What is the ideal BMI in Korea?

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Page 2

  Korea (n = 1576) Taiwan (n = 2199) Chi-squared N (%) N (%)
Weight status 50.29***
 Underweight/Normal 887 57.0 988 47.2
 Overweight 314 20.2 412 19.7
 Obese/Severely obese 355 22.8 695 33.2
Body shape image 64.49***
 Underweight 273 17.4 299 13.6
 Normal 735 46.7 820 37.3
 Overweight 565 35.9 1078 49.1
Gender: female 832 52.8 1113 50.6 1.74
Married (Cohabiting) 1007 64.1 1309 59.7 7.61**
Urban 1353 86.3 1802 82.6 9.37**
Never smoking 1136 72.3 1282 58.3 345.25***
Never drinking 1064 67.6 1562 71.1 5.21*
  Mean SD Mean SD t
Age (year) 48.94 58.5 46.78 17.7 1.63
Education year 11.89 4.3 11.40 5.1 3.12**

  1. SD standard deviation
  2. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

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