What are the symptoms of a dog with gallstones?

Depending on the severity of your gallstones in dogs at your house, there are a number of different treatments to research. Gallstones in dogs treatments will usually go along with the symptoms your dog is exuding. If your dog is suffering from a more mild version of gallstones then your dog’s gallbladder treatment may be as simple as some antibiotics to prevent any further infections. Deficiencies in vitamins may also be the culprit, so it may be as simple as prescribing some further vitamins to maintain gallbladder health. If your dog’s gallbladder problems are causing symptoms like Jaundice, it’s possible that your veterinarian may prescribe Vitamin E to help improve their liver’s health and, in more serious cases, pairing it with an intravenous (IV) drip of Vitamin K1. In many cases, wondering what to feed dogs with gallbladder issues takes up most of your time & energy as a caring pet owner.  Dog gallstones can be brought on by genetics, but they’re typically developed through lifestyle choices (good and bad ones).  Gallbladder stones in dogs can be a symptom of bad diets, poor quality dog foods and/or a propensity for getting into foods they shouldn’t be (i.e. the garbage when you’re at work!).

Other, more serious issues, maybe have to be handled in other ways. If your dog’s gallstones are soon to be at a size where they will cause a blockage or they already have, then surgery may be the solution. While there is a surgery that allows a veterinarian to remove the stones, most vets will opt to remove the gallbladder itself. This procedure is less-invasive and is known as laparoscopic surgery. This is usually the solution presented as it will prevent this complication from happening in the future. The recovery rate of the laparoscopic is excellent and dogs are capable of living a long, healthy life afterwards. Strict precautions and changes will need to be made when it comes to your pets’ diet, but if you are prepared to make the decision to remove their gallbladder then you are likely to be aware of the after-care.

There are many treatments to help reduce the risk of gallbladder issues in your dog. Whether you want to start them on foods for dogs with gallbladder problems, optimize the best diet for dogs with gallbladder problems, or try to prevent your dog’s gallstones through healthy balance of exercise, nutrition and love & playtime there are many things you can do as a caring pet owner to try and prevent or treat your dog’s gallstones. If your pooches are showing signs of symptoms of gallstones or if they’ve already had surgery for gallstones, your dog’s gallbladder diet is very important. A dog’s digestive tract and tolerances can differ drastically so it’s best to know what foods you can swap in to maintain a healthy diet. There are lots of different avenues you can take when researching a good diet for your dog. Before a gallbladder attack, your dog’s diet could consist of whole foods like: cage-free chicken, grass-fed beef, naturally & ethically sourced proteins herbs, grains & vegetables, fruits and so on. Post gallbladder removal you will be met with a list of dietary restrictions for your bladderless boy or girl. Most vets will recommend diets consisting of cooked rice, chicken and usually a specialty health dog food of sorts. Just like in our own lives, the healthier we can feed our pets, the healthier our pets will be.

For humans, iIt seems that having surgery to have internal organs be removed has become a thing of the past; it used to be common practice to have tonsils, appendixes, or even gallbladders removed before they were even causing issues. With advances in human modern medicines, and the ability to monitor possible concerns more closely, these types of surgeries are becoming less commonplace. Most of us have heard of gall bladder surgery in people. It is not as common a surgery in animals.

Gallbladder problems are very normal for dogs to experience, and are often attributed (at least partially) to what the dog is eating. As a responsible and caring pet owner, once your dog is diagnosed with a gallbladder issue, you naturally want to know all about gallbladder issues: the signs and symptoms, potential prevention methods, and how to best treat your dog. 

First a quick orientation as to how this organ contributes to the body. The liver secretes bile, a substance that assists with digestion and absorption of fats and with elimination of certain waste products from the body. Bile is stored in the gallbladder and is released into the small intestine through the bile duct. There are a few common diseases that a dog can experience relating to the gallbladder or bile duct.

1. Obstruction of the Bile Duct

Obstruction of the bile duct is associated with a number of conditions, including inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder, or small intestines. Tissue swelling, inflammation, or fibrosis can cause compression of the bile duct. Diagnosis is based on laboratory tests, x-rays, and ultrasound. If gallstones are the cause of obstruction, the gallbladder may need to be removed.

2.Rupture of the Gallbladder or Bile Duct

Rupture of the gallbladder or bile duct is most often due to gallstone obstruction, inflammation of the gallbladder, or blunt trauma. Rupture of the bile duct may also occur as a result of cancer or certain parasites. Rupture leads to leakage of bile into the abdomen, causing a serious condition called bile peritonitis, which may be fatal if the rupture is not repaired. Treatment includes surgery, which consists of placing a stent in the bile duct, removing the gallbladder, or connecting the gallbladder with the small intestine.

3.Inflammation of the Gallbladder (Cholecystitis)

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can be caused by bacterial infections, cancer, trauma to the liver, gallbladder obstruction, or blood clots. In some cases, the wall of the gallbladder is damaged, and bile leaks into the abdomen causing severe abdominal infection and inflammation, which can be fatal. Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, fever, and vomiting are common signs. The dog may be in a state of shock due to abdominal inflammation.

The inflammation can also spread to the surrounding branches of the bile duct and the liver. Diagnosis is based on blood tests and ultrasound findings and can be confirmed by biopsy for bacterial cultures and tissue analysis. Treatment usually consists of removal of the gallbladder and appropriate antibiotic medication to treat infection. The outlook is good if surgery and appropriate antibiotics are started early but is less favorable if diagnosis and treatment are delayed.

4.Gallbladder Mucocele in Dogs

A gallbladder mucocele is an abnormal accumulation of bile within the bile ducts that results in a bile duct obstruction. As it expands, the mucocele can lead to inflammation, tissue death, or rupture of the gallbladder. The condition may be inherited in some breeds, for example Shetland Sheepdogs. Underlying diseases can also predispose dogs to the condition. Some mildly affected dogs can improve with medications alone; however, most will require surgery to remove the gallbladder. Liver biopsies are often taken during surgery. Antibiotics are usually necessary for 4–6 weeks after surgery.


Gallstones rarely cause disease. When it does occur, disease is usually seen in middle-aged to older dogs, and may be more common in small-breed dogs. Signs include vomiting, jaundice, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, fever, and discomfort after eating, but many dogs show no signs. Gallstones are diagnosed by ultrasound. Because abdominal ultrasounds are being used more frequently, gallstones are being diagnosed more often in recent years. Medications, including antibiotics, can treat dogs with uncomplicated disease. Surgery to remove the stones is necessary if they are obstructing bile or causing cholecystitis. Removal of the gallbladder may also be necessary.

Gallstones, created by an excess of bacteria and other deposits that crystalize into stones, can cause disastrous blockages in the gallbladder. These stones can range in size from a poppy seed to a dime. Doctors have not determined there to be one surefire cause of gallstones, but diet seems to be a significant contributing factor. Another factor to be aware of is your dog’s breed. Some breeds, like miniature schnauzers, shelties, and poodles are predisposed to experience gallbladder issues.

Did you know that while the gallbladder performs a useful role in the digestive system, the body is quite capable of functioning without it? A healthy gallbladder is located in the abdomen, near the liver. The small pear-shaped organ operates as a location for bile from the liver to drain into and be stored. The bile that is secreted in the gallbladder assists in breaking down the fats from the food being eaten, allowing them to be used and absorbed into the body. This sounds like an essential part of the body, but actually once the gallbladder has been removed, the bile from the liver is dispensed directly into the small intestine, rather than using the gallbladder as a reservoir on the way. This means that life without a gallbladder will likely be no different for your dog!

When all is going well, you have no reason to consider your dog’s gallbladder, but there are signs and symptoms to be on the watch for that will indicate that your dog’s gall bladder is under duress. As previously mentioned, gallbladder issues can be a particularly time sensitive issue, so be on your guard for symptoms like signs of discomfort while urinating, blood appearing in the urine, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal sensitivity, and jaundice.

If any of these symptoms begin to become evident in your dog, it may be time for a visit to the vet. These signs are not solely indicative of gallstones; this will need to be professionally determined. To definitively discover if your dog is suffering from gallstones, they will likely need to have x-rays done. Some cases are unable to be discovered without exploratory surgery, but your veterinarian will discuss the best course of action for your dog’s individual health issues and history.

Once you have received an official diagnosis of gallstones or another type of gallbladder issue, there are several treatment options to choose from. If your dog’s case is more mild, a round of antibiotics alone may be sufficient. Vitamin deficiencies may be found to be the root issue, and adding a vitamin E or K supplement to your dog’s diet may be enough to treat or prevent further gallbladder issues. For more severe cases, surgery may be required to remove either the gallstones or the gallbladder itself.

Diets consisting of fresh, natural, food grade ingredients like raw meats, low in fat and the appropriate vegetables, focusing on the proper balance of proteins and carbohydrates are more likely to be easily digested by your dog that may be living life with gallbladder issues! An actual Volhard case study, 21-day cleansing and balancing diet for a 50-pound dog and brief discussion on Traditional Chinese Medicine can be found here on the Volhard Dog Nutrition website: //www.volharddognutrition.com/spring-diet/

A healthy, quality diet is the first step to take to ensure that your dog has a healthy immune system, happy digestive system, and fully-functional gallbladder. 

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