What is the percent by mass concentration of a solution that contains 30.00 g of sugar dissolved in 150g of water?

What is the percent by mass concentration of a solution that contains 30.00 g of sugar dissolved in 150g of water?

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Answer : A

Solution : A solution contains a solid solute (sugar ) dissolved in a liquid solvent (water),so we have to calculate the concentration of this solution in terms of the mass percentage of solute (sugar ) we, Know that : <br> Concentration of solution `=("Mass of solute")/("Mass of solution ")xx100` <br> here, Mass of solute (sugar )=30g <br> And ,Mass of solvent (water)=370g <br> So ,Mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent <br> =30+370 <br> =400 g <br> Now ,Putting the values Of mass of solute and mass of solution in the above formula formula ,WE get : <br> Concentration of solution `=(30)/(400)xx100` <br> `=(30)/(4)` <br> 7.5 per cent (or 7.5% ) <br> THus , the concentration of this sugar solution is 7.5 per cent (or that it is a 7.5 % sugar solution).

What is the percent by mass concentration of a solution that contains 30.00 g of sugar dissolved in 150g of water?

Published 13.12.2020 14:15 on the subject Science by RoseTheShadowHunter

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What is the percent by mass concentration of a solution that contains 30.00 g of sugar dissolved in 150g of water?

Published 12.12.2020 16:15 on the subject Science by elaineeee

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A solution containing 30 grams of sugar dissolved in 370 grams of water. Calculate the concentration of the solution.

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