan of action.

The manager is ultimately responsible for this plan and he monitors the progress of the defined and planned activities. Focus areas are the efforts made by the employees and coordination.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest

There are always all kinds of interests in an organization. In order to have an organization function well, Henri Fayol indicated that personal interests are subordinate to the interests of the organization (ethics).

The primary focus is on the organizational objectives and not on those of the individual. This applies to all levels of the entire organization, including the managers.

7. Remuneration

Motivation and productivity are close to one another as far as the smooth running of an organization is concerned. This management principle of the 14 principles of management argues that the remuneration should be sufficient to keep employees motivated and productive.

There are two types of remuneration namely non-monetary (a compliment, more responsibilities, credits) and monetary (compensation, bonus or other financial compensation). Ultimately, it is about rewarding the efforts that have been made.

8. The Degree of Centralization

Management and authority for decision-making process must be properly balanced in an organization. This depends on the volume and size of an organization including its hierarchy.

Centralization implies the concentration of decision making authority at the top management (executive board). Sharing of authorities for the decision-making process with lower levels (middle and lower management), is referred to as decentralization by Henri Fayol. Henri Fayol indicated that an organization should strive for a good balance in this.

9. Scalar Chain

Hierarchy presents itself in any given organization. This varies from senior management (executive board) to the lowest levels in the organization. Henri Fayol ’s “hierarchy” management principle states that there should be a clear line in the area of authority (from top to bottom and all managers at all levels).

This can be seen as a type of management structure. Each employee can contact a manager or a superior in an emergency situation without challenging the hierarchy. Especially, when it concerns reports about calamities to the immediate managers/superiors.

10. Order

According to this principle of the 14 principles of management, employees in an organization must have the right resources at their disposal so that they can function properly in an organization. In addition to social order (responsibility of the managers) the work environment must be safe, clean and tidy.

11. Equity

The management principle of equity often occurs in the core values of an organization. According to Henri Fayol, employees must be treated kindly and equally.

Employees must be in the right place in the organization to do things right. Managers should supervise and monitor this process and they should treat employees fairly and impartially.

12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel

This management principle of the 14 principles of management represents deployment and managing of personnel and this should be in balance with the service that is provided from the organization.

Management strives to minimize employee turnover and to have the right staff in the right place. Focus areas such as frequent change of position and sufficient development must be managed well.

13. Initiative

Henri Fayol argued that with this management principle employees should be allowed to express new ideas. This encourages interest and involvement and creates added value for the company.

Employee initiatives are a source of strength for the organization according to Henri Fayol. This encourages the employees to be involved and interested.

14. Esprit de Corps

The management principle ‘esprit de corps’ of the 14 principles of management stands for striving for the involvement and unity of the employees. Managers are responsible for the development of morale in the workplace; individually and in the area of communication.

Esprit de corps contributes to the development of the culture and creates an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.

In conclusion on the 14 Principles of Management

The 14 principles of management can be used to manage organizations and are useful tools for forecasting, planning, process management, organization management, multiple Project Management Methodologies, decision-making, coordination and control.

Although they are obvious, many of these matters are still used based on common sense in current management practices in organizations. It remains a practical list with focus areas that are based on Henri Fayol ’s research which still applies today due to a number of logical principles.

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It’s Your Turn

What do you think? What are the (14) principles of management of today’s management? Do these management principles work in every organization or are there exceptions? And if so, what are the exceptions and what can we learn from them?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information

  1. Fayol, H. (1917). General and Industrial Management. Dunod et E. Pinat.
  2. Hodge, B. J. (2002). Organization theory: a strategic approach. Pearson Education.
  3. Wren, D. A. , Bedeian, A. G. , Breeze, J. D. (2002). The foundations of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory. Management Decision, Vol. 40 Iss: 9, pp.906 – 918 state: It was not until the Storr’s translation that Fayol’s (1949) Administration Industrielle et Générale reached a wider audience, especially in the USA and established Fayol as a major authority on management.

How to cite this article:
Van Vliet, V. (2009). 14 Principles of Management (Fayol). Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: //www.toolshero.com/management/14-principles-of-management/

Published on: 09/07/2009 | Last update: 02/03/2022

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