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Page 2

Factor/item Factor loading CR AVE Cronbach’s alpha
Perceived savings   .94 .85 .93
 The amount of discount offered on the pair of jeans represents large savings .91    
 The amount of money that customers would save on the pair of jeans is very large .93    
 The amount of discount stated for the pair of jeans is very high .93    
Perceived quality   .92 .73 .92
 This pair of jeans would be reliable .86    
 This pair of jeans would be dependable .86    
 This pair of jeans would be durable .89    
 The workmanship on this pair of jeans would be good .81    
Perceived value   .93 .87 .93
 This pair of jeans is a good value for the money .94    
 This pair of jeans is a good buy .93    
 At the price shown, this pair of jeans is economicala .49    
Price discount affect   .92 .73 .91
 How do you feel after seeing this price discount?     
  Happy–unhappy .92    
  Pleased–annoyed .93    
  Content–melancholic .77    
  Excited–calm .79    
  Aroused–unarouseda .49    
  Stimulated–relaxeda .48    
Purchase intentions   .96 .90 .96
 I would consider buying this pair of jeans with this price discount .93    
 There is a strong likelihood that I would buy this pair of jeans with this price discount .95    
 I would purchase this pair of jeans with this price discount .96    

  1. The values of CR, AVE, and Cronbach’s alpha shown in the table were calculated after the three items were removed
  2. CR, composite reliability; AVE, average variance extracted
  3. aThese three items were removed because the factor loadings were smaller than .50

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