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Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings. Would you like to learn how to cook the best ever frozen chicken wings in the air fryer? If so, how to cook frozen chicken wings in the air fryer guide is perfect for YOU.

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings

I am going to show you today how to cook frozen chicken wings in the air fryer, how long to air fry frozen chicken wings, frozen chicken wings temperature and so much more.

But I have something even better than our air fryer frozen chicken wings for you to check out first.

It is our Learn Your Air Fryer online course and our free air fryer mini course. They are ideal for air fryer beginners. The free course runs for 5 days and is in the format of an email miniseries. While the learn your air fryer course runs every week with a new PDF and ecookbook for a whole year.

Or browse our site as we have 400+ air fryer recipes that are easy to recreate at home and we have been showing people how to use the air fryer since 2011.

Originally published in 2018. These air fryer frozen chicken wings are an updated post with more tips, recipe video, and much more. We hope you like the updated version.

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings

I love chicken wings. Maybe it is the price tag that attracts me to them, after all you can’t get cheaper chicken than chicken wings.

But cook them in the air fryer and develop a love for air fryer chicken wings and it is a life changer.

The air fryer makes chicken wings so crispy. You would think that they had been barbecued or that they had been deep fried. They are really that special.

But most of the time you can cook air fryer chicken wings without any oil at all.

Frozen Chicken Wings In Air Fryer

There are two main ways to cook frozen air fryer chicken wings. Depending on how healthy you want to be with your air fryer frozen wings.

  1. Grab a bag of frozen chicken wings that is loaded with marinade or breading and air fry.
  2. Grab your favourite plain frozen chicken wings. Air fry and then add your favourite seasoning or marinade.

Plus, number #2 is ideal if you follow paleo, the whole30, keto etc and want air fryer frozen chicken wings but while still keeping the wings healthy.

But what is even better, is that you can use the same frozen air fryer wings instructions and air fryer wings cook times, regardless of the type of chicken wings you are using.

More Air Fryer Chicken Wings

If you can’t decide what flavour to go with then here are some more suggestions:

How To Cook Frozen Chicken Wings In Air Fryer?

Air fryer frozen chicken wings are so simple, I recommend it for air fryer beginners with brand new air fryers.

To make the frozen wings in the air fryer YOU:

  • Load the air fryer with frozen chicken wings until it is up to ¾ full or there are up to 15 chicken wings in the basket.
  • No need to add oil and air fry your frozen wings.
  • When the air fryer beeps, serve.

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings FAQ

Can You Air Fry Frozen Chicken Wings? Yes you can. Us Milner’s have been cooking frozen chicken wings in the air fryer since 2012. We have always been impressed with how good frozen chicken wings turn out when they are have been cooked in the air fryer.

How Long To Cook Frozen Chicken Wings In Air Fryer? On average air fryer chicken wings take just 12 minutes to cook at 180c/360f.This makes it easy to remember without having to print out lots of air fryer chicken wings recipes. But if you would like your frozen air fryer wings to be crispy, then it is recommended that you cook them for a little longer. It just depends what type of frozen wings you are cooking.

Do You Preheat Your Air Fryer? If you preheat your air fryer, it means that your cook time will be reduced. As many air fryer recipes online do not preheat, if you add a preheat you could end up with overcooked chicken wings.

Can You Cook All Your Chicken Wings In The Air Fryer? Don’t over crowd the air fryer when you cook your air fryer frozen chicken wings. It’s better to do your air fryer chicken wings in batches. We recommend approximately 12-15 chicken wings cooking in the air fryer at once. Though this depends on your air fryer size as you might have a much bigger air fryer than us.

Will My Air Fryer Chicken Wings Taste Good? Yes, they will. Season the air fryer chicken wings well and you will have no problem with the taste. There is nothing worse than bland chicken wings. You can also mix it up and use half the seasoning for cooking with and then sprinkle over the rest of the seasoning once the cooking process has finished.

How Do I Make My Air Fryer Chicken Wings Crispy? The best way to create crispy frozen chicken wings in the air fryer is to use a little extra virgin olive oil. Towards the end of cooking, spray with extra virgin olive oil and increase the temperature to 200c/400f for the last 2-3 minutes.

More Air Fryer Frozen Food Recipes

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Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings. Would you like to learn how to cook the best ever frozen chicken wings in the air fryer? If so, how to cook frozen chicken wings in the air fryer guide is perfect for YOU.

  • Preheat your air fryer for 2-3 minutes. Place the frozen chicken wings into your air fryer basket.

  • Cook for 12 minutes at 180c/360f.

  • Serve warm with your favourite sauce.

Quantities. You can cook up to 15 frozen chicken wings at once in your air fryer. If you want to keep the flavours separate then do them as 3 different batches of air fryer chicken wings like we did. Brand. We used our Philips Air Fryer XL for this recipe and here is our Philips Air Fryer XL Review. Thanks for reading our how to air fry frozen chicken wings recipe on Recipe This. We have many more air fryer recipes for you to check out next. Though if you love air fryer frozen food, do check out our air fryer frozen French fries.

Serving: 100g | Calories: 248kcal | Carbohydrates: 11.4g | Protein: 17.5g | Fat: 14.7g | Saturated Fat: 2.9g | Sugar: 0.3g

Please Note: Nutrition values are our best estimate based on the software we use at Recipe This and are meant as a guide. If you rely on them for your diet, use your preferred nutrition calculator.

Its FREE and its delivered by email over 5 days. Ideal for beginners to the air fryer. Click Here

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