What does the average ceo make over his companys salary

The wage gap between chief executives and workers at some of the US companies with the lowest-paid staff grew even wider last year, with CEOs making an average of $10.6m, while the median worker received $23,968.

A study of 300 top US companies released by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) on Tuesday found the average gap between CEO and median worker pay jumped to 670-to-1 (meaning the average CEO received $670 in compensation for every $1 the worker received). The ratio was up from 604-to-1 in 2020. Forty-nine firms had ratios above 1,000-to-1.

At more than a third of the companies surveyed, IPS found that median worker pay did not keep pace with inflation.

The report, titled Executive Excess, comes amid a wave of unionization efforts among low wage workers and growing scrutiny of the huge share buyback programs many corporations have been using to inflate their share prices. US companies announced plans to buy back more than $300bn of their own shares in the first quarter of the year and Goldman Sachs has estimated that buybacks could top $1tn in 2022.

Share-related remuneration makes up the largest portion of senior executive compensation and as buybacks generally boost a company’s share price, they also boost executive pay. Senator Elizabeth Warren has called buybacks “nothing but paper manipulation” designed to increase executive pay.

The report found that two-thirds of low-wage corporations that cut worker pay in 2021 also spent billions inflating CEO pay through stock buybacks.

The biggest buyback firm was home improvement chain Lowe’s, which spent $13bn on share repurchases. That money could have given each of its 325,000 employees a $40,000 raise, according to IPS. Instead, median pay at the company fell 7.6% to $22,697.

“CEOs’ pandemic greed grab has sparked outrage among Americans across the political spectrum,” said report lead author Sarah Anderson, director of the IPS Global Economy Project. She cited one recent poll that showed that 87% of Americans see the growing gap between CEO and worker pay as a problem for the country.

IPS noted that many of the companies in its sample were also the recipients of large federal government contracts. Forty companies in the sample were awarded $37.2bn in government contracts between 1 October 2019 and 1 May 2022.

The biggest recipient was Maximus, a company that manages federal student debts and Medicare call centers, which received $12.3bn in federal contracts. In 2021, Maximus CEO Bruce Caswell collected $7.9m in compensation, 208 times the firm’s median paycheck. Maximus workers have recently staged walkouts over pay and benefits.

Amazon, the second-largest federal contractor in the sample, amassed $10.3bn in federal contracts. Last month shareholders approved a $212m pay deal for Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, 6,474 times the company’s median pay.

This report offers a number of policy solutions, including actions president Joe Biden could take without waiting for Congress. “The president could wield the power of the public purse by introducing new standards making it hard for companies with huge CEO-worker pay gaps to land a lucrative federal contract,” Anderson said. The report also urges Biden to ban top executives at federal contractors from selling their personal stock for a multi-year period after a buyback.

But not everyone sees the disparity as an issue. Some even question the validity of the data, pointing out the pay of a CEO at an average company is only about four-times higher than the average American worker, a decidedly more balanced ratio than found at the largest firms. The problem there, however, is that the average firm is very small, employing just 20 workers, and workers at those companies are not representative of the typical American employee. Again, according to the EPI report, a typical American worker "works in a firm with roughly 1,000 workers. Half (52 percent) of employment and 58 percent of total payroll are in firms with more than 500 or more employees. Firms with at least 10,000 workers provide 27.9 percent of all employment and 31.4 percent of all payroll."

Last year the SEC finalized a section of 2010's Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act designed to increase transparency into executive compensation by requiring publicly traded companies to publish, in addition to CEO pay figures, median worker pay and the ratio between CEO and median worker pay. By law, this data will be shared starting in 2017. (The Dodd-Frank Act was passed in response to the economic crisis of the late 2000s in an effort to avoid widespread financial collapse.)

How will people respond to seeing this information? The results might surprise you.

Click here to see part two: How do workers feel about CEO Pay?


With multiple strikes, headline-grabbing unionization efforts, and reports of workers quitting due to low pay and poor working conditions, 2021 seemed like the “year of the worker.” But at the country’s largest low-wage employers, that trend of labor action didn’t translate into better worker pay. At the 300 publicly held U.S. corporations with the lowest median wages, the gap between what CEOs and median-wage workers earn has grown to a ratio of 670-to-1, according to a new report—up from 604-to-1 in 2020.

That’s just the average gap; the ratio at 49 of those 300 companies is larger than 1,000-to-1, according to the progressive think tank Institute for Policy Studies, which released its annual Executive Excess report on Tuesday. Since 1994, the institute’s researchers have looked at high levels of executive pay and how that pay affects inequality; the 2020 report detailed how CEO pay increased even as low-wage workers—particularly frontline, essential workers—lost hours, their jobs, and even their lives during the pandemic. This report, the institute notes, “extends the pandemic’s pay disparity story into 2021.”

“There’s been so much talk about how low-wage workers did have a bit more leverage in 2021, and might have gotten a bit of a raise, so we wanted to explore whether that had really happened,” says Sarah Anderson, who directs the Global Economic Project at the institute, coedits the institute’s website, Inequality.org, and is the lead author of the report. For this year’s Executive Excess report, researchers pulled the companies from the Russell 3000 list that had the lowest median pay in 2020, and then pulled 2021 data from proxy statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, focusing finally on 300 firms.

While CEOs at those 300 corporations saw their pay increase by $2.5 million in 2021—to an average of $10.6 million—median pay at those companies went up by only $3,556, to an average of $23,968. At more than a third of those firms, median pay didn’t even keep up with the 4.7% average inflation rate in 2021. “A lot of workers at these companies, in other words, lost ground, while CEO pay went through the roof,” Anderson says.

Anderson knows the counterargument some may make when seeing those statistics: that companies might not have had the extra cash to put into worker wages. “That’s why we looked at the stock buyback issue,” she says. At those 106 companies where worker pay didn’t keep pace with inflation, 67 companies—nearly two-thirds—spent resources buying back their own stocks, a tactic used to inflate the price of shares, and which then inflates executive stock-based pay.

These stock buyback purchases totaled $43.7 billion. In one example, the report notes that Lowe’s spent $13 billion on share repurchases—enough money that the company could have given each of its 325,000 employees a $40,000 raise. In reality, median pay at Lowe’s fell 7.6% in 2021, to $22,697. (A spokesperson for Lowe’s did not immediately respond to Fast Company‘s request for comment.)

“That really dramatizes the trade-offs here,” Anderson says. “We’re not talking about insignificant amounts of money; we’re talking about significantly draining capital that could be going to worker wages, or R&D, or other forms of investments that would arguably be a lot better for the company over the long term.”

Large gaps between CEO pay and that of median-wage workers have been shown to contribute to high turnover, lower job satisfaction, and negative employee morale. And it’s not just people at those companies who are affected; in some cases, taxpayer money funds the corporations that have these extreme gaps. Forty percent of the companies reviewed for this report received federal contracts between October 2019 and May 2022, totaling $37.3 billion. This is where government regulations can come into play, Anderson notes, such as conditions on federal contractors that make it more difficult for them to receive federal dollars if they have huge CEO-to-worker pay gaps. “​​It could help ensure that we get the best bang for the taxpayer buck,” she says.

President Joe Biden’s administration has shown some interest in reining in the pay gap. Last summer, Biden announced that some government contractors would have to pay their employees at least $15 per hour. His budget plan, announced in March, also addresses stock buybacks, with plans to require executives to hold on to their stock for three years after a buyback, so they aren’t selling their stocks in a multiyear period.

The American public supports such actions: A recent Just Capital poll found that 87% of Americans agree that the growing CEO-to-worker pay gap is “a problem for this country today,” and 70% agree that “there should be a maximum amount that CEOs are compensated relative to the average worker.”

Along with incentives for federal contractors and restrictions on stock buybacks, the institute’s report suggests that laws to raise taxes on companies with large CEO-to-worker pay gaps—two such laws are currently in place in San Francisco and in Portland, Oregon—could help reform this inequality. “The beauty of putting conditions that are tied to the pay gap,” Anderson says, “is that it’s an incentive to narrow those gaps both by lifting up the bottom and bringing down the top.”

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