What is pokemon game

Pokémon Platnium on DS

The latest incarnation of the global phenomenon is among us. If you've resisted so far there is no longer any escape.

Pokémon isn't a game, it isn't a kid's game and it certainly isn't a craze. Pokémon is a phenomenon. When it was released in 1996 we were riveted by Dolly the cloned sheep, Tupac Shakur and the brilliant Day Of The Tentacle by Lucas Arts. Only Pokémon soldiers on today and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger...

Pokémon at a glance...

  • Pokémon stands for Pocket Monster.
  • The game was released in 1996 and was created by Satoshi Tajiri.
  • There are 493 species of monster in the game.
  • Pokémon is a role-playing game where you capture ad then train monsters to battle against each other.
  • By 2008 Pokémon had sold 186 million copies worldwide making it second only to the Mario games in terms of videogame success.
  • As well as a the videogames, two TV shows, a trading card game and a series of Manga books there's also a 747 Jumbo Jet with a Pokémon paintjob, a theme park and a slew of merchandise.

Pokemon types

The release cycle for Pokémon games is well established so Pokémon Platinum, while welcome, is not a bolt from the blue for those well-versed in Pokémon lore. The pattern goes like this: a new Pokémon game or playing system is created and two games are released simultaneously. These games share the new playing system and differ only in the Pokémon monsters available in the game. Then, a little time later (two years in the case of Pokémon Platinum) a compendium edition is released that includes the monsters from both games and perhaps one or two slight game tweaks. Pokémon Platinum is a combination of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, which were released in 2007.

The mini games, the atmosphere, the Wi-Fi tweaks and even the music are as good as it gets.

Is it impossible to start?

At the heart of every Pokémon game is a basic premise that is no more complex than a game of Scissors Paper Stone. That simplicity means that anyone can start playing the game. However once you begin the depth of play can give you vertigo and this is what so recommends the game: usually a strategy game that can boast the options and depth of Pokémon Platinum would demand a PhD's worth of research for anyone to get involved. The reality however, is that anyone can get involved, immediately.

The basics

Pokémon are little creatures that fight each other. You are a Pokémon trainer and can train up to six Pokémon at a time. Pokémon can be found in the wild or under the control of other trainers. Pokémon have one of three character elements Fire, Water and Grass. Fire beats grass, grass beats water and water beats fire. However, in addition to this there are a further 17 elements and Pokémon can have one or more of these. Add to this four moves per creature, each one with its own element, and the game's possibilities start pirouetting off into a dizzying mathematical whorl.

The play is all about the Pokémon. As a trainer you start out by hunting them out in Sinnoh, the region of Poke world that Platinum is set in. You capture them, train them and then battle them against rival in-game trainers, wild Pokémon and online against the world's Pokémon.

It'll take you more than 20 hours to complete the main quest but that doesn't mean that it's then game over. Oh no, that just means the whole thing opens up for even more fun. Initially the Battle Frontier opens up, which is Pokémon stripped down to its simplest form. In this section you travel to an island away from the main play area, rent a team of Pokémon and fight against progressively tougher trainers. This lends itself to effectively training you, increasing your battle skills and teaching you how to craft a well-balanced team. Skills which you will soon be itching to try out against friends or in the Wi-Fi Plaza area for random play against other players worldwide.

If you've played Pokémon before then you'll know all you need to about the phenomenon and all you need to know now is that this is the game at its absolute pinnacle. The mini games, the atmosphere, the Wi-Fi tweaks and even the music are as good as it gets. If, however, you are new to this then simply be aware that just dipping your toe into Pokémon will soon see you immersed in a whole new gaming universe and it's a deeply pleasant and rewarding experience.

Niantic Labs

Why is everyone suddenly talking about Pokémon?

That’s the question I’ve been asking myself after navigating a Pokémon-related social media hailstorm the last few days, complete with witty tweets and jokes, and even great videos, like this one of my boss, Recode Editor in Chief Dan Frommer, catching his first Pokémon at a Mets game.

I like Pokémon. I played with the cards as a kid — the game is 21 years old. But I was perplexed recently to see everyone talking about Pokémon Go, a new mobile game that seemed to come out of nowhere. (It has actually been in the works for some time.)

So, while most of America started a quest to "catch ’em all" — that is, capture all the pretend Pokémon in the game — I set out on a different quest, a quest to figure out what in the name of sweet baby Pikachu this Pokémon Go was and where it came from.

What is Pokémon Go?

It’s a new mobile game, free on both iOS and Android, that lets you create an avatar that can catch, train, trade and battle Pokémon characters inside the game.

That sounds familiar. Isn’t that the premise of virtually every other Pokémon game?

Yes, kinda. What makes this game unique is that it uses your phone’s location services and camera so that you can catch Pokémon in real life. That is, when you walk around the streets of whatever city or town you live in, your avatar moves inside the game. So finding new Pokémon and checkpoints for the game actually requires you to get off the couch and walk down the block.

How does this work?

The game uses Google Maps technology to place your avatar on a virtual world that mirrors your real life surroundings. When you find a Pokémon, the game uses augmented reality to make it look like whatever Pokémon you’ve stumbled across is indeed standing right there in front of you.

Here’s a YouTube video that gives you an idea of what I mean:

Who created Pokémon Go?

Nintendo and the other creators of Pokémon teamed up with Niantic Labs to create the game. The former company was born inside Google; its founder, John Hanke, was a key leader of its Geo products (Google Maps, Earth). After moving to leave Google in 2010, Hanke was lured to stay with funding for Niantic, a skunkworks project to build mobile AR tools using Google Maps technology. Niantic’s first effort, Ingress — an augmented-reality, massively multiplayer, location-based online game — cultivated a small but very dedicated following. Niantic spun out of Google in the fall, yet the search giant stayed involved, participating in a $30 million investment for developing Pokémon Go.

Is there a good reason you’re telling me all about this now?

Sort of! For starters, it’s the talk of the internet at the moment, and the technological elements around AR and location are getting a lot of attention. Plus, this game is helping the idea of AR move mainstream, so you may stumble across references to it in places you didn’t expect to. Like when Washington state’s Department of Transportation tweeted out a plea so people wouldn’t go "Pokémoning from behind the wheel." Plus, Nintendo stock was up 10 percent Friday, thanks to the game’s immediate popularity.

What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened with someone playing Pokémon Go so far?

I’m glad you asked. A 19-year-old Wyoming woman found a dead body while looking for Pokémon near a river by her house. Pretty absurd.

This article originally appeared on Recode.net.

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