Who is sais brother

Just thought about it after reading Chapter 299. It kind of made sense...

I thought the EXACT same thing. When you see the book open and the front is a light haired boy, the back a dark haired boy (Sai), I thought the same thing.

Haha, cool, already got one supporter for my theory.

Actually that'd be pretty awesome if that were the case. It'd probably make Kabuto betray Orochimaru because he finally has family, and they'll all live happily ever after. Except when Kabuto gets executed when he goes back to Konoha, and Sai goes nuts and joins Orochimaru and together they destroy Konoha.


Remember that Sai said that his brother is dead.

not to mention that kabuto was found as an infant on a battlefield, so how would sai even know what he looked like?

Yup thast is true^^ so its impossible Kabuto is his bro.

maybe they have the same past or somtin..and are firends or cousins or somtin..but i kinda thought the same thing.

1. Sai' said his brother is dead. 2. Kabuto is a clone, an experiment of Orochimaru. they would only be brothers if Sai is Orochimarus experiment as well. but that is doubtful because Orochimaru didnt recognize who he is.

so NO Kabuto is mosdefinatly Sai's older bro.

1. Sai' said his brother is dead.
2. Kabuto is a clone, an experiment of Orochimaru. they would only be brothers if Sai is Orochimarus experiment as well.

but that is doubtful because Orochimaru didnt recognize who he is.

so NO Kabuto is mosdefinatly Sai's older bro.

Ha...? Where?d you get that?

Well, I personally think it?d be cool if they were related, but we?ll see.

Kabuto can't possibly be Sai's brother. Sai said that his brother was dead, and Kabuto left Konoha without faking his death.

what if sai is an uchiha and sai's brother is that guy itachi killed to get his m-sharingan?

It could be.

I have already said that Sai in an Uchiha,

Aside from the fact Sai said his bro was dead... ... Kabuto being Sai's bro would be boring as fuck. I mean, seriously, who would care? What would it add to Sai's character? To Kabuto's? To the manga? Nothing. If Sai's bro died in some tragic, tragic way however, theres tons of characterisation to be had, not to mention the inevitable paralels to Naruto, etc.

Sorry... but the idea sucks

LOL wtf Kabuto's a clone hahahah who thought that one up however Kabuto being sai's brother

that would be hot

1. Sai' said his brother is dead. 2. Kabuto is a clone, an experiment of Orochimaru. they would only be brothers if Sai is Orochimarus experiment as well. but that is doubtful because Orochimaru didnt recognize who he is.

so NO Kabuto is mosdefinatly Sai's older bro.

What the heck are there forums coming to..Where the hell did you pull that from....haha Kabuto is a clone or Oro's..What manga are you reading bro..

This theory might make sense... if Kabuto and Sai had, you know, recognised each other, or even reacted to seeing each other or... anything!

Kabuto is NOT Sai's brother. Period.

Yes. Sai said his brother was dead. Does that mean he was telling the truth? If Sai and Kabuto ARE brothers, and Kabuto obviously betrayed Konoha, would Sai really be like "My brother is a traitor to Konoha and now works for Orochimaru. Oh, btw, I'm about to do the same. ^.^"? Especially after he made such a huge deal about Sasuke being a traitor? And yes, Kabuto was found on a battlefield when he was a baby and taken in by medical-nins. Doesn't mean they couldn't have had a baby afterwards. If Sai and Kabuto grew up in the same household, they could have easily been raised as brothers. Whether they were told they were not blood brothers, I don't know. EDIT: And as far as the two recognizing each other, how long has Sai been in ANBU? When you enter ANBU, especially ROOT, you give up your former identity. If he's prodigy like Itachi and entered at an early age (obvious by him being in ROOT and trusted by Danzou like this. He must have been in for a while to gain the trust of a hawk-ish, plotting old man running an organization that was supposed to have been taken apart already), then perhaps it's been so long since they've seen each other that they don't recognize one another.

Just a theory though. ^.^.V

Just because they're not brothers, doesn't mean they won't get gay for each other later.

I have thought of this too. Dont tell me how. Before this topic or any theories were made I thought of this. When you look at the book too. In 289? 87? It shows a boy with long white/grey hair. Something's tricky. Maybe Kabuto is just keeping a secret.

You don't just wake up one day and decide to join an ANBU squad that desensitizes you to turn you into an emotionless killer with no bonds and the organization doesn't operate on par with the hokage. He had to have had a reason. And he said his brother died. He's obviously has subconscious emotions about it because he keeps the memento of his brother around.

Doubtful that his brother is still alive.. besides... the front and back cover of his book in 299 show him and his brother at the exact same age. And Sai is around Naruto's age. And Kabuto is 3 years older than Naruto at least (I think), Yondaime was A LOT older...

Well, I suppouse it's not impossible for them to be brothers (nothing is impossible!), but I think it's rather unlikely. I mean, Sai did say his brother was dead and all, and I don't think Sai is the kind to lie about something like that, or at all!

Well, he has to be lying about something. He did just join up with Orochimaru, so either he is a traitor to Konoha, or Danzou has yet another secret motive motive. He has obviously been painted in a bad light. Maybe its just a set up to Danzou giving a great sacrifice.

i dont think so, kabuto was a baby when he was brought back from another country sai would have no way to tell what he looked like at the age of the white haired chiled on the book is

Just thought about it after reading Chapter 299. It kind of made sense...

there is no way unless sai was found as a baby 7 years after kabuto was found as a baby. so the parents must have dropped kabuto off went back had sai and dropped him off.

highly unlikely

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They couldn't be real brothers. Kabuto was adopted, remember. Because of that it wouldn't be that interesting. Now if Uchiha Shisui (Itachi's "best friend) was Sai's brother, that would make things a lot more interesting. Another Uchiha to deal with. Actually, that might suck for the board. So many Sharingan worshippers here. Lol, oh well I'm sure I'll get to laugh at the posts and flames.

Also, if they were brothers...I doubt that Kabuto would be so quick to propose that they use Sai for experiments.

Jounin and chuunin and the hokage have commented on Sasuke being the last of the Uchiha.

Enough said. Sai's not an Uchiha. He does not have sharingan.

Jounin and chuunin and the hokage have commented on Sasuke being the last of the Uchiha.

Enough said. Sai's not an Uchiha. He does not have sharingan.

To begin with not even the hokage knew everything that is going on in the village. As it doesen't seem like anyone recognise Sai to begin with, he could have been taken cared of by Danzou or anyone else in "Ne" for ages. This mean even if he were an Uchiha, nobody outside "Ne" would know about it, and they don't seem to be the kind of people to boast about their doings.

Besides, only a small number of the Uchiha clan have got the Sharingan in the first place. Sai could be one without.

Kakashi was in ANBU, Jiraiya knows everything about everyone, they can't keep a secret like a hidden Uchiha inside Konoha, especially when he's an ANBU. Regardless if they keep off the record, Sai's mother was not spirited away when she conceived him, he was born in Konoha and he CLEARLY was not born in an ANBU squad, fighting since the age of 1 week. He'd be documented as an Uchiha upon birth. Come up with any crazy theory you want. You're just wrong if you're assuming Kishimoto will one day reveal Sai to be an Uchiha. He might as well have Ash from Pokemon crossover into one of the arcs and attack Naruto with a pikachu if he was going to make a person with a troubled relationship with his brother who has a name that starts with S who is arrogant like Sasuke who is now replacing Sasuke in team 7 and who also left Konoha to go to Orochimaru, an Uchiha just like Sasuke.

It'd be the absolute worst "twist" to the story ever, and it's far below Kishimoto's intelligence.

Kabuto's brother is Udon. He looks like an exact clone and will be Konohamaru's (the Akatsuki Leader) evil sidekick.


I thought Udon was a super saiyan though?

Thus making him the final villain of the series.

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