What is a prized possession

Baby clothes, parent's wedding rings, and children's artwork are amongst a woman's most prized household possessions a survey has revealed.Men on the other hand declared their vinyl collection, smartphone and computer as some of their most treasured items. When quizzed by Skipton Building Society, more than half of the 2000 Brits polled said sentimental keepsakes were their dearest items – and yet, men claim their CAR is more important than photos of deceased friends or significant other.A woman's most cherished items of all are the family photos – while a man places the family home at the top of his list.Both women and men agree their wedding rings are of utmost importance, coming in third and fourth respectively. The family pet also makes the top 10 for both genders, as do photos of deceased relatives.Kris Brewster from Skipton Building Society said: "For both men and women there is an interesting mix of household possessions, some of which are irreplaceable, but many items which hold real 'value'."Items such as the family car, smart phones or laptops might be considered important to everyone but they ARE replaceable as long as people have the right cover in place. Unfortunately treasured possessions such as photos, drawings and vintage jewellery which would be incredibly important to the owner are more valuable in sentiment than anything else – people need to think carefully about how they store these items to keep them safe."The study shows people are more likely to cherish a possession which was given to them by someone else, rather than something they bought themselves.And while more than four in 10 would like to replace their prized items if they were lost or stolen, only 27 per cent have every single one of their items insured, while only 34 per cent of couples thought to increase the value of their home insurance when they moved in with a partner.Just 24 per cent of Brits have an inventory of everything in their house, and only 13 per cent were clever enough to photograph all of their treasured items so they can prove what they owned in the event of loss or theft. Just 16 per cent of people have a home security system in place, while 15 per cent have all their home insurance documents safely tucked away in one place in case they need them.Kris Brewster added: "The key to all of this is knowing what you value the most in your home and making sure you have appropriate cover in place in the event something goes wrong. You can't put a price on something sentimental, so take steps to look after your prized possessions and protect them."


Family photosHomeWedding ringEngagement ringFamily petPhotographs of deceased relativesJewelleryCarSmart phoneChildhood picturesLaptopPhotographs of significant otherChildren's artworkPhotographs of deceased friendsClothesBooksTabletBaby clothesA favourite bookParent's wedding rings


HomeFamily photosCarWedding ringPhotographs of deceased relativesFamily petLaptopPhotographs of significant otherComputerSmart phoneBooksVinyl recordsCD collectionTabletTelevisionPhotographs of deceased friendsComputerChildhood picturesInternetJewellery

What's your most prized possession? Let us know on Twitter @theladymagazine #LadyNews

The most prized possessions are literal prizes, and the kinds of prizes that someone goes after can say a lot about them. Whether it's something they want now, or something they've owned for years it can serve as shorthand for the character's motives and desires.

The fact that the character put actual effort into trying to secure this object gives it far more weight than something they might have just bought or picked up by chance. If they won it from someone else, it can even serve as shorthand for a conflict between them and the person who lost it (although never the actual cause, as is the case with an Apple of Discord).

Often the "backstory" to a character's Iconic Item or #1 Dime in works that aren't trying to be especially serious about it (although it doesn't have to be either of those; it could easily be worthless to the character now). In these cases you can expect the character to have gone to a lot of effort to secure their prize (e.g. sending multiple entries to a sweepstakes, or putting a lot of effort into winning a clearly rigged fairground game). Compare/contrast Friend or Idol Decision, where the fact that a person (usually) gives up something that he's been looking for a long time says something about him.


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     Anime and Manga  

  • In the Pokémon anime, it's revealed that Ash's original Signature Headgear is an official Pokemon League hat he won by sending in hundreds of entries to a sweepstakes (making it clear that he's wanted To Be a Master for a very long time).


  • The leg lamp in A Christmas Story is a "major award" that Ralphie's dad wins in a contest and proudly displays in the window. It's a ridiculous lamp, but he prizes it simply because he won it. Also, the Orphan Annie decoder that Ralphie drinks so much Ovaltine for turns out to be nothing but an advertising gimmick, leaving him disillusioned.
  • In Despicable Me, one of the turning points in Gru's fondness towards the girls happens when he takes them to an amusement park and the owner of a shooting booth holds back on giving Agnes the stuffed unicorn she won on a technicality. Gru pays for another turn for himself and uses his own gun, demolishing the booth and convincing the owner to give Agnes the unicorn. Gru winning the unicorn for Agnes is significant because before, he was just trying to use the girls for his plan and get them out of his life again as soon as possible.


  • In Children of the Lens Kimball Kinnison wins ten millos in a side bet with his son. He has the one-cento coin mounted in a thousand-credit frame and presented to the librarians who won the bet for him.

     Newspaper Comic  

  • In one Calvin and Hobbes storyline, Calvin eats multiple boxes of Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs so he can send away for a beanie hat. He then waits for what seems (at least to him) like forever and suffers through trying to assemble it (and the trauma of thinking he broke it), because, being an imaginative kid, he thinks the beanie will enable him to fly. When it doesn't, it comes as a major disappointment.


  • In Penny Arcade, early strips had a Running Gag where Tyco and Gabe would steal a Pacman watch from one another (which served as shorthand for which of them needed to get even with the other this time).

     Web Animation  

  • The fourth season of RWBY reveals that the hoody Jaune's been wearing under his armour since he was introduced is a promotional item he won by sending in hundreds of "Pumpkin Pete" cereal box tops. As a bonus it ties into the fact that his armour now incorporates elements and metal from Pyrrha's, since she was the spokesman for the brand.

     Western Animation  

What is your most prized possession in life? You might not have even realized it, but all of we have prized possessions in our lives. The dictionary meaning of possession is – something you own. Out of these possessions you may value a particular one more than another. The one which you value more would be something that you will never like to lose, or things that make you feel pleased, fortunate, unique, and superior, right?  So before we move forward let’s first try to define prized possessions.

Prized possessions meaning / definition

Possessions which are biggest thing in your life, the one thing you couldn’t imagine your life without.  Things, you could not bear to (and hopefully won’t ever!) lose. Something you care for deeply above all else. Such valued possessions are something important; which are valued over everything else. It could be anything you cherish, which is close to your own heart; and can be worth millions or worth nothing. It may even sound irrelevant to someone else because it has no value for them.

Why do we treasure prized possessions?

But why are such possessions so important to us? Naturally, prized possessions differ from person to person and so do our reasons for these things being so important to us.  Such prized possessions have emotions attached with them; and these can’t be bought by money. Some people treasure things passed on to them by their parents (rings, wrist watch, jewelry, cars, jackets, house, smart phone, laptops etc.). While some other value relationships more than material objects. Like, a mother may consider her daughter or son as the most prized possession or a wife may consider husband and kids as precious possessions. The relations which you love more than yourself. Couples in love relationships looks towards each other as a prized possession.

These possessions are close to heart. Those have meaning to you. Human beings’ hearts are not accountants like brains. Heart chooses the meaning, not the monetary value.

Most Prized possessions lose its status with time

When I ask myself; what my most prized possession is? I find; it has been changed over the time. In childhood my cricket bat gifted by my father was most precious possession, during adolescent my diary of poetry (self-composed) and in later half of 20s it was my car and smart phone. At present, I have many prized possessions, which includes materialistic things like earlier and few relationships which became precious later. My current most prized possessions also included few other non-tangible treasures which I will be sharing with you later on in this article.

What I want to point out here is valued possessions lose their special status with time passage. My treasured possessions have been kept changing throughout my life as I mentioned earlier. Well what I feel age, gender, financial condition, surrounding people and education makes an impact on valuation of things or relations; and contribute in deciding whether those are most treasured or not.

Brighter side of prized possessions

These meaningful possessions often become a source of pride, self-respect, self esteem and bring confidence to possessor. It generates lots of positive feelings which make you feel good and enhance your mood, and even inspire or motivate you. It also give you sense of control; as you have ownership over precious possessions and this sense of control make you feel secure.

Darker side of prized possessions

Stop here and think for couple of minutes, Can you give up your valued possessions? Did you panic? Well it is normal; as I mentioned earlier precious possessions have sentimental connection. We are so attached with them that we perceive them “me” instead of “mine”. When people lose their prized processions they get hurt and sometime deeply, resulting in mental health issues.

Possessions in form of relations are people and it’s hard to get them back once lost (after death). It takes lots of time to recover from such loss, but eventually you get back to your life.

 Prized Possession

Top prized possessions

According to a survey; women and man have different prized possessions. Women’s top prized possessions are family photos, home, wedding ring, engagement ring, family pet, photographs of deceased relatives and Jewelry. Whereas, men’s top valued possessions includes home, family photos, car, wedding ring, smart phones, photographs of deceased relatives, family pet, laptop and photographs of significant other.

Photos of children are one of the most Prized Possessions from parents around the world. When I had my first baby I bought a news DSLR Camera to capture and treasure his childhood moments. We feel nostalgic looking at his childhood  photos and videos. My wife has a coffee mug printed with Good Morning; this was gifted to her by her grandfather. That mug is very close to her.

Prized possessions from different perspective

Well, we have understood the meaning of prized possessions. Till now, we have only talked about the tangible possessions. I promised you earlier in this article that I will be sharing with you few non-tangible prized possessions of mine. Those are living in present moment (habit) , experience, values, beliefs and posi-positive approach. You might be thinking how these can be valued possessions. Okay…, let me give you food for thought. Can you change your mind-set and traditional understanding about prized possession? Can you see your valued possessions from different perspective? Will you like to treasure following traits, competencies and skills as valued processions? Look at these mentioned below as most valued possession of your life.

What do you say?

Can you see few of the above qualities in yourself? Are not those your prized possession? If you ponder; does not all these give you feeling of “me”; instead of “mine”? Be the change; see above qualities as your valued possessions and your life will be changed.

“Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken.” ~ Orson Scott Card 

Having said all this, it isn’t bad to consider your father’s gifted bat or your mother’s jewelry as your prized possessions, but the best prized possessions can be intangible and more meaningful than traditional ones. What do you think?

Though if you look at the famous prized possession Quote of Daphne du Maurier – “Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.” He does not consider the happiness as one of the valued possession. But I have contrary views on this and have included in my list. If according to him happiness is a state of mind, then that “state of mind” is a one of the prized possession.

Thank you for reading this. Over to you now, please let us know what is your most prized possession? I would also love to hear your views on prized possessions. Share them in the comment section, they are much appreciated.

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