What is the biggest secret of success?

This past year has been an interesting one for my career.

I want to share the secret of success as it looks today, but first, let’s back up a little …

I never really thought I had a career. What I had was a business.

Over the years, I measured my success by whether my profits went up or down; whether I was getting regular referrals; and — in recent years — whether my audience was growing.

And all of the above have grown steadily over the years, I’m happy to say.

More recently, I’ve realized that I have a career, too.

I’m now working for Copyblogger Media. A few weeks ago, I was given the responsibility of taking over management of the Copyblogger blog.

It’s one of the most successful marketing blogs in the world. I’m truly honored.

Today, I want to tell you why I’ve had the success I’ve had, both in my business and my career.

It all boils down to one trait — the most important one of all, I’ve found.

The secret of success isn’t glamorous

Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
–Napoleon Hill

I love the quote above. To me, these three traits are the “3 Ps” of business success.

Patience means not expecting exceptional success right out of the gate. It means recognizing you’ll have to put in time if you want to see results.

Persistence means not giving up, even after you’ve been at it for a while, and despite not experiencing immediate results.

Perspiration simply means hard work. It means squeezing every ounce of creative thinking and effort from your day, and pouring it into the projects you’re working on.

Of these, the one that has made the biggest difference to my career is persistence.

The “P” word that changes everything

It’s not glamorous. It’s not fashionable. And it’s not always fun.

But persistence is the single trait that will make the biggest difference in your life.

Persistence is the secret of success in my book.

There have been plenty of times I’ve wanted to give up over the years. Let’s review:

  • When I found myself — shortly after starting my business — moving from the United States to a foreign country where I’d have to run my business in another language and culture.
  • When my biggest client (in terms of invoicing) dropped me suddenly — through no fault of my own — from one day to the next. This has happened twice in the life of my business!
  • When I devoted a full year to establishing a presence on the web, and my new online business wasn’t earning enough to make it my primary focus. (Yup: that really happened.)

I realize that from your vantage point, it may look like I’ve had an easy time.

Like my business and career have been smooth sailing all the way.

And I’m here to tell you that’s just not true.

The one trait that has seen me through

I used to smile and tell people, “Persistence is my middle name.”

It was a joke. But you know what? It’s kind of true.

The twists, turns, challenges, and defeats I’ve experienced? Persistence is the trait that has most helped me get past them.

Once again — persistence is the secret of success.

In some cases, it may have looked more like this:

Persistence … in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. –Garrison Keillor

Because sometimes you have to persist, push, and keep going even when you think, “Life is trying to send me a message.”

Yes, sometimes Life throws a wrench in your plans. But you have a choice about how you interpret every turn of event.

You can see it as a sign to give up.

Or you can see it as a sign to learn, adapt, and forge ahead, maybe along a slightly different path.

Guess which one I tend to choose?

Persistence means seeing challenges as opportunities. –Pamela Wilson

I leave you with the wise words of the Weebles commercial of my youth.

Next time Life throws a wrench in your plans, or you feel like giving up your dreams, remember:

“Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.”

Don’t give up. Keep going. It’s the secret of success.

It’s fine to wobble, but don’t fall down and stay there.

You can do it: I believe in you!

This short video talks about one of the biggest secrets to success.

Hi, guys, Neil Waterhouse, stuck on my wall is this, SIWISNT. Success is what or who I say no to. And this is not just for business, it’s for many different aspects of life from business, to health, to friends, to pets, to our partners, and most definitely to our hobbies as well. Throughout life we’re continuously bombarded with shiny new objects, and every time we allocate part of our life to the next shiny new object, we have to take away time from something else.

 Time, of course, is finite, if we give our time to anything new, we have to give less time to something else. The secret to success is, to almost anything in life is mastery, and the easiest way to master anything is from small, continuous baby steps. If your goal is to spend more time with your children, this again requires saying no to many of the distractions that, you know, that just continually come up. If the goal is to build an online business, mastery again comes from continuous small baby steps, and again, it requires saying no to, you know, to all the continuous distractions that, they come up once, daily basis these days with emails, et cetera.

One of my hobbies in life is building and flying radio controlled aircraft, and I often have a very hard time keeping my credit card in my pocket every time I see a new plane that I like, but I do because a while back I realized that I had 26 aircraft, and there’s only 52 weeks in a year. Which meant I can only fly each aircraft on average twice a year. The problem with flying each aircraft only twice a year is I could never master each aircraft. This taught me a valuable lesson in life, it’s exactly the same with business, less is always more.

 There are so many opportunities to make money online from social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, as well as drop shipping, selling used items, importing, private labeling, you know, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Now as the host and founder of the four largest eBay and Amazon medic groups in Australia, I continuously see the distinction between the most successful sellers and the people who want to be successful. And then this distinction is the most successful sellers lock in and master one task and then they outsource it before moving to the next shiny new object. On the other side of the scale, I see other people that continually chase the next shiny silver object.

They find it, they start it, and then as soon as they find the first hurdle that, you know, hurdles continually always come up with everything in life, rather than find the solution, they go searching for the next shiny object, and they do that again until they find the next hurdle. Then again, they search for the next shiny new object, and then they continue to go round, and round, and round in this cycle.

If they’d just mastered one of those strategies, they’d now be what many people would classify as an expert. This is the same with pretty much everything in life. From photography, to snow skiing, to dog train, to exercising, to painting, to gardening, to surfing, to building businesses. Success is what or who you say no to. That’s all for this week, please scroll down below and leave me a comment. Until next week, list more, sell more, this is Neil Waterhouse.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

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One of the biggest secrets to success

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The greatest secret about success is that everyone is already successful. You are already a success at getting exactly what you want. That is right, regardless of what you think — you are already successful at getting everything you want and think about.

When I got this simple point things started to change for me. A man told me, “Grant, you are already successful — achieving those things you have your attention on.” I thought to myself, “what is it I have my attention on?” I started writing down all the things I thought about constantly;

“I never have enough money”

“Everything is cost too much”

“Customers are cheap”

“Relationships are tough”

“I have a good month and then a bad month”

“I’m not made for sales” and much more.

I immediately realized that I was successful at those things I believed in and gave my attention to everyday.

You are succeeding at the things you commit your attention to. What you do is you continue to acknowledge and validate them each day, (I don’t have enough money, customers are cheap and marriage is hard) is proof that you achieve that which you give the most attention.

This has been written about for thousands of years in many different ways by many different people, “what you think is what you get,” “as a man thinketh he is,” “what the mind conceives it will achieve,” —the fact is whatever you pay attention to you do achieve. Now get that! Don’t tinker with this concept — you are successful already!

Almost everyone agrees with this concept except for those that just throw it all away as nefarious. The biggest challenge with success is not getting it for a moment, but keeping it. You will be a success at anything you give continuous attention to.

“You are successful at getting what you give attention to.”

Everyone is successful — the issue is most people are only successful at being right rather than getting what improves the quality of their life. I was successful when I was fired from my first five jobs. “I hate my jobs,” I said to myself over and over. I even said, “I wish they would fire me.” So they did — I was right and I hung in there until I made sure I was right. Get it?

The great secret is to know you are a success at everything you put your attention on. Now shift your attention to being CLEAR about what you really define as success.

Change your thinking and realize that you are successful at everything —take total responsibility for creating everything you have right now. You are already getting everything you give your attention to.

Focus now on clarifying what you really define as success. I have been doing this since I was 25 long before I had the life I have today.

“I am married to a beautiful woman that supports me in all things I want.”

“We have two beautiful children.”

“I have ten plus best-selling books that have sold millions of copies.”

“I am a household name for helping entrepreneurs worldwide.”

“I have fuck-you money, I am happy, I treat people right, I do business only with people I want, I own thousands of positive cash flow real estate properties, and my income exceeds $10m a year.”

At the age of 25, when I was broke, before I had ever written a book, gotten married or bought a piece of real estate I made it a habit to write things like this each morning when I woke. I changed what I was giving my attention to and I continued to give it attention. Success is funny — it demands attention. It’s somewhat like a lawn or garden; no matter how green it gets or beautiful the flowers, you must continue to tend to it. You have to keep mowing, trimming, edging, watering, and planting; otherwise, your grass will turn brown and your flowers will die. That is the case for success as well.

Here are 5 ways for you to keep your success and grow it:

1. Clarify what success is for you
2. Put attention on where you want to go
3. Surround yourself with others that will support that cause
4. Pay attention daily to your progress
5. Learn whatever you need to move success forward

I designed the Cardone University online training platform to help keep people focused on their success, motivated daily to achieve their goals, and skill them up to dominate whatever space they set their attention to. Enroll here.

Be great and I hope this helps,

Grant Cardone

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