What is the relationship between the light-dependent reactions and light independent reaction?

Light independent reactions, which are responsible for CO2 fixation/sequestration, are also affected by the presence of antibiotics and other APIs.

From: Aquatic Toxicology, 2021

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The products of light-dependent reactions are used in the light-independent reactions The products of light-independent reactions must be present for light-dependent reactions to take place. They are not related They cannot occur in the absence of light.

Do light-dependent and light independent occur at the same time?

In fact the light independent reactions occur at the same time as the light dependent reactions because they are driven by the ATP made by the light-dependent reactions. Both systems shut down in the dark. The light-independent reactions can last a little longer if there is ATP remaining in the chloroplast.

What is the relationship between light dependent and light-independent reactions?

In the light-dependent reactions energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and that energy is converted into stored chemical energy. In the light-independent reactions the chemical energy harvested during the light-dependent reactions drives the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.

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Where does light dependent reaction occur?

Light-dependent reactions happen in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts and occur in the presence of sunlight. The sunlight is converted to chemical energy during these reactions. The chlorophyll in the plants absorb sunlight and transfers to the photosystem which are responsible for photosynthesis.

When can light-independent reactions occur?

In fixation the first stage of the Calvin cycle light-independent reactions are initiated CO2 is fixed from an inorganic to an organic molecule. In the second stage ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-PGA into G3P then ATP and NADPH are converted to ADP and NADP+ respectively.

Which of the following statements best represents the relationships between light-dependent and light-independent reactions?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis? The light-dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH which are then used by the light-independent reactions.

How are the light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis related quizlet?

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis use water and produce oxygen. … The light-independent reactions release energy and the light-dependent reactions require energy. The light-dependent reactions pass electrons through an electron transport chain to the light-independent reactions.

How do the processes of light-dependent and light-independent reactions help the cell conserve energy and matter?

These molecules are then used to produce the carbohydrate molecules when light is not available. This alternation helps in the conservation of the energy as the plant can consume sufficient light energy and then produce the carbohydrate molecule when this energy cannot be harvested from the environment.

What is formed during the light independent phase of photosynthesis?

In the light-independent reactions or Calvin cycle the energized electrons from the light-dependent reactions provide the energy to form carbohydrates from carbon dioxide molecules. The light-independent reactions are sometimes called the Calvin cycle because of the cyclical nature of the process.

Where do the light dependent reaction and the Calvin cycle occurs in the chloroplast?

Light-dependent reaction takes place in the presence of light energy in thylakoid membranes (grana) of the chloroplast Calvin cycle occurs at the stroma of the chloroplast.

What happens during light reaction in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis begins with the light reactions. … The energy is then temporarily transferred to two molecules ATP and NADPH which are used in the second stage of photosynthesis. ATP and NADPH are generated by two electron transport chains. During the light reactions water is used and oxygen is produced.

Why does the light-independent phase come after the light-dependent?

The light-independent reactions are sometimes called the Calvin cycle because of the cyclical nature of the process. … After the energy is transferred the energy carrier molecules return to the light-dependent reactions to obtain more energized electrons.

Which process occurs during the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis quizlet?

Which process occurs during the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis? Water molecules are split. … ATP and NADPH are produced in the light-dependent reactions and used in the light-independent reactions.

What are the light and dark reactions in photosynthesis?

The light reaction is the initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP and NADPH whereas dark reaction is the second step of photosynthesis which utilizes the energy from ATP and NADPH to produce glucose.

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Which best describes the light independent reactions?

Which best describes light-independent reactions? They are the first stage of photosynthesis. They utilize the energy stored in ATP and NADPH.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between light-dependent reactions and Calvin cycle?

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle? The light reactions produce ATP and NADPH both of which are used in the Calvin cycle.

Which is true about light independent reactions?

Remember that light independent reaction does NOT require light and is sometimes referred to as the Calvin cycle or dark reactions. This process takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. This process is also known as carbon fixation where CO2 is used with other molecules (ATP and NADPH) to create glucose.

In what way are the light dependent and light?

The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions.

What happens during the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis quizlet?

The light-dependent reactions require light and water occur in the thylakoids and produce ATP and NADPH. The light-independent reactions require carbon dioxide occur in the stroma and produce high-energy sugars.

What does light dependent reaction use?

The light-dependent reactions use light energy to make two molecules needed for the next stage of photosynthesis: the energy storage molecule ATP and the reduced electron carrier NADPH. In plants the light reactions take place in the thylakoid membranes of organelles called chloroplasts.

Why should the light dependent reaction occurs before the light independent reaction?

In light – dependent photosynthesis the photosynthetic pigment absorbs the light energy and convert it into chemical energy ATP and NADPH2 . … So the light-dependent reaction should occur before the light-independent reaction.

Which of these is the process used in the light independent reaction?

The light independent process (also called dark reactions or the Calvin-Benson cycle) takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. Carbon dioxide is modified by series of chemical reactions to form carbohydrates. The energy for these reactions comes from ATP and NADPH generated during the light dependent process.

Where do light-dependent reactions occur Brainly?

Explanation: Light-dependent reactions which take place in the thylakoid membrane use light energy to make ATP and NADPH. The Calvin cycle which takes place in the stroma uses energy derived from these compounds to make GA3P from CO2.

How do the events in the Calvin cycle depend on the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

How do the events in the Calvin cycle depend on the light-dependent reactions? The Calvin cycle uses the ATP and NADPH produced during the light-dependent reactions to produce high-energy sugars.

What three reactions occur during the light reactions in photosynthesis?

Figure 1. Light reactions harness energy from the sun to produce chemical bonds ATP and NADPH. These energy-carrying molecules are made in the stroma where carbon fixation takes place. The light-independent reactions of the Calvin cycle can be organized into three basic stages: fixation reduction and regeneration.

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Is the Calvin cycle light dependent?

The Calvin cycle refers to the light-independent reactions in photosynthesis that take place in three key steps. Although the Calvin Cycle is not directly dependent on light it is indirectly dependent on light since the necessary energy carriers (ATP and NADPH) are products of light-dependent reactions.

Where in the chloroplast light reaction occurs?

the thylakoid discs
The light reaction takes place in the thylakoid discs. There water (H20) is oxidized and oxygen (O2) is released. The electrons freed up from water are transfered to ATP and NADPH.Aug 21 2014

Where does Calvin Benson cycle occur?

The Calvin cycle Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) cycle reductive pentose phosphate cycle (RPP cycle) or C3 cycle is a series of biochemical redox reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplast in photosynthetic organisms.

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar and different?

Photosynthesis involves the use of energy from sunlight water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. … For example both processes synthesize and use ATP the energy currency.

Which of the following occurs during the light dependent reactions?

In the light-dependent reactions which take place at the thylakoid membrane chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight and then converts it into chemical energy with the use of water. The light-dependent reactions release oxygen as a byproduct as water is broken apart.

What happens during the light-dependent reactions quizlet?

The light-dependent reactions produce oxygen gas and convert ADP and NADP+ into the carriers ATP and NADPH. ATP and NADPH provide the energy needed to build high-energy sugars from low-energy carbon dioxide.

Which events take place in light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

The light-dependent reactions release oxygen as a byproduct as water is broken apart. In the Calvin cycle which takes place in the stroma the chemical energy derived from the light-dependent reactions drives both the capture of carbon in carbon dioxide molecules and the subsequent assembly of sugar molecules.

What three reactions occur during the light reactions in photosynthesis quizlet?

  • Absorption of light energy.
  • Conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
  • hStorage of chemical energy in the form of sugars.

The Calvin cycle is also called the dark reactions or light-independent reactions because it is the part that doesn’t need energy from the sun to happen. … So although the cycle itself doesn’t use light energy it does depend on the light reactions to provide it with the ATP and NADPH.

Photosynthesis – Light Dependent Reactions and the Calvin Cycle

Photosynthesis: Light-dependent/independent reactions

Photosynthesis (UPDATED)

Photosynthesis: Light Reaction Calvin Cycle and Electron Transport

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