What type of speech context refers to communication that takes place via television radio newspaper magazines etc?


1. Intraparsonal - This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and receiver of message.

"The message in your brain, which processes what you are thinking and feeling. There is feedback in the sense that as you talk to yourself, you discard certain ideas and replace them with others." (Hybels and Weaver, 2012)

2. Interpersonal - This refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship between and among them.

Solomon and Thesis (2013) state that "the interpart of the word highlights how interpersonal communication connects people. When you engage in interpersonal communication, you and another person became linked together. The personal part means that your unique qualities as a person matter during interpersonal communication."


1. Dyad Communication - Communication that occurs between two people.

2. Small Group - This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more that twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type of communication all participants can freely share their ideas in a loose and open discussion.

3. Public - This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message can be driven by informal or persuasive purposes.
4. Mass Communication - This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media.


     The context dictates and affects the way people communicate, which result in various speech style.
These are (1) intimate, (2) casual, (3) consultative, (4) formal and, (5) frozen. Each style dictates what appropriate language or vocabulary should be used or observed.

1. Intimate - This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members of individuals. The language used in this style may not be shared in public.

2. Casual - This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are used.

3. Consultative - This style is the standard one, professionally or mutually acceptable language is a must in this style.

4. Formal - This style is used in formal setting. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.

5. Frozen - This style is frozen in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.

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