What is characterized by the production of information and the provision of services?

People with disability aren’t the problem – we’re the solution.

There have been many models used to understand disability over time. Here at PWDA, we use the Social Model of Disability to inform how we work to advance and protect the rights, health and wellbeing of people with disability.

Social model of disability

According to the social model, ‘disability’ is socially constructed.

The social model of disability contrasts with what is called the medical model of disability.

According to the medical model, ‘disability’ is a health condition dealt with by medical professionals. People with disability are thought to be different to ‘what is normal’ or abnormal. ‘Disability’ is seen ‘to be a problem of the individual.

From the medical model, a person with disability is in need of being fixed or cured. From this point of view, disability is a tragedy and people with disability are to be pitied. The medical model of disability is all about what a person cannot do and cannot be.

The social model sees ‘disability’ is the result of the interaction between people living with impairments and an environment filled with physical, attitudinal, communication and social barriers. It therefore carries the implication that the physical, attitudinal, communication and social environment must change to enable people living with impairments to participate in society on an equal basis with others.

A social model perspective does not deny the reality of impairment nor its impact on the individual. However, it does challenge the physical, attitudinal, communication and social environment to accommodate impairment as an expected incident of human diversity.

The social model seeks to change society in order to accommodate people living with impairment. It does not seek to change persons with impairment to accommodate society. It supports the view that people with disability have a right to be fully participating citizens on an equal basis with others.

The social model of disability is now the internationally recognised way to view and address ‘disability’. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) marks the official paradigm shift in attitudes towards people with disability and approaches to disability concerns.

People with disability are not “objects” of charity, medical treatment and social protection but “subjects” with rights, capable of claiming those rights, able to make decisions for their own lives based on their free and informed consent and be active members of society.

In this context:

  • Impairment is a medical condition that leads to disability.
  • Disability is the result of the interaction between people living with impairments and barriers in the physical, attitudinal, communication and social environment.
    For example – It is not the inability to walk that keeps a person from entering a building by themselves but the stairs that are inaccessible that keeps a wheelchair-user from entering that building.

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Collecting and storing information about customers is essential to tailoring your customer service program and growing your business. However, there are legal requirements regarding what you can do with the information you have collected.


Any customer information that you collect must comply with privacy laws, whether you use this information or not. The laws also cover how you can store and use the information.

Learn more about protecting privacy and information.

Collecting information

When collecting information about customers, try to find out what your customers are buying, why they are buying, and how often they are buying. Include any potential customers who have made enquiries about your goods or services.

There are many ways to collect information on your customers, including:

  • order forms
  • enquiries
  • complaints
  • warranty cards
  • customer rewards programs
  • customer satisfaction surveys
  • feedback cards
  • customer competitions
  • your website.

Order forms

Order forms let customers order a specific product or service that your business is unable to supply immediately, and are a good way to collect customer information.

If your business stocks products with specific 'release dates', consider using pre-order forms to collect customer information. By filling out a pre-order form, a customer makes a commitment to buy a product and will often pre-pay for it.


It's good business practice to record the details of any customer enquiries so you can follow them up. Enquiries also give you an opportunity to collect customer information and mention your website, mailing list or social media pages.

Recording complaints

Use customer complaints as a way to collect customer information. Not only can you record the complaint, but also who made it, why, which staff member heard the complaint and what was done to resolve the problem.

Warranty cards

If your business has products or services that come with a warranty, you can use warranty cards to collect and store your customers' information.

Customer rewards program

You can collect customer information by implementing a customer rewards program. For example, a customer VIP club could require customers to give you their details – they then receive 10% off purchases over $100.

Learn more about promotional activities and how they can help your business.

Customer satisfaction surveys

To collect information on customer satisfaction, you could use survey cards where customers rate, for example, aspects of your service out of 5. The back of the card can ask for the customer's personal details.


Feedback cards can also be used to collect information. You can ask for feedback on specific aspects of your business or leave it open-ended, like a suggestion box. Again, the back of the card can request personal details. Share any positive or negative feedback you receive with staff.

Customer competitions

Customer competitions are an easy way to collect personal information. For example, have customers place their business cards in a box to go into a monthly draw to win a $20 voucher.

Your website

You can use a business website to collect customer information through a 'contact us' form for general enquiries, or by allowing customers to sign up to a mailing list (if you have regular news or updates).

Storing information

You must store information carefully and in accordance with privacy laws.

Remember that customer information is confidential and must be stored securely. Create a plan for how customer information is to be stored and share it with all staff.

A simple way to store customer information is to use an electronic spreadsheet. If you have more detailed information, a customer relationship manager (CRM) database might be more suitable. A CRM can help you analyse customer information to find purchasing trends and identify your best customers.

Maintaining customer information

Customer information is only useful if it's up to date. It's important to regularly check the accuracy of your customers' information, and update it where necessary.

Using stored customer information

Make sure you ask your customers if they would like to receive information or updates from you, and give them the option to opt-out. If you spam customers without their consent they may react negatively to your business.

Find out more about spam and your legal obligations for doing business online.

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