What to give dogs for dry skin

A few years back my boyfriend made a remark about my dog’s skin and how smooth it was. “She doesn’t have dry, flaky skin like a lot of other dogs.” It was true, she didn’t. For the first few years she had the shiniest, healthiest coat I’ve seen — but this winter changed all that.

Does your dog have some dry flakes on his skin? Are his elbows a bit dry? Looking for a simple remedy for your puppies itchy skin?

My dog had some extra dry skin this winter. After taking her to the vet and ruling out any medical issues such as allergies we decided to try using olive oil for my dog’s dry skin.

The Most Common Causes of Dry Skin in Dogs

Many dogs experience dry or flaky skin throughout their life, and it’s especially common in the winter when the humidity drops. But it’s important to remember that not all dry skin is caused by a drop in humidity.

Before trying something new for your dog’s dry skin it’s important to figure out what’s causing it to begin with. For example, if your dog has food allergies adding a little bit of olive oil to their diet won’t solve the underlying problem and your dog is still gonna have itchy skin.

Figuring out what’s causing your dogs dry skin is the first step, and a trip to the vet is recommended because finding the underlying problem isn’t always simple. There’s a long list of potential medical issues that can cause your dog’s skin to become dry. It’s best to have your veterinarian examine your dog and to help rule out any medical problems.

Your vet can take a sample of your dogs skin to diagnose or rule out many different skin conditions. The most common causes for a dogs dry skin are:

  • Allergies – both food & seasonal
  • Fleas (can cause sever allergies in some dogs)
  • Ringworm
  • Skin Infections
  • Mange
  • Sensitivity to grooming products
  • Stress or Hormonal changes

Luckily for my dog it wasn’t a food allergy or an infection; our vet thinks it’s related to the low humidity of winter. Just like us our dogs can get dry, flaky skin during winter. Remember that itchy skin is a symptom, not a disease.

Why I Chose Olive Oil For My Dogs Dry Skin

If I could magically create more humidity in winter I would since dry skin isn’t much fun to deal with. My dog and I get dry, itchy skin in the winter and it’s no fun at all. I got a humidifier to help, but it had limited results. And while I can just use lots of lotion to help soothe my dry skin that’s not an option for my dog, so I went searching for another plan.

There are many recommendations out there for treating a dogs dry skin, but I didn’t have any of those on hand. And since I didn’t have any advanced formula shampoos, nor any salmon or coconut oil I started with something I did have — some extra virgin olive oil.

I started adding a few drops to my dog’s food to see what would happen. I wasn’t expecting much from just a few drops but it was worth trying. If it didn’t improve her skin at least she was getting more omega 3 fatty acids and polyphenols.

Fatty acids are crucial to a healthy body; both inside and out. As many commercial pet foods are very low in beneficial fatty acids, a high quality pet supplement is necessary for most pets to avoid skin and hair coat problems and achieve their optimal health. – Dr. Donna Spector DVM, DACVIM

Much to my surprise it did work (and she loves the taste), and although her skin isn’t quite as shiny as it was a few years ago the flakes are gone. And she’s itching a lot less.

Dramatization of my dog’s dry, flaky skin – the drool icicle was her idea.

How Much Olive Oil Should You Give Your Dog?

When adding olive oil to your dog’s diet the general rule of thumb is to add no more than 1 tsp. for every 20 pounds of body weight. I give my 70 pound dog 2 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil twice a day with each meal.

There aren’t any health risks associated with adding a little bit of olive oil to your dogs diet, but with anything new it’s best to introduce it slowly since it can cause stomach upset. And if your dog needs to lose a few pounds you might want to consider an alternative because just one tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories.

If you don’t want to add olive oil to your dog’s food you can apply it directly onto your dogs skin. (that sounded a bit messy, so I stuck with the food route)

Can Olive Oil Really Help Your Dogs Dry Skin?

Olive oil definitely made a difference in my dogs itchy and dry skin. Within a week I noticed a visual difference and by week two her coat and skin were back to normal. Granted she only had a mild case of dry winter skin, but it certainly did the job.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E, and has been linked to promoting cardiovascular health. So even if my little experiment hadn’t worked on her skin I was sure she’d be gaining other health benefits from the addition.

If you find your dog getting a little dry this winter help ease his itching with a few drops of olive oil. It’s not only an easy home remedy for dry skin it also has numerous health benefits:

Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil prevents and lessens the effects of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It contains oleic acid, in addition to some compounds (squalene and terpenoids) that are believed to be effective in preventing cancer, which kills a staggering 50 percent of dogs over age 10. – 8 Reasons to Add Olive Oil to Your Dogs Diet – Dogster

Additional Resources/Dry Skin Remedies

What Home Remedies Do You Use For Your Dogs Dry Skin?

I’m definitely impressed with how well olive oil worked on my dogs skin. But after much research it seems many pet owners have even better results with coconut oil. What have found that helps ease your dogs dry skin?

Next winter I might have to buy a bottle of coconut oil to try it out. If it doesn’t work as well as olive oil I’ll just make some smoothies instead, I don’t think it’s a complete loss either way.

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Recommended Reading:

It's not difficult to spot a dog with dry skin. If the itching, scratching and biting don't give it away, the flaky skin and dry fur are easy to spot.

Not only will dry skin irritate your pet, it could lead to more serious health troubles if left untreated. These six dog dry skin home remedy options are easy to use, and you probably already have the required supplies.

Itchy skin can be caused by a number of factors, and some of those factors have been researched in scientific studies.

These studies show that the most common cause of itchy skin is dryness.

Dry skin on dogs could be linked to environmental factors, like cold winter air, or a nutritional deficiency.

The best way to ensure your dog's skin and coat stay moisturized is to keep him well-hydrated and feed him a balanced diet. Even if you provide these things, your dog may still suffer from dry skin.

Like humans, some dogs just have dry skin for no particular reason. In these instances, a dog dry skin home remedy could be just the cure your pooch needs. Just be sure that you're keeping a close watch on the condition to make sure it's not getting worse.

Veterinarians do warn that some of the causes of dog itchy skin may be serious and could lead to health issues if left untreated.

Usually, if your dog's itchiness is severe and doesn't go away, you'll need to do tests at your local vet clinic to rule out any serious health conditions.

6 Home Remedies for Dry Skin on Dogs

1. Colloidal Oatmeal Bath

Most of the over-the-counter products you will find to treat itchy skin contain oatmeal.

Studies have shown that the properties in oats have a positive effect on itchy skin.

You can make your dog an oatmeal bath at home to help heal dry or itchy skin.

Add 3 cups of colloidal oatmeal to a bathtub filled with about 6 inches of warm water.

Put your dog in the bathtub and use a cup to apply the oatmeal water generously to his coat.

Massage the mixture in to the skin with your hands.

Try to allow the oatmeal bath to sit on your pup for 20-30 minutes (if he will stay in the tub long enough).

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider has been shown to have antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.

DO NOT use it directly on your dog's skin, as the high acidity could actually be harmful to him.

It could irritate the skin and cause a burning sensation for your dog.

Make a 50/50 blend of apple cider vinegar and water in an empty spray bottle.

You can apply the spray to your dog 2-3 times per day until the itching stops.

If your dog has chronic skin itchiness, you can use the apple cider vinegar spray once per day as a treatment remedy.

This spray should not be used if your dog has open wounds on his skin. It will sting and cause your dog pain.

You should also pay close attention to the itchy areas after applying this itchy dog home remedy.

If you notice any redness or the itchiness seems to get worse, stop using the spray and contact your veterinarian.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many effects on skin and coat health.

It can help with skin conditions like eczema, contact dermatitis, itchy skin and generally improve skin health.

It can reduce allergic reactions, especially when it comes to flea allergies.

Skin cuts and wounds can also be treated with coconut oil. It can disinfect cuts and promote their healing.

It can also help with the treatment of dry skin, hot spots, bites and stings.

Coconut oil can be given to dogs orally or applied topically. Including coconut oil in your dog’s diet can improve their health in general but for the best results regarding skin and coat health, coconut oil should also be used topically.

Coconut oil can be given to dogs daily with meals, one or two times per day.

The amount of oil in your dog’s meals depends on his size.

For example, many vets recommend that you introduce coconut oil slowly to your dog’s diet, like 1/4 of a teaspoon for small dogs on a daily basis.

For large breeds, start with one teaspoon with every meal.

Using coconut oil topically is rather simple. It is important to start with small amounts because your dog’s fur can get greasy if you apply too much.

Just rub a bit of oil between your hands and put in on your dog’s fur, like you are giving him a gentle massage.

Use your fingertips to rub the oil on his skin as well. It is best to apply coconut oil once or twice a week.

Coconut oil is very healthy for dogs, so you don't have to worry if your pooch licks this dog dry skin home remedy.

SIMLAR: 9 Ways to Improve Your Dog's Skin and Coat Health

4. Chamomile or Green Tea

Chamomile or Green tea is one of the best dog dry skin home remedy options, and many pet owners have it right in their kitchen cupboards.

Steep the tea bag in about 8 ounces of water and allow it to cool.

You can apply the wet bag directly to the affected area or use a cotton ball to apply the tea to the hot spot.

Apply it 3-4 times per day until the affected area has healed completely.

You can also give your Fido a bath in chamomile or green tea. Steep 6-8 tea bags in a bathtub filled with about 6 inches of warm water.

Bathe your pet following the same instructions I listed in the colloidal oatmeal section above.

5. Baking Soda Paste

Mix 1 part baking soda with 1 part water to create a paste.

Apply the paste to the affected area and allow it to sit for 20 minutes.

Rinse the area thoroughly.

If your dog is experiencing wide-spread itching, you can also create a baking soda bath by adding 2 cups of baking soda to a bathtub of water.

Bathe your dog using the same instructions as noted above.

6. Vitamin E Oil

You can purchase Vitamin E oil at most pharmacies or natural living stores. Applying the oil topically to sores on your pet's skin will help them heal faster.

You can also apply the oil to especially dry patches of skin to help moisturize and heal the area.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to defend against free radicals in the skin.

It is also good for your dog's immune system, heart and liver health and overall skin and coat health.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

READ NEXT: 9 Common Skin Problems in Dogs – How to Prevent and Treat Them

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