Name of entrepreneur what they did and who benefits brainly

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Successful Entrepreneurs know the first step in anyone's entrepreneurial journey starts with a great business idea. However, a good idea isn't enough to turn a budding entrepreneur into a business owner.

As we've seen from the likes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, successful businesses aren't born overnight and they require a lot of hard work before they become fruitful.

If you're an aspiring entrepreneur and want to start a new business but don't know where to start, don't worry - you're not alone. No matter what the motivation is to be your own boss, whether you're tired of your job or want to follow your passions, you can start today.

Follow these tips to start your own business venture and jumpstart your entrepreneurial success.

1. Take a stand for yourself.

If you are dissatisfied with your current circumstances, admit that no one can fix them except for you. It doesn't do any good to blame the economy, your boss, your spouse, or your family. Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen.

2. Identify the right business for you.

Give yourself permission to explore. Be willing to look at different facets of yourself (your personality, social styles, age) and listen to your intuition. We tend to ignore intuition even though deep down we often know the truth. Ask yourself "What gives me energy even when I'm tired?"

How do you know what business is "right" for you? There are three common approaches to entrepreneurship:

Do what you know: Have you been laid off or want a change? Look at work you have done for others in the past and think about how you could package your skill set and offer them as your own services or products.

Do what others do: Learn about other businesses that interest you. Once you have identified a successful business you like, emulate it.

Solve a common problem: Is there a gap in the market? Is there a service or product you would like to bring to market? (Note: This is the highest risk of the three approaches.) Start with some market research, and if you choose to do this, make sure that you become a student and gain knowledge first before you spend any money. There are plenty of entrepreneurship courses you can seek out, or you can go all out and attend a business school with an MBA program.

3. Business planning improves your chances for success.

Most people don't plan, but it will help you get to market faster. A business plan will help you gain clarity, focus, and confidence. A plan does not need to be more than one page. As you write down your goals, strategies, and action steps, your business model becomes real.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What am I building?
  • Who will I serve?
  • What is the promise I am making to my customers/clients and to myself?
  • What are my objectives, strategies and action plans (steps) to achieve my goals?

4. Know your target audience before you spend a penny.

Before you spend money, find out if people will actually buy your products or services. This may be the most important thing you do. You can do this by validating your market. In other words, who, exactly, will buy your products or services other than your family or friends? (And don't say. "Everyone in America will want my product." Trust me - they won't.) What is the size of your target market? Who are your customers? Is your product or service relevant to their everyday life? Why do they need it?

There is industry research available that you can uncover for free. Read industry articles with computer science data (Google the relevant industry associations) and read Census data to learn more. However, the most important way to get this information is to ask your target market/customers directly and then listen.

5. Understand your personal finances and choose the right kind of money you need for your business.

As an entrepreneur, your personal life and business life are interconnected. You are likely to be your first - and possibly only - investor. Therefore, having a detailed understanding of your personal finances, and the ability to track them, is an essential first step before seeking outside funding or potential investors for your business. Since you may need to be your own angel investor, I recommend setting up your personal accounts in a money management system to simplify this process.

As you are creating your business plan, you will need to consider what type of business you are building - a lifestyle business (smaller amount of startup funds), a franchise (moderate investment depending on the franchise), or a high-tech business (will require significant capital investment). Depending on where you fall on the continuum, you will need a different amount of money to launch and grow your business, and it does matter what kind of money you accept.

6. Build a support network.

You've made an internal commitment to your small business. Now you need to cultivate a network of supporters, advisors, partners, allies, and vendors. If you, the founder, believe in your business, others will too.

Network locally, nationally, and via social networks. Join networks such as your local chamber of commerce or other relevant business administration groups. Here are some networking basics:

  • When attending networking events, ask others what they do and think about how you can help them. The key is to listen more than tout yourself.
  • No matter what group you join, be generous, help others and make introductions without charging them.
  • By becoming a generous leader, you will be the first person that comes to mind when someone you've helped needs your service or hears of someone else who needs your service.

7. Sell by creating value.

Even though we purchase products and services every day, people don't want to be "sold." Focus on serving others. The more people you serve, the more cash flow you'll see. To get into the entrepreneurial mindset when considering your customers or clients, ask yourself:

  • What can I give them?
  • How can I help make them become successful in their own pursuits?

This approach can help lead you to new ways to hone your product or service and deliver more value, which your customers will appreciate.

8. Get the word out.

Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology. Embrace and use the most effective online tools (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) available to broadcast your news. Use social networks as "pointer" sites; i.e., to point to anything you think will be of interest to your fans and followers.

Even though social networks are essential today (you must use them!), don't underestimate the power of other methods to get the word out: word-of-mouth marketing, website and internet marketing tools, public relations, blog posts, columns and articles, speeches, email, newsletters, and the old-fashioned but still essential telephone.

If you take these steps, you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. It's important to remember that you are not alone. If you want to "be your own boss" but still feel stuck, reach out and connect with other entrepreneurs in a variety of ways. You may be surprised by the invaluable contacts that are right at your fingertips.

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How to become a successful entrepreneur?

  1. Understand what set of skills, knowledge and resources you have now.
  2. Identify who and where you wanna be in the nearest and far future.
  3. Make a list of skills, knowledge and resources you need to acquire to reach your target goals.
  4. Do it! Move from point A to point B according the list you made.

What specs do you still need to develop to become a successful entrepreneur Why?

9 traits of successful entrepreneurs you should develop

  • Motivation. Hard-working business owners are incredibly motivated to succeed.
  • Creativity. No matter what industry you’re in, employers want workers with out-of-the-box ideas.
  • Persuasiveness.
  • Vision.
  • Versatility.
  • Risk tolerance.
  • Flexibility.
  • Decisiveness.

What are the important skills of an entrepreneur?

Ten skills you need to have as an entrepreneur:

  • Curiosity. Great entrepreneurs are tasked to discover new problems, reveal potential niche opportunities, refactor their original business process, and innovate.
  • Time management.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Efficiency.
  • Resilience.
  • Communication.
  • Networking.
  • Finance.

What skills do I need to start a business?

Essential business skills

  • Financial management. Being able to effectively manage your finances is critical.
  • Marketing, sales and customer service.
  • Communication and negotiation.
  • Leadership.
  • Project management and planning.
  • Delegation and time management.
  • Problem solving.
  • Networking.

Is it difficult to start your own business?

The problem is that it isn’t hard to start a business, but it’s very hard to make it work. We know this because most new start-ups will either fail or stumble into the mediocrity of competition. Of course, some start-up’s do get it right and grow into profitable businesses.

What business are most successful?

The Most Profitable Business by Sector:

  • Accounting = 18.4%
  • Lessors of Real Estate = 17.9%
  • Legal Services = 17.4%
  • Management of Companies = 16%
  • Activities Related to Real Estate = 14.9%
  • Office of Dentists = 14.8%
  • Offices of Real Estate Agents = 14.3%
  • Non-Metalic Mineral and Mining = 13.2%

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