Neurons are composed of a network of fine threads called

1. The skeletal muscles are controlled by the ____ somatic nervous system.
2. The smooth muscles and glands are controlled by the ___ autonomic _____ nervous system.
3. Neurons are composed of a network of fine threads called _ neurofibrils
4. The nervous system consists of two parts, the brain and spinal cord make up the ____central_____ nervous system, and the nerves throughout the body make up the __ peripheral __ nervous system.
5. Astrocytes ______are cells found between neurons and blood vessels.
6. Neurons consist of a cell body, axons, and ____ dendrites ____, which receive information.
7. Neurons that have a single process extending from the cell body are classified as __ unipolar __, if they have two processes, they are classified as ____ bipolar ______
8. White matter is composed of axons that are sheathed in _ myelin
9. Two ions necessary to create an electric current in a nerve fiber are potassium and __ sodium ___.
10. The __ integrative ______ function of the nervous system refers to information being interpreted so that the brain can make decisions.
11. The junction between two communicating neurons is called the _ synapse ______
12. Acetylcholine, serotonin and endorphins are all forms of ______ neurotransmitters _____________________
13. The ______ reflex ____________arc refers to a simple nerve pathway that would be involved with involuntary actions (like knee-jerk, or withdrawal)
14. Groups of neurons that perform a common function, such as the storing of procedural memory (tying your shoe) are called neuronal __ pools ____.
15. ______ microglia _________cells help destroy bacterial cells and cellular debris.
16. There are 31 pairs of _________ spinal __________ nerves.
17. These types of neurotransmitters increase membrane permeability, thus increasing the chance that threshold will be achieved. excitatory
18. When a threshold is achieved, an event called the __ action _ potential occurs.
19. Gaps in the myelin sheath are called Nodes of _____ ranvier ____________________
20. These support cells are responsible for secreting the myelin sheaths: _____ oligodendrocytes ___________
21. A nerve impulse is received by the dendrites and then travels down the __ axon _______
22. There are twelve pairs of ___ cranial __ nerves.
23. This neurotransmitter stimulates the muscles to contract. ____ acetylcholine ____
24. These cells form a membrane that covers specialized brain parts: __ ependymal ___
25. These cells have the same function as oligodendrocytes, but are packed within the myelin: _____ schwann ____________

*You will also need to be able to label the parts of the neuron, see neuron label handout..

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