Nielsen Ratings service measures TV audience size and viewer demographics for TV programs

Sofia Carson, viewed on a laptop, speaks during the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards on August 30, 2020. ... [+] Nielsen is tracking the audiences as viewers migrate to other devices. (Photo Illustration by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

Photo Illustration by Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Since television became a commodity in the 1950s, a program’s success was largely dependent upon Nielsen NLSN ratings.

Initially, most households had one television set, the family watched only a handful of stations available, and Nielsen used paper diaries to measure ratings.

As television advanced with the emergence of cable networks, VCRs and later DVRs, Nielsen adjusted its methodology to include meters to measure program ratings and later commercial minutes. As watching video content evolved to include streaming, mobile, on-demand, etc., Nielsen has had to adapt to the changes. In addition, there are now a number of new ad tech companies using tuning data competing with Nielsen’s core clients of content providers, ad agencies and marketers.

Each year advertisers invest tens of billions of dollars on television and “digital extensions,” a majority continue to use Nielsen viewing data as the negotiating currency. To find out Nielsen’s plans to measure audiences as they migrate to newer video platforms and maintain their pre-eminent position in the industry, I asked Scott N. Brown, the GM of audience measurement at Nielsen, about his current assessment on Nielsen and the future of audience measurement. Below are his responses.

With the People Meter panelists turning over daily, how difficult has it been for Nielsen to install new meters during the pandemic?

Brown: “Nielsen gold standard panels are critically important to the industry’s measurement of direct persons measurement. They allow us to measure the entire TV universe, in and out of home, across all geographies, and in all homes regardless of how audiences receive content. They also calibrate big data in order to be truly representative in terms of race and ethnicity— something big data doesn’t effectively do if you use it alone in a vacuum.

But from the onset of the pandemic, our priority was the safety of both our colleagues and our panelists, so we made the decision to suspend in-person household visits, which was the foundation of how we interacted with our panel homes. It was clear that we had to take aggressive steps to preserve our panel size, and leverage the next generation of our metering infrastructure which is designed to be able to support remote deployment. We also put a strong focus on maintaining the existing homes in our panel, which we have exceeded even by our own ambitious projections. This included a creative approach we call a ‘proximity visit’ where we visit the home but don’t actually enter it. This allowed our representative to connect to the metering infrastructure over wifi and troubleshoot and correct any technical issues.

Since then, a limited number of markets have reinitiated in-person field management, but our focus has been on developing remote solutions for recruiting, installing, and maintaining homes. We have already had success in set meter markets, and are already testing this in people meter markets, with an eye toward rolling it out before the end of the year.  

But it’s important to note that Nielsen is much more than simply a panel company. We are also ingesting external big data sources across Set Top Boxes, Smart TV’s, Connected TV’s, and Digital Devices. Those services have not been impacted by COVID. In the future, we will be bringing those services together, along with our panels, to create a true cross media measurement system. This leverages the scale of big data along with the precision of our panels— blending together the best of both worlds.”

Nielsen ratings has been the currency for TV advertising negotiations for decades. Nowadays, there are a number of companies measuring TV usage from set top boxes from MVPDs (cable/satellite boxes) and automated content recognition (ACR) usage from Smart TVs. Both have larger samples and provide more granular data than Nielsen. Does this represent a threat to Nielsen? How does Nielsen compete?

Brown: “We are actually pretty unique in that we are working across multitudes of big data sources, along with the continued improvement to our panels. We don’t believe that a measurement currency can rely on any one type of data source. The solution is to leverage MVPD data, ACR and the increasingly important data from streaming services to measure the increasingly fragmented ecosystem. This absolutely has to be calibrated against a truth set— our gold standard panels. While these external data sources are great and absolutely necessary as part of our future system, there are some inherent biases. We leverage our panels to calibrate true persons and individual level data that represents the diverse consumer audience. Look, regardless of if it’s programmers seeking to uncover the composition of their audience diversity, making scheduling decisions, advertisers looking to reach specific segments with pinpointed messages or media owners making a play for more on-screen inclusion by casting with diversity in mind, everyone that touches the media ecosystem has a business imperative for knowing what the true audience makeup is and the best way to do that is using a panel in collaboration with big data.

It’s also important to highlight the strength of our panel isn’t just the ability to identify persons-level characteristics, but also to follow them across various platforms. It’s becoming more and more apparent, particularly in a streaming world, that companies want to understand not just who their viewers are, but what else they are viewing, and maybe most importantly, who is not viewing their content. This is a capability unique to panel measurement.

Representation in today’s day and age where audiences wish to be counted, to be heard, to be seen and to feel valued is something critical to every consumer. Using big data alone or projecting households to persons, like some of our competitors do, is something that isn’t really reflective of true media behaviors and does little to help marketers reach audiences. Big data sets have their natural biases— some providers are stronger in more affluent homes, some are stronger in less diverse homes, etc. Some ACR providers are more or less likely to be the primary set in the home. Responsible integration of big data requires us to understand these biases and account for them in measurement, making sure we don’t over or under-represent any portion of the population. For example, we did a study and found instances where Return Path Data (RPD) data alone under-represented Hispanic and African American homes compared to other household types by roughly 34%. Big data, when used responsibly can add huge value, but having panels from which to calibrate these sources against a source of truth is key to realizing the true benefits.”

During the pandemic, Nielsen reported a significant uptick in streaming video. Going forward what are Nielsen’s plans to measure streaming video as it becomes more mainstream?

Brown: “We absolutely have witnessed a change in audience habits during COVID, perhaps accelerated by COVID, and among these changing dynamics, streaming behavior is at the top of the list. Since the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spread throughout the U.S., streaming video content steadily increased, with viewers streaming nearly 170 billion minutes the week of April 4, 2020— that's over a 124% increase from the same period a year prior! And in just six months consumers' total TV time spent with streaming video went from 19% in Q4 2019 to 25% in Q2 2020. Streaming video now comprises one-fourth of all television minutes viewed (among homes with the ability to stream), with Netflix NFLX being the largest contributor at 34%. YouTube is next at 20%, and newcomer Disney+ now commands 4% of total streaming time. 

There is also some indication that streaming is becoming habitually ubiquitous as older consumers ages 55 and up now consume 26% of all streaming minutes viewed, an increase from 19% only a year ago. This is yet another example of how streaming has become an essential part of consumer’s media diet and lifestyle regardless of the generation that consumes it.

Nielsen continues to evolve and measure more of the streaming ecosystem since launching our SVOD Content Ratings service in 2017 and have recently syndicated program level data for Hulu and Disney+, in addition to Netflix and Amazon AMZN Prime Video, as well as started releasing weekly data on the top SVOD shows of the week. Many studios and media companies have been using our data to value their content as well as design new streaming offerings, and we know that will only expand in the future. We are also measuring theatrical movie releases on streaming platforms, something that COVID has also accelerated, and how branded integrations are valued on these often non ad-supported platforms.

Finally, we know that more AVOD platforms have been launching, so we have invested heavily in a new, cloud based platform solution for measuring CTV Ads. We currently work with Hulu, Amazon, and Roku to measure this growing area of ad revenue and have more upcoming partnerships to be announced in the coming weeks.”

Why is measuring cross-platform audiences so challenging?

Brown: “Audiences have been fragmenting for years, but this has been put into overdrive with the recent boom in streaming, which was also accelerated by COVID. More choices for consumers mean there are frankly a lot more areas to measure and that requires many different data sets to come together in a comparable way.  

The added challenge is that now with growing consumer awareness and regulations around privacy, the way advertising and measurement works across the digital ecosystem is drastically changing as even we speak. So, advertising on the web is getting completely upended, which means that measurement needs to evolve as well.  

Ultimately, the market needs all of these different data sources to be deduplicated across all platforms, in order to provide true visibility and transparency around the reach and frequency of content and ads. 

But how do you do that, when there are more and more consumer platforms, big data sources that are typically not at the individual level, and the digital ecosystem is moving away from persistent device identifiers? Well, we think that we are in an incredible position to solve those problems and bring together the measurement of these platforms once and for a representative and uniform way. Again, by integrating with walled gardens, covering new CTV platforms, measuring the open web, and calibrating those data sets with our panel - to get to the true persons level deduplicated audience across everything.”

TV and digital media use some similar and some different metrics to measure audiences, what do you think will be the standard or best measurements that will be used? Can they co-exist with different metrics?

Brown: “In many cases, TV and digital do use the same metrics, but it’s really a different language that is being spoken, a different vernacular. However, there are some differences. How do you define an impression? When is an ad considered viewable? How do you do the math and weighting? More and more the digital and linear environments are coming together so they should not be looked at as two opposite sides that need to co-exist, but rather the same part of the audience landscape. I think the standard bearer will be the company that can accurately measure reach and frequency across all the many content touchpoints— with sound methodology behind the deduplication. Audience is everything. Then, you can do more advanced metrics on top, such as tying audience metrics to business outcomes. Did my campaign actually drive consumers to purchase? That is ultimately the need for marketers.”

What’s the next “big thing” in audience measurement?

Brown: “We think that the rise of Connected TV’s and the ability for Addressable advertising to come into the linear TV space will be huge. Precision marketing of the digital world is now coming into the living room, where scale is delivered. This is a great example of the convergence going on in the market. Which leads to the need to plan and transact on audiences in a more streamlined fashion. The next big thing in audience measurement is the ability to create a cross media currency across the entire video ecosystem, allowing buyers and sellers to trade within one common marketplace, regardless of device, platform or ad model. Creating this currency to facilitate this marketplace is Nielsen’s number one objective. The technical foundations are being put into place. We are ready to bring this together. Now we will work with the industry on how we bring the comparability of measurement in linear and streaming together.”

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