What do you say if you did not understand something someone has said to you in a telephone conversation?

Here are some common phrases and sentences you can use when speaking on the telephone. The informal phrases are mostly for family and friends. The formal phrases are for business and official calls and for calls to important people. Caller unknown means the person answering the phone doesn't know who's calling. This mostly occurs when answering a call to a landline phone without caller ID or to a mobile phone or smartphone from a number that isn't listed in the phone's contacts.

Answering the phone (informal)

  • Hello. Matt here. (caller unknown)
  • Hi, Jody. How are you?
  • Hey, Justin. What's up?

Answering the phone (formal)

  • Hello? Serena speaking. (caller unknown)
  • John Sayles speaking. Who's calling, please? (caller unknown)
  • Doctor Martin's office. May I know who's calling, please? (caller unknown)
  • Thank you for calling Jeans Plus. Jody speaking.
  • Hello Maria. Nice to hear from you.
  • Hello Dr Jones. How can I help you?
  • City Library. Kim speaking. What can I do for you, Robert?

Introducing yourself

  • Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)
  • Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.
  • Hi. It's Angelina from the dentist's office here. (informal)
  • Hello Sayoko. This is Alan calling from Big Boyz Autobody.

Asking to speak with someone

  • Hi. Is Nina there? (informal)
  • Can you put Michael on? (informal)
  • Can I talk to Josef? Tell him Marilyn's calling. (informal)
  • May I speak to Mr. Green in the accounting department, please?
  • Good morning. Is Dr Martin available, please?

Connecting someone

  • Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)
  • Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in. (informal)
  • One moment please. I'll see if he's available.
  • Hold the line please. I'll put you through in a moment.
  • Please hold while I put you through to the manager's office.
  • All of our staff are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.

Making a request

  • Could you please repeat that?
  • Would you mind spelling that for me?
  • Could you speak up a little, please?
  • Can you speak a little slower, please. My English isn't very good, I'm afraid.
  • Could you let me know when she'll be in the office, please?
  • Would you mind calling back in an hour? I'm in a meeting just now.
  • Can you call again? I think we have a bad connection.
  • Please hold for just a minute. I have another call.
  • Please don't call this number again.

Taking a message

  • Can I take a message?
  • Would you like to leave a message?
  • Sammy's not in. I can tell him you called if you like. (informal)
  • No, that's okay. I'll call him later. (informal)
  • I'm sorry, but Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?
  • I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?
  • She's busy right now. Would you like her to return your call?
  • He's in a meeting at the moment. Can he call you back when he's free?
  • Fine. I'll let him know you called.
  • I'll make sure she gets your message.

Leaving a message

  • Can I leave a message?
  • Would you mind giving her a message?
  • Would it be possible to leave a message?
  • Could you tell her Jonathon called?
  • Could you ask him to call Paul when he gets in?
  • I don't think he has my number. Do you have a pen handy?
  • Thanks. It's James Brown and my number is 222 3456.

Confirming a message

  • Let me repeat that just to make sure. It's James Brown at 222 3456?
  • Was that 555 Charles Street, Apartment 66?
  • I'll make sure he gets the message.
  • It's Johnny, right? And you won't be at the club until midnight. (informal)
  • Okay, got it. I'll let him know. (informal)

Answering machine and voicemail phrases

  • Hey, Brad here. What's up? Let me know after the tone, OK? (informal)
  • Hi, this is Liz. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now, but if you leave a message after the tone I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  • You've reached 222 6789. Please leave a message after the tone. Thank you.
  • Thank you for calling Dr. Mindin's office. Our hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please call back during these hours or leave a message after the tone. If this is an emergency, please call the hospital at 333 7896.
  • You have reached Steve James, your guide to Computer Technology. Unfortunately, I can't take your call right now, but if you leave me a message and include your name and telephone number, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. You can also contact me via email at . Thank you for calling.

Leaving an answering machine or voicemail message

  • Hey Mikako. It's Yuka. Call me, OK? (informal)
  • Hello, this is Ricardo calling. Could you please return my call as soon as possible. My number is 334 5689. Thank you.
  • Hi Anderson. This is Marina from the doctor's office calling. I just wanted to let you know that you're due for a check-up this month. Please call us to make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Ending a conversation

  • Well, I guess I'd better get going. Talk again soon, OK? (informal)
  • Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
  • I have to let you go now.
  • I have another call coming through. I'd better run.
  • I'm afraid that's my other line.
  • I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Jules.

Sometimes we have to spell something over the telephone like an address or a name. Native English speakers often use a special alphabet when they spell over the phone. For example, "The postcode is B2V 3A8. That's B for Bravo, number 2, V for Victor, number 3, A for Alpha, number 8."

Telephone Tips

Even if you have been speaking English for years, you are going to find yourself in a situation where someone uses a word or a phrase you don’t know, speaks a little too fast, or mumbles (speaks unclearly).

The other person might be using slang or a technical term you’re not familiar with.

Or they simply may not have expressed themselves clearly.

In situations like these, you should not feel embarrassed or assume that it has to do with your language ability!

That’s why we have a number of polite questions and expressions that we can use to clarify what we heard.

These expressions are frequently used in professional contexts, as this is often when you need to clarify what the other person said to continue negotiations or strategic planning.

You can also use these phrases in everyday circumstances.

If you are having a lengthy conversation with someone, chances are you’ll need to clarify something they’ve said.

Remember, sometimes people do not express their ideas clearly, or they ramble.

Ask a clarifying question and confirm your understanding to bring the focus of the conversation back to the most important topics.

Clarify What You Heard by Asking for Repetition

If you feel like you missed a key word or phrase during an explanation, or you would like the other person to repeat themselves, there are a number of questions you can ask in order to clarify what you heard.

Keep in mind that many of these questions use an introductory phrase like “Would you mind…?” or “Could I ask you…?” or “Could you…?” in order to make the question a little more polite.

You can also start with a small apology, like “Sorry,” “Just a second,” “Sorry to interrupt.”

Finally, you might want to admit that you didn’t understand by saying “I didn’t catch that,” or “I didn’t get that.”

This shows that you are listening, but you want to make sure you understood all the important details.

(As a bonus, asking clarifying questions helps you remember what you heard.)

  • Would you mind repeating that for me again?
  • Would you mind going over that one more time?
  • Sorry, could I ask you to tell me that (piece of information) again?
  • Could you clarify what you meant by (challenging word)?
  • Just a second, could I get a little more clarification on (X topic)? I just want to be sure I understood.
  • Sorry to interrupt, but I didn’t catch that. Could you run it by me one more time?
  • Could you be more specific?
  • I don’t think I got your meaning. Could you go over that again?
  • I don’t think I quite understand what you meant. Would you mind repeating that?

Confirm Your Understanding By Repeating and Restating the Other Person’s Idea

Another way to be sure you’ve understood what the other person is saying is to repeat what you heard using your own words.

Restating the other person’s idea is a great way to show that you were listening carefully.

It also helps the other person find a way to simplify or clarify what they said if you misheard or misunderstood a key point.

As I mentioned earlier, sometimes the person speaking needs to rethink what they said and say it again more clearly!

  • Let me see if I understood correctly.
  • Can I just check what I got from that?
  • I’d just like to confirm that I got that right.
  • My impression of what you said was…  Is that what you meant?
  • So what you are saying is… Does that sound right?
  • You mean that we should (do X action and Y action). Is that right?
  • Do I understand you to mean…
  • If I understand you correctly, you are saying…
  • Am I reading your suggestion right, when you said…?
  • You mean…?
  • I think you are saying…
  • In other words…

As you notice in these examples, there are many introductory phrases that you can use to indicate what you heard.

By emphasizing that you are repeating their ideas to check and confirm your understanding, you show them that you take accuracy seriously.

They’ll understand that you want to make sure you’ve got all the information you need before moving forward.

Ending with a question enables the other person to clarify any confusion and provide additional details that he feels are important.

Restating ideas is an excellent way to avoid misunderstandings and also enables you to ask for clarification without having to say directly that you didn’t understand everything.

Say Thank You and Show You Understood

After the person you are talking to has repeated what they said, provided additional information, or clarified your doubts, be sure to say thank you and state that you now understand the concepts better.

This allows you to move on to other topics and assures the other person that you are now on the same page.

  • Thanks for clarifying. I understand better now.
  • Thank you for repeating that. It makes more sense to me.
  • Thanks for explaining your point of view again. That helps me see where you’re coming from.
  • Thanks. We seem to be on the same page now.
  • I appreciate the clarification. Glad we agree on that.

Your Turn

Do you feel more comfortable clarifying what you heard, asking for repetition, and confirming your understanding after reading this post? I hope so.

You can use these phrases for ask for clarification on something I’ve written above!

Leave a comment below with a question you have – and start it with a phrase. Or rephrase what I said, and use a question to check for understanding.

Be sure to check out this video on clarifying what you mean and explaining your thoughts.

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