What are good things to dip into chocolate?

If you’re on a diet, look away now because I’m going to bring you yummy things to dip in chocolate. In fact if you’re on a diet, you shouldn’t even have opened this article, because I promise you, you’ll put on pounds just reading it. The things to dip in chocolate are already probably off limits if you’re avoiding highly calorific, sweet, fatty and lusciously delicious things that aren’t too good for you. But, if you need a treat, a pick-me-up, or just a pig out, read on!

I have to confess that having a cherry to stir it is my favorite reason to drink cocktails. I never imagined that maraschino cherries would be one of the things to dip in chocolate, but this is the first I am going to try. I love cherry liqueurs at Christmas so this is the next best thing. Simply melt some of your favorite chocolate and dip the cherries in. Put on a wax-paper/baking parchment lined tray and freeze until set. Keep in the fridge once set as they melt quickly.

There is something very special about salt and chocolate (have you not heard the South Park Chef sing about chocolate salty balls?). No need to go to all the hassle of making balls, just dip some of your favorite salted ruffled chips halfway into melted chocolate. Put them on waxed paper to set then devour. (p.s. my UK friends – use ridged crisps like McCoy’s).

Almonds are very good for you and have terrific health benefits – right? Well I don’t think chocolate dipped marzipan counts! But hey, save the yummy almonds for a day when you’re being good and eating clean. For a scrummy almond treat, break some bits off a block of marzipan, shape into discs and dip into melted chocolate – full or halfway – whatever you like. Leave to set on some wax paper then chomp down!

Can you not get enough of Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups? Thanks to Good Housekeeping you can now make your own nutty treat. Make some small scoops of peanut butter and line them up on a lined tray. Pop in the freezer until hard. Dip the peanut butter bites in melted chocolate, put back on the tray and return to the freezer for about 15 minutes. Eat immediately or keep in the freezer until you’re ready to enjoy.

A chocolate chip cookie seems like overkill when it comes to things to dip in chocolate because they already contain those decadent chunks of chocolate, but who said you can have too much chocolate? When your favorite choc chip cookie just isn’t hitting the spot, melt some chocolate and dip away. Wait until set and you’re good to go.

I know, I know. I read about this some time ago and I simply had to try it. I tried it first with some bacon flavour snacks we have in the UK called Frazzles and then went to real bacon. I personally think you need sweet-cured or honey-cured bacon but don’t just cook some bacon and dip it. I recommend you follow a recipe like this one yumsugar.com or this one here tasteofhome.com. You can up the ante on the decadence front by sprinkling it with sea salt, crushed pistachios or even shredded coconut!

Yep – this is an oldie but goodie but really, if you want to be traditional, there are so any fruits that can be dipped in chocolate, so don’t restrict yourself to strawberries. For example, cut a banana into a length of 3-4 inches, put on a lollipop stick, roll in melted chocolate and freeze – it’s delicious! You could even roll it in chopped nuts, coconut , popping candy or hundreds and thousands (sprinkles) while the chocolate is still wet. Other fruits that are great to dip are mangoes, apples, pineapple, and raisins.

OK ladies, if you’re feeling brave, there are just tons of things to dip in chocolate. Stick to marshmallows or try a chunk of cheese! Pretzels, goldfish crackers, Oreos, Cheetos … whatever. I have a current passion for supersweet prunes (dried plums) and tried them with some of my favorite dark chocolate just the other day and is was delectable. What are you going to try?


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Winter is the time when chocolate fondue shines, and we are here for it. New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day are the occasions when everyone says, “Oh yeah, I have a fondue pot! I should use it!” It’s romantic and celebratory, plus who wouldn't want to dip anything and everything in a chocolate waterfall? It also elicits good conversation, like “You have chocolate in your teeth” and “Can you pass me another marshmallow?” Really moving stuff. Ahead, find out how to make our easy chocolate fondue recipe so you can go from thinking “A fondue pot? I will never use this” to breaking it out mid-workday for a sugary pick-me-up.

Chocolate fondue can seem intimidating, messy, overly fancy, and not something for the average home cook. But that really couldn’t be further from the truth. For starters, our go-to chocolate fondue recipe calls for only two ingredients: chopped high-quality chocolate or chocolate chips and heavy cream (plus a little bit of salt). You can use dark, milk, or white chocolate, though ideally not all three together. Oh, and you don’t even need a fondue pot to make it! You absolutely can use one, especially because it lends itself to easy dipping, but a saucepan will work just as well.

To make chocolate fondue, place the chocolate in a serving vessel (whether a fondue pot, saucepan, or bowl). In a separate saucepan, heat the cream and salt over medium heat. Once it’s steaming and has tiny bubbles (this should take about 3 minutes), pour the hot cream over the chocolate. Let the mixture sit for about 30 seconds, then whisk until smooth. It’s not chocolate ganache, but it’s not not ganache. Keep the fondue warm while you serve with these skewered snacks for dipping:

Pound Cake

Use store-bought pound cake for easy entertaining or make your own! Cut the cake into 2-inch cubes for dipping; no frosting or decorating needed! Spear the pieces onto fondue forks or skewers (it sounds more violent than it is), and let the fondue flow.

Fresh or Dried Fruit

Fruit is probably one of the most popular items to dip in chocolate fondue. For some reason, chocolate-dipped strawberries are always seen as the most romantic treat, but blackberries or raspberries also work great (I’d generally just avoid using teeny tiny blueberries). Or go for tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and papaya, which are sweet and juicy; if you’re serving fondue in the middle of winter (which, let’s face it, you probably are), it’s a much-needed dose of warm-weather-inspired snacking.

Buttery shortbread cookies are easy enough to stock up on from the store or bake yourself for chocolate fondue. Half the time the store-bought versions already come dipped in semisweet chocolate, but it’s so much more fun to do it in a waterfall of chocolate.

Pretzels & Potato Chips

Contrast the velvety sweet flavor of melted chocolate with the crunchy texture of salty pretzels and potato chips. These are great fondue dippers because they’re sturdy enough to handle the pressure of chocolate fondue without breaking; go for pretzel rods and wavy chips, both of which are heavy-duty.


Dunk jumbo marshmallows in chocolate fondue and eat it as is, or smoosh one between graham crackers for makeshift s'mores—no campfire needed.

Candied Bacon

If you don’t have much of a sweet tooth, or really just have a hankering for salty-meets-sweet flavors, it truly doesn’t get much better than candied bacon dipped in chocolate.

Graham Crackers

Honey, chocolate, or cinnamon graham crackers are an easy snack for dipping in chocolate fondue. Break them into smaller pieces for a bite-size treat.

Rice Krispies Treats

Make your own Rice Krispies Treats (a great project for the kiddos to help out with), then once they’re cool, slice them into dippable pieces for chocolate fondue.

Sliced Cheesecake

We saved possibly the best idea for last (even though they all are pretty great): dipping slices or cubes of cheesecake into chocolate fondue. This is one of the most delicate dippables here, so be sure that it doesn’t break as you’re swirling and twirling.

What's your favorite thing to dip in chocolate fondue? Let us know in the comments below!

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