What is the ploidy of the most conspicuous form of most fungi?

Hydras and jellyfish both live in a freshwater lake that is slowly being acidified by the runoff from a chemical plant built upstream. Which population is predicted to be better able to cope with the changing environment?

  1. jellyfish
  2. hydra
  3. The populations will be equally able to cope.
  4. Both populations will die.

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Ploidy refers to the number of sets of chromosomes present in an organism.

Option b is correct because fungi have both diploid as well as haploid stages and show alternation of generation. In fungi, the most conspicuous form is a haploid stage as it is noticed mostly except its zygote form when it is diploid.

Option a is incorrect because all stages of fungi are haploid except zygote.

Option c is incorrect because fungi show alternation of generation but the most conspicuous form is haploid.

Option d is incorrect because the most conspicuous form in fungi is haploid.

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