What is NOT one of the four main categories that are monitored by Resource Monitor

This page lists the monitored-resource types available in Cloud Monitoring.

The list of monitored-resource types in Monitoring is not presently the same as the list of monitored-resource types in Logging.

About the list

This list is regenerated frequently and time-stamped. The fields listed for each resource type are defined in the MonitoredResourceDescriptor object type in the Monitoring API. For an introduction to monitored resources, see Metrics, time series, and resources.

The following list was last generated at 2022-07-08 19:28:07 UTC.


Display name: Vertex AI Endpoint

Description: A Vertex AI API Endpoint where Models are deployed into it.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP Project owning the Endpoint.
  • location: The region in which the service is running.
  • endpoint_id: The ID of the Endpoint.


Display name: Vertex AI Feature Store

Description: A Vertex AI Feature Store.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP Project owning the Featurestore.
  • location: The region in which the service is running.
  • featurestore_id: The ID of the Featurestore.


Display name: Matching Engine Index Endpoint

Description: An Endpoint to which Matching Engine Indexes are deployed.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP Project owning the Index.
  • location: The region in which the service is running.
  • index_endpoint_id: The ID of the index endpoint.


Display name: Vertex Pipelines Job

Description: A Vertex Pipelines Job.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The region in which the service is running.
  • pipeline_job_id: The ID of the PipelineJob.


Display name: AlloyDB cluster

Description: Monitored resource representing an AlloyDB cluster.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud region in which the AlloyDB cluster is running.
  • cluster_id: AlloyDB cluster identifier.


Display name: AlloyDB database

Description: Monitored resource representing a database on AlloyDB instance.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud region in which the AlloyDB instance is running.
  • cluster_id: AlloyDB cluster identifier.
  • instance_id: AlloyDB instance identifier.
  • database: The name of database schema associated with the AlloyDB engine.


Display name: AlloyDB instance

Description: Monitored resource representing an AlloyDB instance.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud region in which the AlloyDB instance is running.
  • cluster_id: AlloyDB cluster identifier.
  • instance_id: AlloyDB instance identifier.


Display name: Anthos L4LB

Description: An Anthos L4 load balancer instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The GCP region where to store metrics.
  • kind: The kind of the load balancer.
  • group_name: The name of the load balancer group.
  • hostname: The hostname of the instance running LB.


Display name: Produced API

Description: An API provided by the producer.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service: The API service name, such as "cloudsql.googleapis.com".
  • method: The API method, such as "disks.list".
  • version: The API version, such as "v1".
  • location: The service specific notion of location. This can be the name of a zone, region, or "global".


Display name: API Gateway

Description: Fully managed API Gateway.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP Project owning the Gateway.
  • location: The region in which the Gateway is running.
  • gateway_id: The ID of the Gateway.


Display name: Apigee environment

Description: Monitored resource for Apigee environment.


  • resource_container: The GCP project ID that writes to this monitored resource.
  • org: An organization is a container for all the objects in an Apigee account.
  • env: An environment is a runtime execution context for the proxies in an organization.
  • location: Location where the Apigee infrastructure is provisioned.


Display name: Apigee proxy

Description: Monitored resource for Apigee API proxy.


  • resource_container: The GCP project ID that writes to this monitored resource.
  • org: An organization is a container for all the objects in an Apigee account.
  • env: An environment is a runtime execution context for the proxies in an organization.
  • location: Location where the Apigee infrastructure is provisioned.
  • proxy_name: A proxy is your interface to developers that want to use your backend services.
  • revision: Revisions let you manage API proxy updates as you create and deploy them to an environment.
  • host: Host is the runtime container/vm that the proxy is deployed on.


Display name: Apigee proxy (v2)

Description: Monitored resource for Apigee API proxy (v2).


  • resource_container: The GCP project ID that writes to this monitored resource.
  • org: An organization is a container for all the objects in an Apigee account.
  • env: An environment is a runtime execution context for the proxies in an organization.
  • location: Location where the Apigee infrastructure is provisioned.
  • proxy_name: A proxy is your interface to developers that want to use your backend services.
  • runtime_version: Version of the Apigee Runtime for the proxy.
  • instance_id: Instance ID of the Apigee application.


Display name: Apigee target (v2)

Description: Monitored resource for Apigee target (v2) with the host endpoint label.


  • resource_container: The GCP project ID that writes to this monitored resource.
  • org: An organization is a container for all the objects in an Apigee account.
  • env: An environment is a runtime execution context for the proxies in an organization.
  • location: Location where the Apigee infrastructure is provisioned.
  • proxy_name: A proxy is your interface to developers that want to use your backend services.
  • type: Type of target such as service callout.
  • endpoint: Target endpoint URL.
  • runtime_version: Version of the Apigee Runtime for the proxy.
  • instance_id: Instance ID of the Apigee application.


Display name: Apps Script Function

Description: An Apps Script function.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • invocation_type: The invocation type.
  • function_name: The function name.


Display name: Google Assistant Action

Description: An Action in a Google Assistant App.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • version_id: Stringified version ID of the assistant agent.
  • action_id: Action ID of the assistant agent.


Display name: Google Assistant Action Project

Description: A project in a Google Assistant Action.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".


Display name: Audited Resource

Description: A Google Cloud resource that produces an audit log.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service: The name of the API service generating the audit log.
  • method: The name of the API method generating the audit log.


Display name: Autoscaler

Description: An autoscaler for a single managed instance group.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The zone or region for the autoscaler.
  • autoscaler_id: The identifier for the autoscaler.
  • autoscaler_name: The name of the autoscaler.
  • instance_group_manager_id: The identifier for the managed instance group scaled by the given autoscaler.
  • instance_group_manager_name: The name of the managed instance group scaled by the givenautoscaler.


Display name: Amazon ALB Load Balancer

Description: A load balancer in Amazon ALB.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • name: The name of the load balancer.
  • region: The AWS region for the load balancer. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the load balancer.


Display name: Amazon CloudFront CDN

Description: A CloudFront content distribution network.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • distribution_id: The CloudFront distribution identifier assigned by AWS.
  • region: The AWS region for the CloudFront distribution. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the CDN.


Display name: Amazon DynamoDB Table

Description: A table in Amazon DynamoDB.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • table: The table name.
  • region: The AWS region for the table. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the table.


Display name: Amazon EBS Volume

Description: An Amazon EC2 Elastic Block Storage volume.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • volume_id: The EBS volume identifier assigned by AWS.
  • region: The AWS region for the volume. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the volume.


Display name: Amazon EC2 Instance

Description: A VM instance in Amazon EC2.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • instance_id: The VM instance identifier assigned by AWS.
  • region: The AWS region for the VM. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the VM.


Display name: Amazon Elasticache Cluster

Description: A cache cluster in Amazon Elasticache.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • cluster_id: The cluster identifier.
  • region: The AWS region for the cluster. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the cluster.


Display name: Amazon Elastic Load Balancer

Description: A load balancer in Amazon Elastic Load Balancer.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • region: The AWS region for the load balancer. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • name: The name of the load balancer.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the load balancer.


Display name: Amazon EMR Cluster

Description: A cluster in Amazon Elastic MapReduce.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • cluster_id: The cluster identifier.
  • region: The AWS region for the cluster. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the cluster.


Display name: Amazon Kinesis Stream

Description: A stream in Amazon Kinesis.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • stream_name: The stream name.
  • region: The AWS region for the stream. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the stream.


Display name: Amazon Lambda Function

Description: A function in Amazon Lambda.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • function_name: The function name.
  • region: The AWS region for the function. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the function.


Display name: Amazon RDS Database

Description: A database in Amazon Relational Database Service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • name: The database name.
  • region: The AWS region for the database. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the database.


Display name: Amazon Redshift Cluster

Description: A cluster in Amazon Redshift.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • cluster_identifier: The cluster name.
  • region: The AWS region for the cluster. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the cluster.


Display name: Amazon S3 Bucket

Description: A bucket in Amazon S3.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • bucket_name: The bucket name.
  • region: The AWS region for the bucket. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the bucket.


Display name: Amazon SES Region

Description: An Amazon region with Amazon Simple Email Service enabled.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • region: The AWS region. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the SES region.


Display name: Amazon SNS Topic

Description: A topic in Amazon SNS.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • topic: The topic name.
  • region: The AWS region for the topic. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the topic.


Display name: Amazon SQS Queue

Description: A queue in Amazon Simple Queue Service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project under which data is stored for the AWS account specified in the aws_account label, such as "my-project".
  • queue: The queue name.
  • region: The AWS region for the queue. The format of this field is "aws:{region}", where supported values for {region} are listed at //docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html.
  • aws_account: The AWS account number for the queue.


Display name: BigQuery BI Engine Model

Description: BigQuery BI Engine Model.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Google Cloud location of the resource.
  • model_id: The identifier of the BI model.


Display name: BigQuery Dataset

Description: A dataset in BigQuery.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • dataset_id: The name of the BigQuery dataset.


Display name: BigQuery DTS Config

Description: A BigQuery Data Transfer Service configuration.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Google Cloud location of the resource
  • config_id: The id of the DTS configuration.


Display name: BigQuery Project

Description: BigQuery Project.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Location of the resource.


Display name: Cloud Bigtable Backup

Description: A backup in Google Cloud Bigtable.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • instance: The identifier for the instance.
  • cluster: The identifier for the cluster.
  • backup: The identifier for the backup.
  • zone: The zone of the backup.


Display name: Cloud Bigtable Cluster

Description: A cluster in Google Cloud Bigtable.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • instance: The identifier for the instance.
  • cluster: The identifier for the cluster.
  • zone: The zone of the cluster.


Display name: Cloud Bigtable Table

Description: A table in Google Cloud Bigtable.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • instance: The identifier for the instance.
  • cluster: The identifier for the cluster.
  • table: The name of the table.
  • zone: The zone of the table.


Display name: Cloud Build

Description: A build in Cloud Build.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • build_id: The unique id of the build.
  • build_trigger_id: The unique id of the build trigger.


Display name: Certificate Map

Description: Certificate Map instance.


  • resource_container: The GCP container associated with the resource.
  • location: GCP location.
  • certificate_map_id: ID of Certificate Map.


Display name: Certificate Manager project

Description: Certificate Manager project.


  • resource_container: The GCP container associated with the resource.
  • location: GCP location.


Display name: Cloud Composer Environment

Description: A Composer environment runs the managed Apache Airflow service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Cloud Composer location in which the environment is running.
  • environment_name: The user-specified environment name.


Display name: Cloud Dataproc Batch

Description: A Dataproc batch execution.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Cloud Dataproc region to which the batch was submitted.
  • batch_id: The user-specified batch id.


Display name: Cloud Dataproc Cluster

Description: A Dataproc cluster with separate cluster name and id labels.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • cluster_name: The user-specified cluster name.
  • cluster_uuid: The generated cluster id.
  • region: The Cloud Dataproc region in which the cluster is running.


Display name: Cloud Dataproc Job

Description: A Dataproc job execution.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The Cloud Dataproc region to which the job was submitted.
  • job_id: The user-specified job id.
  • job_uuid: The generated job uuid.


Display name: Cloud Data Loss Prevention Project

Description: A Cloud Data Loss Prevention project.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Google Cloud location where the operation is running.


Display name: Cloud Function

Description: A function in Google Cloud Functions.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • function_name: The short function name.
  • region: The region in which the function is running.


Display name: Cloud Run Job

Description: A job in Cloud Run.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • job_name: Name of the monitored job.
  • location: Region where the job exists.


Display name: Cloud Run Revision

Description: A revision in Cloud Run.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service_name: Name of the service.
  • revision_name: Name of the monitored revision.
  • location: Region where the service is running.
  • configuration_name: Name of the configuration which created the monitored revision.


Display name: Cloud Scheduler Job

Description: A Cloud Scheduler Job.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The region of the job.
  • job_id: Identifier of the job.


Display name: Cloud Tasks Queue

Description: A queue in Cloud Tasks.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • queue_id: The name of the queue.
  • target_type: The target type the queue is dispatching to.
  • location: The zone or region where the application is running.


Display name: Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline

Description: A Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the Google Cloud project associated with this resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud location where the resource resides.
  • pipeline_id: ID of the delivery pipeline resource.


Display name: Cloud IoT Device

Description: A Device in Google Cloud IoT.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • device_num_id: The unique numeric identifier of the device.
  • device_registry_id: The user-defined string identifier of the device registry.
  • location: The cloud region of the device registry.


Display name: Cloud IoT Registry

Description: A Device Registry in Google Cloud IoT.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • device_registry_id: The user-defined string identifier of the device registry.
  • location: The cloud region of the device registry.


Display name: Cloud ML Job

Description: A Google Cloud ML job.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • job_id: An immutable identifier for a job.
  • region: Cloud ML region.


Display name: Cloud ML Model Version

Description: A Google Cloud ML model version.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • model_id: An immutable identifier for a model.
  • version_id: An immutable identifier for a version.
  • region: Cloud ML region.


Display name: Cloud SQL Database

Description: A database hosted in Google Cloud SQL.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • database_id: The ID of the database.
  • region: The Google Cloud SQL region in which the database is running.


Display name: Cloud SQL Instance Database

Description: A database on a Cloud SQL instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: A GCP region or zone that this service agent is running in.
  • resource_id: The instance ID of the database.
  • database: The name of the database.


Display name: Cloud Trace

Description: Cloud trace resource, e.g. project.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP container associated with the resource.
  • location: The location that the Cloud Trace service recording the metrics is running.


Display name: Monitored Resource for NetApp CVS

Description: Monitored Resource for NetApp CVS.


  • resource_container: Project information.
  • location: Region/Zone information.
  • volume_id: ID of the volume.
  • service_type: Service type of the volume or replication relationship.
  • name: Name of the volume or replication relationship.


Display name: VPC Network

Description: VPC Network.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP container (i.e. project) associated with the VPC Network.
  • location: Location of the VPC Network, global always.
  • network_id: VPC Network resource ID.


Display name: Consumed API

Description: An API used by customers.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • service: The API service name, such as 'cloudsql.googleapis.com'.
  • method: The API method name, such as 'disks.list'.
  • version: The API version, such as 'v1'.
  • location: The service specific notion of location. This can be a name of a zone or region. If a service does not have any notion of zones then 'global' can be used.
  • credential_id: The client credential ID, such as an API key ID or the OAuth client ID.


Display name: Consumer Quota

Description: Quota used by consumers.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service: The name of the used service, such as "cloudsql.googleapis.com".
  • location: The location where the quota are consumed. It is a region for regional quota, or a zone for zonal quota, or "global" otherwise.

Display name: Contact Center AI Insights environment

Description: Contact Center AI Insights environment.


  • resource_container: GCP project ID containing the resources for CCAI Insights.
  • location: Region where CCAI Insights is provisioned.


Display name: Cloud Source Repository

Description: A repository in Google Cloud Source Repositories.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • name: The name of the repository.


Display name: Dataflow Project

Description: A project level monitored resource for Dataflow.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The location where Dataflow jobs are running.


Display name: Dataflow Job

Description: A Dataflow job.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • job_name: The name of the job.
  • region: The region for the job.


Display name: Dataflow worker

Description: A Dataflow worker.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The geographic location this worker is running in.
  • job_name: The name of the Dataflow job this worker belongs to.
  • job_id: Unique id of this instance of the dataflow job.
  • worker_type: A string identifying the type of worker/component producing this metric
  • worker_id: The ID of the worker, unique for this job_id and worker_type


Display name: Database migration service migration job

Description: Database migration service migration job.


  • resource_container: The resource container (project ID).
  • location: The location.
  • migration_job_id: The migration job ID.


Display name: Cloud Dataplex Asset

Description: An Asset within a Cloud Dataplex Lake.


  • resource_container: The identifier of GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The GCP region associated with this resource.
  • lake_id: The identifier of the Lake resource containing this resource.
  • zone_id: The identifier of the Zone resource containing this resource.
  • asset_id: The identifier of this Asset resource.


Display name: Cloud Dataplex Environment

Description: An Environment within a Cloud Dataplex Lake.


  • resource_container: The identifier of GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The GCP region associated with this resource.
  • lake_id: The identifier of the Lake resource containing this resource.
  • environment_id: The identifier of this Environment resource.


Display name: Cloud Dataplex Lake

Description: A Cloud Dataplex Lake.


  • resource_container: The identifier of GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The GCP region associated with this resource.
  • lake_id: The identifier of this Lake resource.


Display name: Cloud Dataplex Task

Description: A Task within a Cloud Dataplex Lake.


  • resource_container: The identifier of GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The GCP region associated with this resource.
  • lake_id: The identifier of the Lake resource containing this resource.
  • task_id: The identifier of this Task resource.


Display name: Cloud Dataplex Zone

Description: A Zone within a Cloud Dataplex Lake.


  • resource_container: The identifier of GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The GCP region associated with this resource.
  • lake_id: The identifier of the Lake resource containing this resource.
  • zone_id: The identifier of this Zone resource.


Display name: Datastore Request

Description: A request to Datastore from your App Engine application.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • module_id: The module of the App Engine application that made this request.
  • version_id: The major version id of the App Engine application that made this request.


Display name: Datastream Stream

Description: A Datastream stream.


  • resource_container: The resource container (project ID).
  • location: The location.
  • stream_id: The stream ID.


Display name: Datastream Stream Object

Description: A Datastream stream object.


  • resource_container: The resource container (project ID).
  • location: The location.
  • stream_id: The stream ID.
  • object_name: The object name.


Display name: Dell EMC Cloud OneFS Cluster

Description: Multi-protocol access to files and directories on GCP, Isilon Cloud OneFS clusters with SMB for Windows, and NFS for UNIX file systems.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Google Cloud location in which the cluster is running.
  • cluster_id: Unique identifier of the cluster.


Display name: Reserved

Description: Reserved.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • param1: Reserved.
  • param2: Reserved.
  • param3: Reserved.
  • param4: Reserved.
  • location: Reserved.


Display name: Managed DNS Zone

Description: A ManagedZone in the Google Cloud DNS service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • zone_name: The name of the ManagedZone.
  • location: The location field is provided for compatibility with other GCP services. Its value is always set to 'global'


Display name: Cloud DNS Policy

Description: A Policy in the Google Cloud DNS service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • policy_name: The name of the Policy.
  • location: The location field is provided for compatibility with other GCP services. Its value is always set to 'global'


Display name: Cloud DNS Query

Description: A DNS query to a private DNS handled by the Google Cloud DNS service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • target_name: The DNS name managed by Cloud DNS to be resolved (e.g. the zone name, policy name, internal domain name). External names will have the value "external"
  • location: The GCP zone where the DNS request was received (e.g. us-east1, us-west1).
  • target_type: The target of the resolution of the DNS query (e.g. public-zone, private-zone, external).
  • source_type: Source of the query (e.g. gce-vm, internet).


Display name: Earth Engine Cloud Project

Description: An Earth Engine Cloud Project.


  • resource_container: The GCP project ID, such as "my-project".
  • location: The GCP location of the project.


Display name: Filestore Instance

Description: A Filestore instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the instance.
  • instance_name: The name for the Filestore instance.


Display name: Firebase Hosting Site Domain

Description: A domain from which a Firebase Hosting site is serving traffic.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • site_name: The name of a Firebase Hosting site, that is the subdomain in .web.app.
  • domain_name: The default subdomain (on web.app or firebaseapp.com) or custom domain from which content was served.


Display name: Firebase Realtime Database

Description: A Firebase Realtime Database.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • table_name: The name of the database.
  • location: The location of the database.


Display name: Firebase App Check Instance

Description: Monitored resource for Firebase App Check instances.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Location where Firebase App Check is provisioned (always set to "global").
  • app_id: Firebase Application ID. If the application cannot be identified from a request, the value "UNKNOWN" is used.
  • service_id: The service reporting Firebase App Check metrics.


Display name: Firebase Extension Version

Description: A published version of a Firebase extension.


  • resource_container: The GCP project number used to publish the extension.
  • location: Location of the published Firebase extension version (always set to "global").
  • publisher: The publisher of the published extension.
  • extension: The name of the published extension.
  • version: The version of the published extension.


Display name: Firestore Instance

Description: An instance of the Cloud Firestore database.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".


Display name: Fleet Engine On Demand Rides and Deliveries

Description: A top-level resource for Fleet Engine On Demand Rides and Deliveries metrics and logs.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP container associated with Fleet.
  • location: The region in which the Fleet Engine instance is running.


Display name: GAE Application

Description: An application running in Google App Engine (GAE).


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • module_id: The service/module name.
  • version_id: The version name.
  • zone: The GAE zone where the application is running.


Display name: GAE Instance

Description: A single instance of a Google App Engine (GAE) version.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • module_id: The service/module name.
  • version_id: The version name.
  • instance_id: The instance id.
  • location: App Engine's external notion of location.


Display name: Compute Engine Backend Service

Description: A Compute Engine backend service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • backend_service_id: Unique identifier of the backend service.
  • location: Global or Compute Engine region containing the backend service


Display name: Disk

Description: A disk belonging to a Compute Engine instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • disk_id: Unique identifier of the disk.
  • zone: The Compute Engine zone where the disk resides.


Display name: VM Instance

Description: A virtual machine instance hosted in Compute Engine.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • instance_id: The numeric VM instance identifier assigned by Compute Engine.
  • zone: The Compute Engine zone in which the VM is running.


Display name: Network

Description: A Compute Engine network.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • network_id: Unique identifier of the network.


Display name: Network Endpoint Group

Description: A Compute Engine network endpoint group resource.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • zone: The name of the zone where the network endpoint group is located.
  • network_endpoint_group_id: The ID of the network endpoint group.


Display name: Network Region

Description: A region of a Compute Engine network.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • network_id: The ID of the Compute Engine network.
  • region: The name of the network region.


Display name: Node Group

Description: A Compute Engine node group.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • node_group_id: Unique identifier of the node group.
  • zone: Zone of the node group.


Display name: Node Template

Description: A Compute Engine node template.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • node_template_id: Unique identifier of the node template.
  • region: Region of the node template.


Display name: Resource Policy

Description: A Compute Engine resource policy.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • resource_policy_id: Unique identifier of the resource policy.
  • region: Region of the resource policy.


Display name: Cloud Router

Description: A Cloud Router instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • router_id: The router identifier.
  • region: The region where the router instance is located.


Display name: Zone Network Health

Description: Data concerning the networking related health of a Compute Engine zone


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • zone: The Compute Engine zone being monitored.
  • region: The Compute Engine region the zone belongs to.


Display name: GCS Bucket

Description: A Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • bucket_name: An immutable name of the bucket.
  • location: Location of the bucket.


Display name: Generic Node

Description: A generic node identifies a machine or other computational resource for which no more specific resource type is applicable. The label values must uniquely identify the node.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The GCP or AWS region in which data about the resource is stored. For example, "us-east1-a" (GCP) or "aws:us-east-1a" (AWS).
  • namespace: A namespace identifier, such as a cluster name.
  • node_id: A unique identifier for the node within the namespace, such as a hostname or IP address.


Display name: Generic Task

Description: A generic task identifies an application process for which no more specific resource is applicable, such as a process scheduled by a custom orchestration system. The label values must uniquely identify the task.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The GCP or AWS region in which data about the resource is stored. For example, "us-east1-a" (GCP) or "aws:us-east-1a" (AWS).
  • namespace: A namespace identifier, such as a cluster name.
  • job: An identifier for a grouping of related tasks, such as the name of a microservice or distributed batch job.
  • task_id: A unique identifier for the task within the namespace and job, such as a replica index identifying the task within the job.


Display name: GKE Container

Description: A Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) container instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • cluster_name: The name for the cluster the container is running in.
  • namespace_id: The identifier for the cluster namespace the container is running in.
  • instance_id: The identifier for the Compute Engine instance the container is running in.
  • pod_id: The identifier for the pod the container is running in.
  • container_name: The name of the container.
  • zone: The zone for the instance.


Display name: GKE Backup Plan

Description: A backup plan provides configuration, location, and management functions for a sequence of backups.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the Google Cloud container associated with the resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud location where this backupPlan resides.
  • backup_plan_id: The name of the backupPlan.


Display name: GKE Restore Plan

Description: A restore plan defines the configuration of a series of restore operations to be performed against backups which belong to the specified backup plan.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the Google Cloud container associated with the resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud location where this restorePlan resides.
  • restore_plan_id: The name of the restorePlan.


Display name: Global

Description: A resource type that is not associated with any specific resource.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".


Display name: Data Protection Store

Description: A Data Protection Store inside a Dataset.


  • resource_container: The project number (i.e. gaia ID) of the Cloud Healthcare project.
  • location: Cloud region where the dataset is located.
  • dataset_id: Dataset ID where store is located.
  • dataprotection_store_id: Data Protection Store id.


Display name: HTTP/S External Regional Load Balancing Rule

Description: A resource descriptor for HTTP/S External Regional load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the Google Cloud project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • network_name: The name of the customer network in which the Load Balancer resides.
  • region: The region under which the Load Balancer is defined.
  • url_map_name: The name of the urlmap.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target HTTP/S proxy.
  • matched_url_path_rule: The prefix of URL defined in urlmap tree. 'UNMATCHED' for the sink default rule.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target or service.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target. Can be 'BACKEND_SERVICE', or 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group. Can be '' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP', 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP', or 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope: The scope of the backend group. Can be 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group. Can be 'ZONE', 'REGION', or 'UNKNOWN' in case the backend wasn't assigned.


Display name: Google Cloud HTTP/S Load Balancing Rule

Description: A set of definitions for HTTP/S load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region on which HTTP/S Load Balancer is applied, such as 'global' or 'us-central1'. Various other objects are defined per that locality.
  • url_map_name: The name of the urlmap.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target HTTP/S proxy.
  • matched_url_path_rule: The prefix of URL defined in urlmap tree. 'UNMATCHED' for the sink default rule.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target - service or bucket.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target. Can be either 'BACKEND_SERVICE' or 'BACKEND_BUCKET'.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group. Can be a special value if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP', 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP', or a special value if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone-name or region-name) of the backend group. Can be a special value if the backend wasn't assigned. Can be empty if there is no response from the backend.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group. Can be 'ZONE', 'REGION' or other special value in case the backend wasn't assigned.


Display name: Workload Identity Pool Provider

Description: A workload identity pool provider.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • location: The location of the resource.
  • pool_id: The ID of the provider's workload identity pool parent resource.
  • provider_id: The ID of the workload identity pool provider resource.


Display name: IAM Service Account

Description: An IAM Service Account.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • unique_id: The unique_id of the service account.


Display name: Project

Description: An Identity Toolkit project.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.


Display name: Identity Toolkit Tenant

Description: An Identity Toolkit tenant.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • tenant_name: The name of the tenant.


Display name: IDS Endpoint

Description: A Cloud IDS Endpoint.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project owning the Endpoint.
  • location: The zone of the IDS Endpoint.
  • id: The ID of the Endpoint.


Display name: Instance Group

Description: A group of VM instances.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The zone or region of the instance group.
  • instance_group_id: The identifier of the instance group.
  • instance_group_name: The name of the instance group.


Display name: Interconnect

Description: A physical connection to Google at a datacenter.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • interconnect: The unique identifier of the interconnect.


Display name: Interconnect Attachment

Description: A VLAN attaching a cloud network to an Interconnect.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • attachment: The unique identifier of the attachment.
  • interconnect: The unique identifier of the interconnect that the attachment connects to.
  • region: The cloud region that the attachment connects to.
  • interconnect_project: The name of the project that owns interconnect that the attachment connects to.


Display name: Internal HTTP/S Load Balancing Rule

Description: A resource descriptor for internal HTTP(S) load balancer behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the Google Cloud project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • network_name: The name of the customer network in which the Load Balancer resides.
  • region: The region under which the Load Balancer is defined.
  • url_map_name: The name of the urlmap.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target HTTP(S) proxy.
  • matched_url_path_rule: The prefix of URL defined in urlmap tree. 'UNMATCHED' for the sink default rule.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target or service.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target. Can be 'BACKEND_SERVICE', or 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group. Can be '' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP', 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP', or 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope: The scope of the backend group. Can be 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group. Can be 'ZONE', 'REGION', or 'UNKNOWN' in case the backend wasn't assigned.


Display name: Google Cloud TCP Load Balancer (Internal) Rule

Description: A set of definitions for internal TCP load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region of the backend target.
  • network_name: The name of the virtual network.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target that handled the connection. Currently it's 'BACKEND_SERVICE'.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target that handled the connection (equivalent to 'load_balancer_name').
  • load_balancer_name: The name of the load balancer.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP' or 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP'.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be either 'ZONE' or 'REGION'.
  • backend_subnetwork_name: The name of the subnetwork of the backend.


Display name: Google Cloud UDP Load Balancer (Internal) Rule

Description: A set of definitions for internal UDP load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region of the backend target.
  • network_name: The name of the virtual network.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target that handled the connection. Currently it's 'BACKEND_SERVICE'.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target that handled the connection (equivalent to 'load_balancer_name').
  • load_balancer_name: The name of the load balancer.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP' or 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP'.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be either 'ZONE' or 'REGION'.
  • backend_subnetwork_name: The name of the subnetwork of the backend.


Display name: Issuer Switch UPI Instance

Description: An instance of the issuer switch for the UPI payment system.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the Google Cloud project associated with this resource.
  • location: The Google Cloud region where the instance is running.
  • instance_id: A user-specified instance ID. This ID must be unique for each UPI instance provisioned in a Google Cloud project.


Display name: Istio Canonical Service

Description: An Istio Canonical Service represents a group of related workloads (example: Kubernetes Deployment) that communicate with other workload groups in an Istio service mesh.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • mesh_uid: Unique identifier for an Istio service mesh.
  • namespace_name: The name of the namespace that the service is running in.
  • canonical_service_name: The name of the canonical service.
  • location: The physical location of the workload instance that is running the service.
  • revision: Immutable version of the service. This may be a semantic versioning level version or git SHA or similar.


Display name: Istio Control Plane

Description: An Istio Control Plane is an instance of a service that provides xDS and related functionality to a set of managed Istio proxies.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • mesh_uid: Unique identifier for an Istio service mesh.
  • location: The physical location in which the workload for the Control Plane is located.
  • revision: Immutable revision of Istio managed by the Control Plane.
  • build_id: Immutable build tag for the instance of the Control Plane.
  • owner: Immutable name of the owner of the Control Plane.


Display name: Kubernetes Cluster

Description: A Kubernetes cluster. It contains Kubernetes audit logs from the cluster.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster.


Display name: Kubernetes Container

Description: A Kubernetes container instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the container.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the container is running in.
  • namespace_name: The name of the namespace that the container is running in.
  • pod_name: The name of the pod that the container is running in.
  • container_name: The name of the container.


Display name: Kubernetes Control Plane Component

Description: A Kubernetes Control Plane component.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the control plane component.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the control plane component is running in.
  • component_name: The name of the control plane component.
  • component_location: The physical location where the control plane component is running.


Display name: Kubernetes Node

Description: A Kubernetes node instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the node.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the node is a part of.
  • node_name: The name of the node.


Display name: Kubernetes Pod

Description: A Kubernetes pod instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the pod.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the pod is running in.
  • namespace_name: The name of the namespace that the pod is running in.
  • pod_name: The name of the pod.


Display name: Kubernetes Scale

Description: A Kubernetes object that can be targeted by Kubernetes autoscalers.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the scaled object.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the scaled object is in.
  • namespace_name: The name of the namespace that the scaled object is in.
  • controller_api_group_name: The name of the api group of the scaled object, such as "core".
  • controller_kind: The kind of the scaled object, such as "Deployment".
  • controller_name: The name of the scaled object.


Display name: Kubernetes Service

Description: A Kubernetes Service instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The physical location of the cluster that contains the service.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster that the service is running in.
  • namespace_name: The name of the namespace that the service is running in.
  • service_name: The name of the service.


Display name: Cloud Run for Anthos Broker

Description: A Knative broker in Cloud Run for Anthos.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Location where the broker is running.
  • cluster_name: Name of the GKE cluster.
  • namespace_name: Name of the namespace.
  • broker_name: Name of the broker.


Display name: Cloud Run for Anthos Revision

Description: A Knative revision in Cloud Run for Anthos.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service_name: Name of the service.
  • revision_name: Name of the monitored revision.
  • location: Location where the service is running.
  • configuration_name: Name of the configuration which created the monitored revision.
  • cluster_name: Name of the GKE cluster.
  • namespace_name: Name of the namespace.


Display name: Cloud Run for Anthos Trigger

Description: A Knative trigger in Cloud Run for Anthos.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Location where the broker is running.
  • cluster_name: Name of the GKE cluster.
  • namespace_name: Name of the namespace.
  • broker_name: Name of the broker the trigger is associated with.
  • trigger_name: Name of the trigger.


Display name: Layer 4 Proxying Rule for TCP/UDP/SSL Traffic

Description: A resource descriptor for TCP/SSL/UDP Internal Regional load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the Google Cloud project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • network_name: The name of the customer network in which the Load Balancer resides.
  • region: The region under which the Load Balancer is defined.
  • load_balancing_scheme: The load balancing scheme associated with the forwarding rule, one of [INTERNAL_MANAGED, EXTERNAL_MANAGED].
  • protocol: The protocol associated with the traffic processed by the proxy, one of [TCP, UDP, SSL, UNKNOWN].
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target proxy.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target or service.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target, one of ['BACKEND_SERVICE'; 'UNKNOWN' - if the backend wasn't assigned].
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group. Can be '' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group, one of ['INSTANCE_GROUP'; 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP'; 'UNKNOWN' - if the backend wasn't assigned].
  • backend_scope: The scope of the backend group. Can be 'UNKNOWN' if the backend wasn't assigned.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group, one of ['ZONE'; 'REGION'; 'UNKNOWN' - in case the backend wasn't assigned].


Display name: Google Cloud HTTP Load Balancing Rule (Logs-based Metrics)

Description: A set of definitions for HTTP load balancing behavior used for logs-based metrics.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target proxy.
  • target_proxy_type: The type of the target proxy.
  • url_map_name: The name of the urlmap.
  • matched_url_path_rule: The prefix of URL defined in urlmap tree.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend.
  • instance_group_name: The name of the instance group.
  • backend_zone: The zone of the instance group.


Display name: Live Stream API Channel

Description: A Live Stream API Channel.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this channel resource.
  • location: The GCP location where the channel resource resides.
  • channel_id: ID of the channel resource.


Display name: Google Cloud External Network Load Balancer Rule

Description: A set of definitions for multi protocol network load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The Google Cloud Platform region of the backend instance that connected to network load balancing forwarding rule.
  • backend_network_name: The network name of the NIC of the instance that received the Net LB flow.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target that handled the connection.
  • backend_service_name: The name of the backend service that handled the connection.
  • primary_target_pool: The name of the primary target pool.
  • target_pool: The name of the target pool.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • backend_group_name: The name of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_group_type: The type of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_group_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_subnetwork_name: The name of the subnetwork of the instance that handled the connection.
  • backend_zone: The zone of the endpoint (VM instance) that handled the connection.


Display name: Log Exclusion

Description: An exclusion in Cloud Logging.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • name: The unique name of the exclusion.


Display name: Logging export sink

Description: An export sink in Cloud Logging.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • name: The unique name of the sink.
  • destination: The destination of the sink.


Display name: Google Maps API

Description: Google Maps API availability and latency.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service: The Google Maps API in use.
  • version: The version of the service that handled the request.
  • location: The Google Cloud region where the request was processed (e.g. us-east1, us-west1-a).
  • method: The Google Maps API method in use.
  • credential_id: The credential ID (API key or project number) used to call the Maps API.


Display name: Memorystore Memcached Node

Description: A node of a Memorystore Memcached instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Google Cloud zone where the Memcached node is located
  • instance_id: Customer given identifier unique among Memcached instances in the region that this node belongs to.
  • node_id: Name of this Memcached node which is unique within a single Memcached instance.

Display name: Dataproc Metastore Service

Description: A Dataproc Metastore Service.


  • resource_container: The ID of the customer project.
  • location: The region that the service is hosted in.
  • service_id: The service ID.


Display name: Metric Type

Description: A Stackdriver Monitoring metric type.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • name: The name of the metric type, such as "logging.googleapis.com/my-metric-name".


Display name: Microsoft Active Directory Domain

Description: A Microsoft Active Directory Domain hosted and managed by Google Cloud Platform


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • fqdn: The fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory Domain
  • location: The location where Active Directory Domain resources (like VMs, etc.) are present.


Display name: Metric Ingestion Attribution

Description: Attribution for metric ingestion.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project to which the metric is written, such as 'my-project'.
  • location: The cloud region where the metric was received.
  • attribution_dimension: The dimension used for attribution reporting. It is not recommended that aggregations are performed across dimensions because a single metric point can be recorded with multiple dimensions which could cause double counting. Currently only "namespace" and "cluster" are supported.
  • attribution_id: The attribution id of the source of the metric write.


Display name: Metric Statistics

Description: Information about a user-written metric in Cloud Monitoring.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project to which the metric is written, such as 'my-project'.
  • location: The cloud region where the metric was received.
  • metric_type: The metric type.


Display name: Cloud NAT Gateway

Description: A Cloud NAT Gateway.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region where the NAT gateway is located.
  • router_id: Identifier of the router under which the NAT gateway is defined.
  • gateway_name: The name of the NAT gateway.


Display name: NetApp Cloud Volume

Description: A specific volume in the NetApp Cloud Volumes service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Google Cloud location in which the NetApp Cloud Volume instance is running.
  • volume_id: The ID of a NetApp Volume.


Display name: Network Security Policy

Description: A network security policy.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • policy_name: The unique user provided name of the security policy.


Display name: GCP Location

Description: A GCP location: a specific zone or region, or "global".


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: Name of a GCP zone/region, or "global".


Display name: Patch Job

Description: A patch job ran by VM Manager.


  • resource_container: The GCP project associated with the patch job.
  • location: The location that contains the patch job.
  • id: Id uniquely identifying the patch job.

Display name: Certificate Authority

Description: A managed Certificate Authority.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The Cloud region where the Certificate Authority is located.
  • ca_pool_id: The Certificate Authority Pool ID.
  • certificate_authority_id: The Certificate Authority ID.


Display name: Produced API with consumer dimension

Description: An API provided by the producer with consumer dimension.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as 'my-project'.
  • service: The API service name, such as 'cloudsql.googleapis.com'.
  • method: The API method name, such as 'disks.list'.
  • version: The API version, such as 'v1'.
  • location: The service specific notion of location. This can be a name of a zone or region. If a service does not have any notion of zones then 'global' can be used.
  • consumer_id: This is the ID of a consumer project that's made a request to the API, such as project number '412016889367'.


Display name: Producer Quota

Description: Quota provided by the service producer.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • service: The name of the service, such as "cloudsql.googleapis.com".
  • location: The location where the quota are consumed. It is a region for regional quota, or a zone for zonal quota, or "global" otherwise.
  • consumer_resource_node: The resource node consuming quota. For projects, it is the project number. For other resource nodes like folders and organzations, it must have type prefix, such as "organizations/12345".


Display name: Prometheus Target

Description: A Prometheus Target identifies a target monitored by Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The GCP or AWS region in which data about the resource is stored. For example, "us-east1-a" (GCP) or "aws:us-east-1a" (AWS).
  • cluster: The GKE cluster or related concept.
  • namespace: The GKE namespace or related concept.
  • job: The job label of the Prometheus target.
  • instance: The instance label of the Prometheus target.

Display name: Cloud Pub/Sub Snapshot

Description: A snapshot in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • snapshot_id: The identifier of the snapshot, such as "my-snapshot".

Display name: Cloud Pub/Sub Subscription

Description: A subscription in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • subscription_id: The identifier of the subscription, such as "my-subscription".

Display name: Cloud Pub/Sub Topic

Description: A topic in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • topic_id: The identifier of the topic, such as "my-topic".

Display name: Pub/Sub Lite Reservation

Description: A reservation in Google Pub/Sub Lite.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • reservation_id: The identifier of the reservation, such as "my-reservation".
  • location: The GCP region where the reservation resides, such as "us-east1" or "us-west1".

Display name: Pub/Sub Lite Subscription Partition

Description: A subscription partition in Google Pub/Sub Lite.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • subscription_id: The identifier of the subscription, such as "my-subscription".
  • partition: The partition within the subscription's topic.
  • location: The GCP zone where the subscription's topic resides, such as "us-east1-a" or "us-west1-a".

Display name: Pub/Sub Lite Topic Partition

Description: A topic partition in Google Pub/Sub Lite.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • topic_id: The identifier of the topic, such as "my-topic".
  • partition: The partition within the topic.
  • location: The GCP zone where the topic resides, such as "us-east1-a" or "us-west1-a".


Display name: reCAPTCHA Key

Description: Monitoring resource for reCAPTCHA Key.


  • resource_container: The ID of the GCP project associated with this reCAPTCHA Key.
  • location: Location where the reCAPTCHA Key is provisioned.
  • key_id: The ID for this Key.


Display name: Recommendation Event Store

Description: Recommendation event store resource.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP container associated with the resource.
  • location: Location of the event store.
  • catalog_id: The id of catalog associated with the event store.
  • event_store_id: The id of event store.


Display name: Recommender

Description: A Recommender represents a grouping of similar recommendations.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • recommender_id: The name of the recommender.
  • location: The location of the recommendation.


Display name: InsightType

Description: An InsightType represents a grouping of similar insights.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • insight_type_id: The resource ID of the insight type.
  • location: The location of the insight.


Display name: Cloud Memorystore Redis Instance

Description: A Redis instance hosted on Google Cloud Memorystore.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The Google Cloud region in which the managed instance is running.
  • instance_id: The ID of the managed instance.
  • node_id: The ID of a Redis node within the managed instance.


Display name: Secret Manager Secret

Description: A logical secret whose value and versions can be accessed.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: Location of secret metadata. Always global.
  • secret_id: The name given to this secret.


Display name: Service Directory Namespace

Description: A namespace in the Service Directory service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The cloud region of the Service Directory namespace.
  • namespace_name: The name of the Service Directory namespace.


Display name: Service Directory Service

Description: A Service Directory service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The cloud region of the Service Directory service.
  • namespace_name: The name of the Service Directory namespace.
  • service_name: The name of the Service Directory service.


Display name: Cloud Spanner Instance

Description: A Cloud Spanner instance.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • instance_id: An immutable identifier for an instance.
  • location: Cloud Spanner region.
  • instance_config: Instance config for the instance.


Display name: Google Cloud Network TCP Load Balancer Rule

Description: A set of definitions for network TCP load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • load_balancer_name: The name of the load balancer.
  • region: The Google Cloud Platform region of the backends instance that connected to network load balancing forwarding rule.
  • network_name: The network from which the instance that connected to network load balancing sends traffic.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target that handled the connection.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target that handled the connection.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • forwarding_rule_network_tier: The network tier of the forwarding rule.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend that handled the connection.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be either 'ZONE' or 'REGION'.
  • backend_failover_configuration: The configured state of the backend group or the target pool that handled the connection.
  • backend_subnetwork_name: The name of the subnetwork of the instance that handled the connection.
  • endpoint_zone: The zone of the endpoint (VM instance) that handled the connection.


Display name: Google Cloud TCP/SSL Proxy Rule

Description: A set of definitions for TCP/SSL proxy behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region on which TCP/SSL proxy is applied, such as 'global' or 'us-central1'. Various other objects are defined per that locality.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target ('backend service', equivalent to 'proxy name').
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target. Can only be 'BACKEND_SERVICE' currently.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • target_proxy_name: The name of the target TCP/SSL proxy.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend group.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend group. Can be 'INSTANCE_GROUP' or 'NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP'.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group. Can be either 'ZONE' or 'REGION'.


Display name: Threat Detector

Description: A detector in the Threat Detection service.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • detector_name: The specific detector that triggered the alert.


Display name: TPU Worker

Description: A TPU Worker executing Tensorflow work for a TPU Node.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • zone: The Google Cloud zone in which the TPU Worker is running.
  • node_id: The ID of the TPU Node.
  • worker_id: The ID of a TPU Worker within the TPU Node.


Display name: Transfer Service Agent

Description: An instance of the agent application that Transfer Service uses to transfer data into Google Cloud.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • agent_pool: The identifier of the agent pool associated with this resource.
  • agent_id: The unique identifier of the agent within the agent pool.


Display name: Transfer Appliance

Description: Transfer Appliance is a way for Google Cloud Customers to transfer data to GCS.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.
  • location: The region in which the appliance was provisioned in (e.g. us-central1).
  • appliance_id: The unique id of the appliance.


Display name: Google Cloud Network UDP Load Balancer Rule

Description: A set of definitions for network UDP load balancing behavior.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • load_balancer_name: The name of the load balancer.
  • region: The Google Cloud Platform region of the backends instance that connected to network load balancing forwarding rule.
  • network_name: The network from which the instance that connected to network load balancing sends traffic.
  • backend_target_type: The type of the backend target that handled the connection.
  • backend_target_name: The name of the backend target that handled the connection.
  • forwarding_rule_name: The name of the forwarding rule.
  • forwarding_rule_network_tier: The network tier of the forwarding rule.
  • backend_name: The name of the backend that handled the connection.
  • backend_type: The type of the backend that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope: The scope (zone or region) of the backend group that handled the connection.
  • backend_scope_type: The type of the scope of the backend group that handled the connection. Can be either 'ZONE' or 'REGION'.
  • backend_failover_configuration: The configured state of the backend group or the target pool that handled the connection.
  • backend_subnetwork_name: The name of the subnetwork of the instance that handled the connection.
  • endpoint_zone: The zone of the endpoint (VM instance) that handled the connection.


Display name: Uptime Check URL

Description: An Uptime Monitoring check against a custom URL.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • host: The hostname or IP address of the check.


Display name: Migrate for Virtual Machines Migrating VM

Description: A Migrate for Virtual Machines Migrating VM.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this VM resource.
  • location: The GCP location where the VM resource resides.
  • source: The source where the VM resource resides.
  • vm: The VM ID.


Display name: Migrate for Virtual Machines Source

Description: A Migrate for Virtual Machines Source.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this source resource.
  • location: The GCP location where the source resource resides.
  • source: The source ID.


Display name: VPC Access Connector

Description: A connector that can communicate with devices within a VPC.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • location: The region the connector is located in.
  • connector_name: The name of the connector.


Display name: Cloud VPN Gateway

Description: A Cloud VPN gateway.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • gateway_id: The VPN Gateway ID.
  • region: The region in which the VPN Gateway is running.


Display name: Cloud VPN Tunnel

Description: A Cloud VPN Tunnel.


  • project_id: The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
  • region: The region in which the VPN Tunnel is activly running.
  • tunnel_id: The VPN Tunnel ID.


Display name: Workflow

Description: A Workflows specification of steps to execute.


  • resource_container: The identifier of the GCP container associated with the resource.
  • location: The region in which the workflow is deployed.
  • workflow_id: The ID of the workflow.

Generated at 2022-07-08 19:28:07 UTC.

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