What are 3 examples of primary groups?

In the field of social sciences, primary groups They are made up of several people for a specific goal or objective. This group is smaller and more united than the secondary ones, which have more members and are more superficial. In the case of the primary, the relationships are closer and narrow. In other words, there is a more emotional bond that can last for many years, regardless of blood ties.

One of the aspects that characterizes primary social groups is that the interaction between members is more direct, friendly and informal. Relationships have much more emotional and loving importance.

These relationships are essential for the formation of a person and their personality, since they have a great impact.

Among the members of the group, there is an influence on each other, providing a development in values, beliefs, morality and even the perspective of the world.

Similarly, primary groups favor the social formation of an individual during the stage of development.

Examples of Primary Groups

For a primary social group to exist, there must be strong sentimental ties and the mutual influence between various members.

If you ask yourself “what are the primary social groups?”, there are some quite important examples that exist and they are the following:

  1. Family: mother, father, uncles, cousins ​​or brothers.
  2. Friends close: close relationship of trust.
  3. Couple: close and loving relationship with someone.
  4. School groups: Classmates who have intimate communication.
  5. gangs: comrades with an equal goal.
  6. Clubs: group of people gathered for the same purpose.
  7. Religious groups: members united by the same religion.

Importance of Primary Social Groups

During the formation of an individual's vision and personality, it is crucial to belong to a primary social group. After all, the results are fruitful and create emotional bonds very strong that have a positive influence.

For example, from the relationships between the parents and children, predominant feelings are born, such as love, trust and affection. All of this is essential for the development of the identity and sociability of any individual.

If a young person participates in a group where generates positive values, the odds that your personality is friendly are much higher.

Characteristics of primary social groups

Because there are several types of social groups, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate one from the other. However, the primary groups have several characteristics that distinguish them from the rest, which are the following that you will see:

There are emotional ties

One of the aspects that most characterizes primary social groups is the existence of deep feelings of love and esteem. The members who are part of it have a great relationship with each other, which could last a lifetime.

Also, people within this circle must provide a positive influence in the development of an individual.

A great example that can be taken into account are the childhood friends. Because it is a relationship of many years, which started during childhood, there is quite a big impact on a person.

Usually, those ties that are created, take on an important role for the development of a young person's personality. Many sociologists have confirmed that the most sociable and cordial people have had a childhood friend.

there is closeness

Other factors that characterize primary social groups is that there is a close relationship between individuals. However, this does not include the people you meet through virtual platforms.

Today, it is quite common to create and maintain communication with unknown users abroad via the Internet. However, this is not part of the primary social groups, since the physical proximity It is one of its main characteristics.

Although technology has achieved many things, it will never replace in-person interactions.

The closeness between two individuals is essential to generate a bond of trust where opinions and ideas are exchanged among group members. Without a doubt, it is a very important factor to feel “connected”.

It also provides the individual with a feeling of support stronger, unlike ll you would get through an electronic device.

For example: Dating sites are very popular nowadays and many long distance relationships have been originated. However, if you never see each other, you won't fully know that person and, therefore, there is no 100% confidence.

Having said that, there are certain sociologists who, nowadays, affirm that there is a possibility of maintaining romantic ties even if there is no closeness. Even so, it is difficult to guarantee that these will last for many years.

They are closed groups with few members.

Unlike the secondary social groups, where there can be up to thousands of people, in the first, there is a limit. They are not as big or extensive as the others and usually, there are only a few members.

This is because there are certain limitations both physically and psychologically. In large groups, it is quite difficult to have constant communication with all the members, so the emotions are not so intense.

It is practically impossible to feel affection and be aware of more than a thousand people, so, without being aware, individuals restrict their connections.

For example, in academics, you usually have a large number of classmates, with whom you spend many years. Nevertheless, with a few, you create a strong sentimental bond and well, another individual ends up being a close friend or a partner.

Within the primary groups, other subgroups can be generated where the affection continues to be just as strong.

It is a trustworthy place

Like many things in life, there are times when people walk in and then suddenly leave your social circle. However, one of the aspects that characterize primary groups is the stability provided by its members.

The relationships that are formed are not like those of other groups, because develop a bond of trust according to the years, after having lived more than one experience.

For that reason, the emotions of the members invite them to continue within the group for several more years. This happens, for example, with family ties between siblings, since they have spent a lot of time and moments together.

It is a very difficult bond to break and usually lasts forever. Even future generations (the cousins) also tend to create a connection, further extending the primary group.

They have several things in common

For a primary social group to be stable, the members must have some common characteristics in order to create a deep relationship and long.

For example, this happens in friendships, since the interest brought together two complete strangers and a bond of trust was generated over the years. It is quite difficult for the relationship to last if there is not something that unites them.

This does not mean that they are completely the same, but that at least, share a value, belief or a hobby that, at some point, brought them together. Perhaps later on, the preferences will change, however, at that point, a connection will be present.

They satisfy each other

In almost all primary social groups, the majority of the members join with the rest with the aim of satisfy some need or accomplish a specific goal.

For example, within this group, acquaintances They play a very important role, as they help participants feel less lonely. They support others and become friendly company when doing something.

Differences between primary and secondary social groups

Because they are both social groups, it is very common for people to confuse the first with the second, when in fact, They are different in various aspects.

Secondary groups tend to have more formal regulations and are merely superficial relationships. Nor last for a long time and they usually dissolve after the objective that was proposed from the beginning is fulfilled.

An example of this type are the school works because they are only together for, at most, a few weeks, and there is very little communication. People are regularly brought together by an authority figure and the members have not previously met.

The opposite happens with the primary groups, since they are more informal and a more sentimental connection is created. Also, it is very beneficial for socialization of an extroverted individual.

It is of utmost importance to know the distinctions between these two social groups and the different relationships that represent them.

There are occasions in which a person from the secondary can become part of the primary, because a relationship was generated with someone from the group.

For example, if in a work office, some compañeros they are part of a project and then, when it is over, they continue the communication.

That's it! don't forget to visit WikiExamples for much more useful information with simple examples and easy to understand. Likewise, find out all about the social groups that exist.

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