Which of the following regular expressions will not generate a string with two consecutive 1s

Which one of the following regular expressions represents the language: the set of all binary strings having two consecutive 0s and two consecutive 1s?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D

Answer: (B)

Explanation: Option A represents those strings which either have 0011 or 1100 as substring. Option C represents those strings which either have 00 or 11 as substring.

Option D represents those strings which start with 11 and end with 00 or start with 00 and end with 11.

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GATE-GATE-CS-2016 (Set 1)

This set of Compilers Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Regular Expression – 2”.

1. The RE in which any number of 0′s is followed by any number of 1′s followed by any number of 2′s is? a) (0+1+2)* b) 0*1*2* c) 0* + 1 + 2 d) (0+1)*2*

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Answer: b
Explanation: The order for the desired string is 012 and for any number of 0s we write 0* for any number of 1s we denote it by 1* and similarly for 2*.Thus 0*1*2*.

2. The regular expression have all strings of 0′s and 1′s with no two consecutive 0′s is? a) (0+1) b) (0+1)* c) (0+∈) (1+10)* d) (0+1)* 011

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Answer: c
Explanation: From the former bracket we choose 0 or epsilon. Then from the latter part 1 or 10 which can be followed by 1 or 10.

3. The regular expression with all strings of 0′s and 1′s with at least two consecutive 0′s is? a) 1 + (10)* b) (0+1)*00(0+1)* c) (0+1)*011 d) 0*1*2*

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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression (0+1)*00(0+1)* is where either it initially takes 0 or 1 or 00 followed by string of combination of 0 and 1.

4. Which of the following is NOT the set of regular expression R = (ab + abb)* bbab? a) ababbbbab b) abbbab c) ababbabbbab d) abababab

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Answer: d
Explanation: abababab doesn’t end with bbab whereas the other 3 options satisfy the given regular expression.

5. String generated by following expression is?

S->aS/bA, A->d/ccA

Check this: MCA MCQs | Compiler Design Books

a) aabccd b) adabcca c) abcca d) abababd

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Answer: a Explanation: S->aS (substitute S->aS) S->aaS (substitute S->bA) S->aabA (substitute A->ccA) S->aabccA (substitute A->d)


6. Consider the production of the grammar S->AA A->aa A->bb Describe the language specified by the production grammar. a) L = {aaaa,aabb,bbaa,bbbb} b) L = {abab,abaa,aaab,baaa} c) L = {aaab,baba,bbaa,bbbb} d) L = {aaaa,abab,bbaa,aaab}

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Answer: a Explanation: S->AA (substitute A->aa) S->aaaa S->AA (substitute A->aa ) S->aaA (substitute A->bb) S->aabb S->AA (substitute A->bb the A->aa) S->bbaa S->AA (substitute A->bb)


7. If R is regular language and Q is any language (regular/ non regular), then Pref (Q in R) is _____________ a) Non-regular b) Equal c) Infinite d) Regular

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Answer: d
Explanation: So says the definition of Regular Grammar.

8. The production of the form no terminal → Λ is said to be null production. a) False b) True

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Answer: b
Explanation: Here the non terminal that gives null will said to have a null production.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Compilers.

To practice all areas of Compilers, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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L = set of all string no consecutive 1’s where = {0, 1}.


Given a language, L = set of all string no consecutive 1’s i.e. 11.

But it is not very easy to design the above machine because the language of this machine has negation. Negation machine is quite difficult to design.

We previously discussed how to design the negation machine.

Steps to design a negation machine:

Step 1. First, do complement of the given negation language L to a non-negative language LC.

L= Set of all string no consecutive 1’s

LCSet of all string containing two consecutive 1’s

Step 2. Design a machine for LC = Set of all string containing two consecutive 1’s

 LC = {11, 011, 110, 111, 1111, ……}

Regular Expression RE(0 + 1)* 11 (0 + 1)* 

M1: Machine Set of all string containing two consecutive 1’s

Another Regular Expression from machine = (010)*1(0 + 1)* 

Step 3. The complement of M1 for the original machine i.e. set of all strings no two consecutive ones.

M2: Machine “Set of all string containing two consecutive 1’s

RE = (0 + 10)* + (0 + 10)*1 = (0 +10)* (λ + 1) = (λ + 1) (0 + 10)* 

See the RE = (0 + 10)*is the all combination of strings now we want all string but no consecutive 1’s. Every time when 1 is coming and we put zero (0) be for or after then never consecutive 1’s is possible.

(0 + 10)* in this the last zero prevents making consecutive 1’s because every time when 1 came the zero is coming after that. So, never consecutive 1’s is possible.

But here (0 + 10)* every time string which ends with 0 but there is no string end start with 1. So we put (λ + 1). RE = (0 + 10)*(λ + 1), now string end with 0 or end with 1’s.


This is a GRE practice question.

Which of the following regular expressions generate(s) no string with two consecutive 1’s? (Note that ε denotes the empty string.)

I. (1 + ε)(01 + 0)*

II. (01+10)*

III. (0+1)*(0+ε)

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) I and II only

(E) II and III only

My understanding is that neither I nor III generates strings with 11. In I, a string containing 1 is either 1 or 1 surrounded by 0's. In III, all 1's are preceded by 0's. But the correct answer is A, so III must generate a string with 11 somehow. Please explain. Thanks!



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