What is the spiritual meaning of a sand dollar

I have always enjoyed going for long walks on the beach and listening to the rhythmic sound of waves crashing onto the shore. The variety of shells I see along the way helps make the walk even more enjoyable. However, there’s one little shell that has always intrigued me—the Sand Dollar.

When I was a young boy, I thought Sand Dollars were real dollars that had washed up on the beach from a pirate’s treasure chest. Why else would people refer to them as dollars? My thoughts of money quickly vanished when Dad placed a Sand Dollar in my hand and told me why they were on the beach. Although there are several versions of the Sand Dollar’s symbols, I still prefer the one my dad shared with me.

Sand Dollars share an important message about the love, birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. The following is my dad’s version of the Sand Dollar’s messages.


The circular shape of a Sand Dollar symbolizes the never-ending love Jesus has for each of us.

The image on the top is a Poinsettia with the Star of Bethlehem in the center. This star guided people from afar to the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The Poinsettia/star symbolizes the birth of Jesus—the reason we celebrate Christmas.

The five holes symbolize the wounds in the hands, feet, and side of Jesus. They were caused by the four nails and spear used during His crucifixion.

On the bottom is the image of an Easter lily, which symbolizes eternal life through Jesus’ resurrection.

On the inside of a Sand Dollar are five doves of peace. They symbolize the goodwill and peace the angels sang when Jesus was born. The goodwill and peace that we are to share with others.

The beauty of a Sand Dollar is in its messages and not its physical appearance. The next time you see one—think about the messages of the symbols. You may want to consider sharing Jesus’ love with others by sharing the symbols of the Sand Dollar.

Have a great day and a Happy Easter weekend!

Tom Tatum – Author – 2016

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Rachel Hathaway/CC-BY 2.0

Sand dollars are given spiritual meaning by some Christians. According to some legends and poems, the sand dollar represents the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The five slits in sand dollars are said to represent Christ’s wounds during his time on the cross. On one side of the sand dollar is what looks like an Easter lily with a star in the middle, which serves as a reminder of the birth of Christ. The star of Bethlehem is the star that the shepherds followed to see the baby Jesus, according to the biblical tale. On the opposite side of the sand dollar is an outline of a poinsettia, or Easter lily, a flower that represents the Christmas season. Sand dollars are also symbols of peace. Legend has it that there are five doves inside the shells that are free to bring goodwill to the world when the sand dollar is broken.


The sand dollar is a sea animal that has a firm, compressed, disk-shaped shield, it has a body structure that is formed with tightly united plates.

These are just beneath their slender skin.

They have small spikes that tightly cover up the entire shell and enable the sea creature to burrow in sand just below the surface.

Some symbolic meaning of sand dollar is given below

  • Transformation.
  • Internal strength.
  • Bravery.
  • Planned Activities.
  • Encouragement.
  • Freedom Movement.
  • Socialism.
  • Reformation.

Sand Dollars can change their place frequently and move freely without hesitation. Sand Dollars can choose their living place. They transform their position all of a sudden.

Sand Dollar as a totem animal

Their symbols deal with appearance, feelings, morality. Their color transformation has also symbolic significance.


Sand Dollars live in a hard surface and often change their positions. This symbolizes their strength. This animal totem gives us inspiration, encouragement for success. They show the way to build something in life. They show the influence of having a clear path and correspondences.

Inspiration and self-defense

They live beyond the low water line or just underneath the exterior surface. Their living area includes both sandy and muddy terrain. Sand Dollars often hide themselves under the surface and also change color.

They can make their own preferred and secured living place. These characteristics symbolize their inspiration to live and also their self defensive mentality. It can encourage one to choose their own path, and also the need to teach one on how to protect themselves.

Symbolic colors

Sand Dollars are found in different colors. Their green color signifies healing or treatment, blue shows emotional feelings, purple shows spirit of life.

Understandings of the sand dollar

Sand Dollars live in groups, even when they move freely, they move all together. They are often found all together. It is related with their liking for flexible underside areas. It helps in their reproduction.

Creativity and Planning

Sand Dollars have mystery characteristics. Biologists discovered Sand Dollars can clone themselves. Sand dollars have larvae that clone themselves as a method of self-protection. They double their number although successfully maintaining their dimension. This symbolic totem teaches us how to keep our existence even in worst situations. Their technique can make us think about the backup way of avoiding dangers.

Their mentality to change plan and their togetherness shows a great virtue.

Sand dollar shows as a spirit guide when

  • We are caught in a decision.
  • We need an inspiration.
  • We need to protect ourselves.
  • We have a weak mentality.
  • We need to& understand the value of teamwork.

Call on sand dollar as a spirit guide when

  • You need to make a decision right away.
  • You feel you are losing the reason to go on.
  • You feel like your safety is in jeopardy.
  • You wish to strengthen your mental capacity.
  • Everything seems to be disconnected in a team.

Sand Dollar Fossil offers a unique link between Earth and Water energies, a potent combination which can lead to personal growth on many levels! It invites us to live more magically – to dare the impossible and to dream big. But it also encourages us to do the work to make our dreams come true. Fortune favors the bold, and Sand Dollar Fossil teaches us to to deserve victory and to feel worthy of receiving great abundance. Sand Dollar Fossil is linked to the Root and Sacral Chakras and attuned to the astrological signs of Virgo and Pisces. It is connected to the elements of Water; and vibrates to the numbers 2 and 8.

Sand Dollar Fossil offers us a fresh start, a chance to shake off our old “baggage” and step into a beautiful new life! It has a playful energy inviting us to let our worries go and allow our hearts to be young and innocent again. Sand Dollar Fossil can also help us to dive deep within; to explore our emotions better, and to recognize emotional patterns that no longer serve us so that they can be released. It also reminds us to actively connect on a regular basis with our dearest friends and family members. Sand Dollar Fossil helps us to recognize and celebrate how lucky we truly are.

Sand Dollar Fossil is a wonderful stone for stimulating new ideas, from artistic creativity to business strategies. It helps us to invest further in our own success. It is particularly helpful for anyone who suffers from negative financial beliefs, and can help us to create more positive thought patterns around money, abundance, and our own worthiness. Sand Dollar Fossil helps us to realize that money is nothing more than a tool, and wielded correctly it can bring great joy and peace to ourselves as well as to others.

Sand Dollars are the only creature that can clone themselves for purely defensive reasons, rather than reproductive. They split into two smaller sand dollars when the sense predators are nearby. This makes it a fascinating talisman for anyone who is immunocompromised and needs to take extra precautions. It helps us to see the early signs and warnings, long before a problem develops and to follow a “better safe than sorry” philosophy. If other people are critical of our precautions, Sand Dollar fossil shields us from self-doubt and encourages us to be logical rather than emotional. If the signs of danger are there, only a fool would ignore them! Sand dollar fossils also make fun talismans for the feet.

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