What do you call the ability to use the senses together with the body parts to perform motor skills accurately and smoothly?


Define Agilitythe ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the whole body in space.
Define Balancethe ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving (ability to control or stabilize the body while standing or moving). Define Coordinationthe ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. Define Powerthe amount of force a muscle can exert. Define Reaction Timethe ability to respond quickly to stimuli. Define Speedthe amount of time it takes the body to perform specific tasks.


1. It is the ability to perform daily tasks without undue fatiguea. Muscular Strengthb. Social Developmentc. Muscular Endurance 2. A health-related … component of physical fitness that relates to the muscle ability to continue to perform withouta. Muscular Strengthb. Social Developmentc. Muscular Endurance fatigue.3. Focus is on the acquisition and development of physical skills, which can increase one’s capability to enjoy lifetime recreational pursuits.a. Physical Developmentb. Physical Inactivityc. Physical Education​

Using the mnemonic LIFESTYLE, examine your own lifestyle and fill in words/phrases that describe your best habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. …

Benefits of students in social of taking part in physical activity

essay "better version of me"​

What blessing do you think she might have received as a result of her gift?

Enumerate the health and skill related fitness components?

What is health and skill related fitness components?

how would you describe your general helth and fitness​

would you like to become an artist someday? why? or why not?​

limang activity na pang palakas Ng buto​

1. It is the ability to perform daily tasks without undue fatiguea. Muscular Strengthb. Social Developmentc. Muscular Endurance 2. A health-related … component of physical fitness that relates to the muscle ability to continue to perform withouta. Muscular Strengthb. Social Developmentc. Muscular Endurance fatigue.3. Focus is on the acquisition and development of physical skills, which can increase one’s capability to enjoy lifetime recreational pursuits.a. Physical Developmentb. Physical Inactivityc. Physical Education​

Using the mnemonic LIFESTYLE, examine your own lifestyle and fill in words/phrases that describe your best habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. …

Benefits of students in social of taking part in physical activity

essay "better version of me"​

What blessing do you think she might have received as a result of her gift?

Enumerate the health and skill related fitness components?

What is health and skill related fitness components?

how would you describe your general helth and fitness​

would you like to become an artist someday? why? or why not?​

limang activity na pang palakas Ng buto​

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