What is the difference between a fundamental and realized niche What factor can determine the realized niche that and organism occupies?

To introduce the niche I start with a quick overview of some key definitions, especially abiotic and biotic factors then give a schematic of the niche that I've devised. We then watch two videos, one on the resource partitioning between herbivores in Mozambique and then experimental ecology of anoles in the Caribbean. Students then use the resources provided here to produce a graphic summary of an example of when a fundamental niche becomes a realised niche.

Try this  2.1 Fundamental vs Realised Niche Concept 

Significant Idea:

A species interacts with its abiotic and biotic environments, and its niche is described by these interactions.

Recommended Teaching Time (not including practicals): 1 hour

From the Guide (IB ESS Guide 2015):

  • A species is a group of organisms that share common characteristics and that interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

  • A habitat is the environment in which a species normally lives.

  • A niche describes the particular set of abiotic and biotic conditions and resources to which an organism or population responds.

  • The fundamental niche describes the full range of conditions and resources in which a species could survive and reproduce. The realized niche describes the actual conditions and resources in which a species exists due to biotic interactions.

  • The non-living, physical factors that influence the organisms and ecosystem

  • such as temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, and precipitation - are termed abiotic factors.

  • Interpret graphical representations or models of factors that affect an organism’s niche. (Application and Skills)

Note: It is useful to be aware that for some organisms, habitats can change over time as a result of migration

These are the activities available on this page.

Introducing the Niche Presentation

Introducing the Niche Presentation ​

Supporting Videos from HHMI

Video 1:Niche Partitioning and Species Coexistence HHMI with Prof. Rob Pringle of Princeton University

Video 2: The Phylogentic Tree of Anole Lizards HHMI with Prof. Sean Carroll and Prof. Jonathan Losos

Student Task on Resource Partitioning and the Realised Niche - Exploring the Niche

2.1 Fundamental vs Realised Niche Concept 



The study of interactions among and between organisms in their abiotic environment.

Abiotic Factors:

The non-living, physical factors that influence the organisms and ecosystem — such as temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, and precipitation.

Biotic Factors:

The interactions between the organisms—such as predation, herbivory, parasitism, mutualism, disease, and competition.


A species is a group of organisms that share common characteristics and that interbreed to produce fertile offspring.


A habitat is the environment in which a species normally lives.


A niche describes the particular set of abiotic and biotic conditions and resources to which an organism or population responds.

Fundamental vs Realised Niche

The fundamental niche describes the full range of conditions and resources in which a species could survive and reproduce.

The realized niche describes the actual conditions and resources in which a species exists due to biotic interactions.

Competition Leads to Resource Partitioning

The green anole is native to Florida and the brown anole is an introduced, non-native species to the area.

The fundamental niches of these two species overlapped and through competition the green anole developed a narrower realized niche. The Resources have been partitioned.

Video 1:Niche Partitioning and Species Coexistence HHMI with Prof. Rob Pringle of Princeton University

Video 2: The Phylogentic Tree of Anole Lizards HHMI with Prof. Sean Carroll and Prof. Jonathan Losos

A fundamental niche is the term for what an organism’s niche would be in the absence of competition from other species. Generally however there are competitors for the same lifestyle. Rabbits compete with groundhogs for food.

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What is one difference between the fundamental niche and the realized niche?

A fundamental niche is a type of theoretical niche. On the other hand the realized niche is the range where species live. In the fundamental niche there is no competition for the resources or predators. On the other hand a realized niche is a range where competition occurs for both resources and predators.

Why is the realized niche considered a subset of the fundamental niche?

Why is the realized niche considered a subset of the fundamental niche? … The range of abiotic and biotic conditions under which a species persists is its realized niche. The realized niche determines the geographic range of a species or of various populations that compose a species.

Why is a realized niche smaller than a fundamental niche?

The actual niche the species occupies is called its realized niche. Because of interspecific interactions the realized niche of a species may be considerably smaller than its fundamental niche.

What is the relationship between the fundamental niche and the realized niche of a species Brainly?

Let us look at some of the differences between a fundamental and a realized niche. A fundamental niche can be defined as the range of environmental conditions in which each of the species survives. The realized niche can be termed as the range of environmental conditions in which a species is really found.

What factors dictate a species realized niche quizlet?

A species’ realized niche is the set of environmental conditions in which the species is actually found in nature. It is a subset of the species’ fundamental niche the realized niche is further restricted by biotic interactions like competition predation and parasitism.

Which of the answer choices best describes a species niche?

Resource partitioning results in: A move from the fundamental niche to the realized niche for both species. Which of the answer choices best describes a species’ niche? Its habitat and how it uses available resources in that habitat.

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between a realized niche?

Which of the following statement best describes the difference between a realized niche and a fundamental niche? The realized niche describes the conditions of the environment in which a species is actually found while a fundamental niche describes the potential environmental conditions tolerated by a species.

What dictates the shape of a species realized niche?

Since the shape of the realized niche depends on the habitat possibilities offered by the environment as well as the interactions between species the shape of the realized niche n-dimensional hypervolume may contain holes.

How do lions change their environment?

Lions have adapted strong retractable jaws and rough tongues to help them eat their prey and lions that live in particularly hot environments have adapted to stay cooler in the heat.

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Why do you think biodiversity is so important?

Biodiversity is important to humans for many reasons. … Ecological life support— biodiversity provides functioning ecosystems that supply oxygen clean air and water pollination of plants pest control wastewater treatment and many ecosystem services.

What is a lion’s purpose?

Lions are carnivores and have no natural predators besides man which makes them apex predators or keystone species. They cull populations of herbivores and smaller carnivores through predation. Without lions some creatures would overpopulate.

How is niche determined?

The niche (better refined as the ‘ecological niche’) is determined by the biotic factors which comprise of living features such as animals plants and fungi and abiotic factors. … By analogy it may be said that the habitat is the organism’s “address” and the niche is its “profession” biologically speaking.”

Can a realized niche be larger than a fundamental niche?

The fundamental niche is larger than the realized niche. It can be said that as the realized niche grows the fundamental niche also grows accordingly. The realized niche can be called as a subset of fundamental niche.

How can I decide my niche?

If you’re struggling to decide or you need more data to work with use the following five steps to find your niche.

  1. Identify your interests and passions. This may be something you’ve already done. …
  2. Identify problems you can solve. …
  3. Research your competition. …
  4. Determine the profitability of your niche. …
  5. Test your idea.

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs as well as the price range production quality and the demographics that it is intended to target. It is also a small market segment.

How is a niche different from a habitat?

A habitat is the place where an organism lives while a niche is that organism’s role within that environment.

Fundamental vs. Realized Niche

What Is A Niche? | Ecology & Environment | Biology | FuseSchool

Ecological Niche

Ecological niche – fundamental & realised

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