In your notebook, complete the paragraph below by selecting your answer from the given choices

Paraphrasing, summarising and quoting are three essential academic skills which will help you to integrate information from other sources into your writing to support your arguments and justify your claims.

Knowing how to paraphrase, summarise and quote is also important in order to avoid plagiarism, add credibility to your work and maintain your academic integrity.

  • Paraphrasing involves restating information by using different words and phrasing so that it is different from the original source, but retains the original meaning.
    • Paraphrasing is useful when you’d like to use information from a specific part of a source, but the exact wording is not necessary to make your point.
  • Summarising involves reducing complex or lengthy information to its key points or main message.
    • Summarising is useful when you’d like to provide an overview of a source, theory, framework, process or method to support your point. Because it involves reducing complex information, writing a good summary requires not only reading but also making notes.
  • Quoting involves using the exact words of another writer in your work by putting them inside “quotation marks”.
    • Quoting is useful when the exact wording of the source is important (e.g. a passage from a literary work, groundbreaking text or an interview transcript) or when the original text is so concise and well-expressed that it is difficult to paraphrase it. Quoting can also be a good option if you are concerned that expressing the original content in different words could distort the original meaning.


  • Express the content in your own words. One way to do this is to ask yourself what the passage is actually saying, and then say it out loud to yourself before writing it down.
  • Use different vocabulary and sentence structure to the original text but make sure the original meaning is retained and it’s not changed or misrepresented.
  • Make sure to acknowledge the source of information with appropriate referencing.


  • Read the original text carefully.
  • Make notes of the key points.
  • Avoid copying full sentences from the source to your notes and take paraphrased notes as much as  possible.
  • Identify connections between ideas and list questions that arise.
  • Record bibliographic details and page numbers so that you can easily look up details and provide accurate information when citing and referencing.
  • Review your notes and organise them.
  • Finally, write the summary from your notes, reorganising the structure if required.
  • Make sure that your summary captures the key points of the original text and represents them accurately.
  • Make sure to acknowledge the source of information with appropriate citing and referencing.


  • Do not assume that your reader knows the source: always make it clear what point you are making when using quotations.
  • Depending on the source of information and the referencing style, you might need to provide page numbers and put the quotation within quotation marks.
  • You should always include a citation to acknowledge the source of information when quoting.

A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to a text, film, or lesson by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students’ interest in a topic. Sharing 3-2-1 responses is also an effective way to prompt a class discussion or to review material from the previous lesson.

  1. Ask Students to Answer the 3-2-1 Prompt
    After students engage with a text or a lesson, ask them to list the following details in their journals or on separate paper:
    • Three things that they have learned from this lesson or from this text.
    • Two questions that they still have.
    • One aspect of class or the text that they enjoyed.
  2. Evaluate Students’ Responses
    Use students’ responses to guide teaching decisions. 3-2-1 responses can help you identify areas of the curriculum that you may need to review again or concepts or activities that hold special interest for students.

  • Content-Specific 3-2-1: You can modify the elements of the 3-2-1 strategy to focus on particular content questions. For example, if the class has just been studying the International Criminal Court, a teacher might have students write down three differences between the ICC and tribunals such as Nuremberg, two similarities between the ICC and these tribunals, and one question they still have.
  • Identifying Main Ideas 3-2-1: You could also use the 3-2-1 structure to help students identify main ideas from supporting information. For example, you could ask students to record three of the most important ideas from the lesson or text, two supporting details for each of these ideas, and one question they have about each of these ideas.

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Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall, subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However,, , prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the, work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for, profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as, a condition the payment of royalties., , Borrowed materials (songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos,, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are, owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has, been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these, , materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher, and the authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them., , This module was carefully examined and revised in, accordance with the standards prescribed by the DepEd, Regional Office 4A and CLMD CALABARZON. All parts and, sections of the module are assured not to have violated, any rules stated in the Intellectual Property Rights for, learning standards., The Editors, PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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Guide in Using PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material, For the Parents/Guardians, This module aims to assist you, dear parents, guardians, or, siblings of the learners, to understand how the materials and activities, are used in the new normal. It is designed to provide information,, activities, and new learning that learners need to work on., Activities presented in this module are based on the Most, Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in English as prescribed by, the Department of Education., Further, this learning resource hopes to engage the learners in, guided and independent learning activities at their own pace., Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the essential 21st, century skills while taking into consideration their needs and, circumstances., You are expected to assist the children in the tasks and ensure, the learner’s mastery of the subject matter. Be reminded that learners, have to answer all the activities in their own notebook., , For the Learners, The module is designed to suit your needs and interests using the, IDEA instructional process. This will help you attain the prescribed, grade-level knowledge, skills, attitude, and values at your own pace, outside the normal classroom setting., The module is composed of different types of activities that are, arranged according to graduated levels of difficulty—from simple to, complex. You are expected to :, a. answer all activities in your notebook;, b. accomplish the PIVOT Assessment Card for Learners on page, 41 by providing the appropriate symbols that correspond, to your personal assessment of your performance; and, c. submit the outputs to your respective teachers on the time, and date agreed upon., PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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Parts of PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material, , Introduction, , K to 12 Learning, Delivery Process, What I need to know, , What is new, , Development, , What I know, , What is in, What is it, , Engagement, , What is more, , What I can do, , What else I can do, , Assimilation, , What I have learned, , What I can achieve, , Descriptions, This part presents the MELC/s and the desired, learning outcomes for the day or week, purpose of, the lesson, core content and relevant samples. This, maximizes awareness of his/her own knowledge, as regards content and skills required for the, lesson., This part presents activities, tasks and contents of, value and interest to learner. This exposes him/her, on what he/she knew, what he/she does not know, and what he/she wants to know and learn. Most of, the activities and tasks simply and directly revolve, around the concepts of developing mastery of the, target skills or MELC/s., In this part, the learner engages in various tasks, and opportunities in building his/her knowledge,, skills and attitude/values (KSAVs) to meaningfully, connect his/her concepts after doing the tasks in, the D part. This also exposes him/her to real life, situations/tasks that shall: ignite his/ her interests, to meet, the expectation; make his/her, performance satisfactory; and/or produce a, product or performance which will help him/her, fully understand the target skills and concepts ., This part brings the learner to a process where he/, she shall demonstrate ideas, interpretation,, mindset or values and create pieces of, information that will form part of his/her, knowledge in reflecting, relating or using them, effectively in any situation or context. Also, this, part encourages him/her in creating conceptual, structures giving him/her the avenue to integrate, new and old learnings., , This module is a guide and a resource of information in understanding the, Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). Understanding the target contents, and skills can be further enriched thru the K to 12 Learning Materials and other, supplementary materials such as Worktexts and Textbooks provided by schools, and/or Schools Division Offices, and thru other learning delivery modalities,, including radio-based instruction (RBI) and TV-based instruction (TVI)., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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WEEK, 1, , Clues, Lesson, , I, , A clue is a piece of evidence that helps solve a problem. It is a, hint or guide on how you can identify the problem or mystery, and, leads you towards the solution. It is helpful in defining unfamiliar word,, phrase, image, idea, and action., In this lesson, you are expected to use clues to answer, questions, clarify understanding, and justify predictions before, during,, and after reading (titles, pictures, etc.)., Let us examine the sample picture below., , Using the picture above, answer the questions below., , , , What game are they playing?, What number is written on one of the girl’s shirt?, , 7, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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D, Learning Task 1: Match the items in Column A with the pictures they, represent in Column B. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., Column A, , Column B, , ____1. Drawing, , A., , ____2. Watering the plants, , B., , ____3. Teaching, , C., , Learning Task 2: Look at the pictures carefully. Then, identify what, every character does in each picture. Write your answers in your, notebook., 1., , 2., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 3., , 8

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CLUES, Clues help us determine the meaning of words that we do not, understand. An image may serve as a clue in providing meaning or, description about a given sentence., Examples:, , Angela is playing, her xylophone., , My mother is cooking, our breakfast., , Anna is cleaning, her ears., , E, Learning Task 3: In your notebook, identify the picture that best, matches each description. Write the letters of your answers in, your notebook., A. Singing, , B. Flying a Kite, , C. Running, , 3., , 1., , 2., , 9, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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Learning Task 4: Complete the sentences by choosing your, answers from the box. Use the pictures as your clues. Write your, answers in your notebook., happy, , thinking, , nervous, , 1. Anna is very ____________., , 2. Rolly is _____ because it’s his first time, joining a singing contest., , 3. Valentin keeps on _________ of best, gift for his friend., , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting the, correct answers from the choices below., description, , clue, , picture, , A (1)__________ gives us hint in understanding a sentence., Usually, a (2)__________ is attached to a sentence to clarify its, meaning or (3)__________., PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 10

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WEEK, 2, , Synonyms and Antonyms, Lesson, , I, , As a learner, you may enrich your skills through different, vocabulary strategies, such as synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms, show the sameness or similarities of words while antonyms show their, opposites., In this lesson, you are expected to recognize that some words, have same meaning (synonyms) and opposite meaning (antonyms)., Read the examples below., Set A, , Set B, , Words, , Synonyms, , Words, , Antonyms, , happy, , glad, , happy, , sad, , big, , large, , big, , small, , fast, , quick, , fast, , slow, , child, , kid, , child, , adult, , tiny, , little, , tiny, , big, , rich, , wealthy, , rich, , poor, , beautiful, , pretty, , beautiful, , ugly, , begin, , start, , begin, , end, , false, , untrue, , false, , true, , The words above are examples of synonyms and antonyms. Set, A presents words that show similarities and differences in terms of, meaning. They are synonyms. Set B, meanwhile, lists words with, opposite meanings. They are antonyms., 11, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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D, Learning Task 1: Match the items in Column A with their synonyms in, Column B. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., Column A, _____1. scared, _____2. wealthy, _____3. clean, _____4. quiet, _____5. quick, _____6. correct, , Column B, A. tidy, B. rich, C. afraid, D. silent, E. fast, F. right, , Learning Task 2: Match the items in Column A with their antonyms in, Column B. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., Column A, _____1. below, _____2. close, _____3. happy, _____4. man, _____5. start, _____6. cold, , Column B, A. above, B. end, C. sad, D. hot, E. open, F. woman, , SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS, Synonym refers to a word that has the same or nearly the same, meaning with other word/s. It is the same or similar to the given word., Examples:, circle, round, neat, clean/tidy, smart, intelligent, Antonym refers to the exact opposite of another word. It has an, opposite meaning with the given word., Examples:, hard, soft, hot, cold, clean, dirty, PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 12

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E, Learning Task 3: Write SYNONYM if the given words have the same, meaning, and ANTONYM if they are opposite. Write your answers in, your notebook., 1. small—little, 4. left—right, 2. true—false, 5. good—bad, 3. home—house, 6. difficult—hard, Learning Task 4: Read the words on the left. Encircle their, synonyms and box the antonyms. Do this in your notebook., 1. wrong, , correct, , false, , 2. small, , tiny, , big, , 3. easy, , simple, , hard, , Learning Task 5: Find the antonym of every underlined word in each, sentence. Choose your answers from the given choices inside the box., Write your answers in your notebook., cold, , hard, , happy, , _____1. I would like to have some hot water., _____2. Nathan was mad when he received his gift., _____3. Our exam was very easy., , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting your, answers from the choices below., vocabulary, , same, , opposite, , Two of the common strategies in developing (1)__________ skills, are through synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms refer to words that, have the (2)__________ meanings while antonyms refer to words that, have (3)__________ meanings., , 13, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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WEEK, 3, , Word Cline, Lesson, , I, , Word cline can help you discover and use new words or, vocabulary. Word clines are composed of different words that are, related to each other. They are words with similar meanings (synonym), but with different levels of intensity. These words are placed within a, slope which goes from one extreme to another., , In this lesson, you are expected to create or expand word cline., Study the examples below., Example A:, , gigantic, huge, big, , Example B:, , awesome, excellent, good, Let us analyze the examples above by answering, questions below.,  In Example A, which word has the weakest intensity?,  In Example A, which word has the strongest intensity?,  In Example B, which word has the weakest intensity?,  In Example B, which word has the strongest intensity?, PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 14, , the

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D, Learning Task 1: Read the words inside the box. Then, arrange them, from weakest to strongest. Place the weakest in Box 1 and the, strongest in Box 3. Do this in your notebook., unhappy, , upset, , sad, , 3., , 2., 1., , Learning Task 2: Read the lists of words below. Then, arrange them, from weakest to strongest. Write each set in a cline. Do this in your, notebook., 1. jubilant, happy, joyful, 2. pretty, beautiful, glamorous, 3. cold, chilly, freezing, , WORD CLINE, Word cline is a presentation of words in different levels of, intensity. The words in a cline have related meanings but differ in, levels. Usually, the words are arranged in extremes from the weakest, word to the strongest word., In creating word clines, it is very helpful to know the synonyms of, a word. Remember that these words are related but they differ in, level., Example:, , burning, , This is the strongest., , hot, warm, , This is the weakest., 15, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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E, Learning Task 3: Read the sentences below. Write A if the, sentence has the weakest intensity, B for the middle intensity, and C, for the strongest intensity. Do this in your notebook., ______1. The farmers discovered a giant rock formation., ______2. Nicolas is my tall brother., ______3. The mayor inaugurated the towering statue in our town., Learning Task 4: Arrange the words listed below from weakest to, strongest. Write your answers in your notebook., bright, , clever, , genius, , 3. _______________, 2. _______________, 1. _______________, , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by choosing your, answers from the choices below., , intensity, , clines, , weakest, , Word (1)____________ are composed of words with related, meanings but with different levels of (2)____________. The words are, arranged from (3)____________ to strongest level., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 16

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Made-Up and Real Texts/Stories, , I, , Lesson, , As a child, you have probably been exposed to various, stories that could either be made-up or real. Made-up texts are stories, that could not happen in real life while real texts are those which, could really happen., In this lesson, you are expected to recognize the difference, between “made-up” and “real” in texts listened to., Look at the pictures below. Identify the pictures which could tell, made-up and real-life stories., , A, , B, , C, , D, , Which pictures could tell made-up and real-life stories?, , Pictures A and D could tell real-life stories as they could, happen in real-life. However, Pictures B and C are pictures that could, tell made-up stories as they could not really happen in real-life., 17, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , WEEK, 4

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D, Learning Task 1: Write MADE-UP if the statement talks about made-up, stories, and REAL if the statement is about real stories., ________1. It talks about true events., ________2. This is for amusement or entertainment purposes only., ________3. It talks about facts., ________4. This story never happened at all., ________5. It is also called as “fiction”., Learning Task 2: Group the words inside the box as to made-up or real., Do this in your notebook., monster, , moon, , school, , Earth, , fairy, Mickey Mouse, , Made-Up, , Real, , MADE-UP AND REAL STORIES, Made-up stories, also known as fictions, are texts that cannot, happen in real life. They are considered to have never happened at, all. They are written for amusement or entertainment purposes only., Examples:, The fairy granted her wish., The genie helped him achieve his dreams., Meanwhile, real stories are texts that happen or may, happen in real-life. They present facts and talk about true events., Examples:, , Jose P. Rizal is a Filipino hero., Hermano Pule is a local hero., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 18

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E, Learning Task 3: Encircle REAL if the sentence may happen in real life,, or MADE-UP if the sentence could never happen in reality. Do this in, your notebook., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., , I saw a pink elephant., An eagle can fly., My cat is driving the car., The mouse answered my quiz., The doctor treated the patient., , REAL, REAL, REAL, REAL, REAL, , MADE-UP, MADE-UP, MADE-UP, MADE-UP, MADE-UP, , Learning Task 4: Write R if the statement may happen in real-life and M, if the statement is made-up., , _____1. I want to buy wings and fly high up in the sky., _____2. There are different plant species in the forest., _____3. Cows give milk., _____4. Batman saved the world., _____5. Christmas is celebrated every December 25th., , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph below by selecting, your answers from the given choices., Real, , made-up, , Stories, , (1)__________ may be categorized into real and made-up., (2)__________ stories are those that have happened and may happen, in real-life. Meanwhile, (3)__________ stories are those that are fictional., They cannot happen in real-life., , 19, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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WEEK, 5, , Important Details in Expository Texts, Lesson, , I, , Expository texts are informative texts that explain something to, the readers. They give facts and information about a specific, topic. The author’s purpose is to inform, describe, or explain his or her, topic., Examples of expository texts are found in textbooks,, newspapers, magazines, journals, biographies, encyclopedias, atlases,, and other informative materials., In this lesson, you are expected to identify important details in, expository text listened to., Below is an example of an expository text., How do clouds form?, , Cloud formation starts with evaporation as the, water on Earth is heated by the sun. The water, vapor rises into the air. The tiny droplets of water group, together and, become clouds. If the air, becomes cold enough, the cloud falls down as rain!, The paragraph above tells how clouds are formed. The, details and process on how they are formed are presented. This kind, of paragraph that gives information is known as an expository text., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 20

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D, Learning Task 1: Write TRUE if the statement about an expository text is, correct, and FALSE if it is not. Do this in your notebook., ____1. It presents information and facts., ____2. It aims to amuse or entertain the readers., , ____3. It may present a process or steps in doing something., ____4. It is fictional in nature., ____5. It may compare and contrast two or more items or, subjects., EXPOSITORY TEXTS, Expository texts are fact-based texts. They are non-fiction texts, that provide information or details about a particular topic or subject, matter., There are five ways in presenting an expository text. These are:, 1. Description - presents characteristics, features, and examples to, describe a subject or topic., , 2. Sequence - presents items or events in numerical or chronological, order., 3. Comparison and Contrast – explains how two or more things are, alike or different., 4. Cause and Effect – explains the causes and the results., 5. Problem and Solution – states a problem and lists solution/s for it., 21, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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E, Learning Task 2: Identify what element of expository text is used in, each item. Select your answers from the choices below. Write your, answers in your notebook., Description, Sequence, Cause and Effect, ______1., ______2., ______3., ______4., , ______5., , Comparison and Contrast, Problem and Solution, , In planting, you have to place first some soil in a pot. Then,, put the flower seeds in it., Desiree is smaller than Emma., COVID-19 hit the country. All schools were closed., Many Filipinos were affected by the COVID-19, pandemic. The government provided support funds to, them., The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia. It is, divided into three major island groups---Luzon, Visayas and, Mindanao., , Learning Task 3: Arrange the following in sequence or in order. Write 1, for the first, 2 for the second, and 3 for the last., How to plant flowers?, __ Water it everyday and put it in a place where there is sunlight., __ In a pot, put some soil., __ Put some flower seeds., Learning Task 4: Write A if the statements are alike or have the same, ideas, and D if they are different., _____1., _____2., _____3., , Josh: Let’s go to the mall and buy some new clothes., Robbie: I was thinking of the same thing. Let’s go!, The difference between Annie and Sophie is that Annie does, not like to eat vegetables, but Sophie loves them., Both Daisy and Sonia want to go to the beach., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 22

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A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting your, answers from the choices below., description, , non-fiction, , inform, , Expository texts are (1)____________ or fact-based texts. They tell, details or information about a particular topic. They are, written to (2)____________, describe, or explain. Some types or, elements of expository texts include (3)____________, sequence,, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and problem and, solution., , 23, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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Retelling Events, , I, , Lesson, , Retelling events is a skill which we use regularly, such as, telling someone about our day or weekend. It is a difficult task and, requires many smaller skills to be developed first., In retelling events, you have to remember or act out all, important events, but it would be better if you can remember the, entire story., In this lesson, you are expected to retell and/or reenact events, from a story., Below is an example of a short story., , The Garden, , Julia and Anna went gardening yesterday. They, watered the plants and bushes. Julia picked up the dried, leaves and threw them in the garbage bin. Anna planted, sunflower seeds. After doing their tasks, they sat under the, tree and ate apples and bananas. They immediately went, back to their house because it rained., Answer the following questions:, , , , , , Where did Julia and Anna go?, What did Julia do in the garden?, What did Anna do in the garden?, Why did they go back to their house?, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 24

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D, Learning Task 1: Read the short story below. Choose the best, answer for each question. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., Hamburger Sunday, Michelle and her friends have hamburgers, every Sunday night for dinner. She helps her friend Lily, prepare the buns. When the ham is done, Michelle, sets the table. Everyone enjoys the delicious, hamburgers!, , _____1. What do Michelle and her friends eat on Sundays?, A. hotdog, , B. hamburger, , C. fries, , _____2. What do Michelle and Lily prepare?, A. hotdog, , B. sauce, , C. buns, , _____3. What does Michelle do after cooking the ham?, , A. eats, , B. sets the table, , C. goes home, , Learning Task 2: Read the short story below. Choose the best, answer for each question. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., Red Riding Hood, Mother gave Red Riding Hood a basket of food for, Granny. On her way through the woods, Red met the, wolf. The wolf ran ahead to Granny’s house and, pretended that he was Granny. “What big eyes you, have!,” said Red. “And what big ears you have!” Red, screamed when the wolf tried to eat her. The, woodcutter came and frightened the wolf away., , 25, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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_____1. Who went to visit her granny?, A. Red Riding Hood, B. Fox, , C. Woodcutter, , _____2. Who said “What big eyes you have”?, A. Red Riding Hood, B. Fox, C. Woodcutter, _____3. Who frightened the wolf away?, A. Red Riding Hood, B. Fox, , C. Woodcutter, , Learning Task 3: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if not., Do this in your notebook., ______1. Retelling events refers to remembering what we read or, listened to., , ______2. You must read the story again while retelling., ______3. It is okay to forget the important details of the story in, retelling it., , RETELLING AND/OR REENACTING EVENTS, Retelling and reenacting events are two important skills that you, must have to check how you understand a particular story. In doing, these, you need to actively listen and focus on the details or, information presented to you., , Retelling events is simply to tell the story again by focusing on the, important details. These details include the characters, settings, and, events., Reenacting events refers to acting out a story. From the, story that you have read or listened to, you have to act it out by, focusing on the important details or information. You may also, relate yourself in every event, so you can easily remember or, recall what happened., PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 26

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E, Learning Task 4: Read the short story below. Choose the best, answer for each question. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., Amber the Ant and the Dove, One hot day, Amber the Ant was searching for, some water. He came to a spring. But to reach it, he, had to climb up a blade of grass. While making his way, up, he slipped and fell into the water. A dove sitting on, the nearby tree saw him and quickly plucked a leaf, and dropped it into the water to save the drowning, ant., , _____1. Where did the ant climb to get some water?, A. tree, B. vine, C. blade of grass, _____2. How did the Dove save the ant?, A. plucked a leaf and dropped it in the water, B. swam, C. called a friend, _____3. If you were the Dove and you saw an ant drowning, what, would you do?, A. save the ant, B. fly and enjoy, C. go home, Learning Task 5: Read the short story. Select the best answer for every, question. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., Harry and the Purple Crayon, Harry is very imaginative. One day, he decided to, go for a walk. He took with him his favorite purple, crayon. He drew the moon. It started following him in, his path as he continued his walk. Along the road, he, drew his favorite tree with his purple crayon. Moving a, little further, he drew a beautiful sea with a boat to sail., , 27, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

Page 28 :
______1. Who is the main character in the story?, A. Peter, B. Gary, , C. Harry, , ______2. What is the favorite color of the main character?, A. blue, B. purple, C. pink, ______3. What was the last thing that Harry drew?, A. moon, B. tree, , C. sea, , Learning Task 6: Reenact the story in Learning Task 5. Do this in front of, your parents, guardians, or siblings. Then, ask them to give their, comments about your performance using the questions below., 1. Was I able to reenact the events well?, , 2. Did I include all important details in reenacting the story?, , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting your, answers from the choices below., events, , understands, , reenacting, , Retelling (1)__________ refers to recalling of the important details, from the story read or listened to. Meanwhile, (2)__________ events, means acting out the story using the necessary information. Retelling, and reenacting events are two important skills that one must have to, know if he/she (3)__________ a particular story., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 28

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Major Points and Key Themes, , I, , Lesson, , Every story has different elements. It has characters, settings, and, events. These significant details play important roles in understanding, the story., Aside from these story elements, stories also give specific major, points and key themes. As a reader, it is necessary that you are able to, identify the major points and key theme shown in each story., In this lesson, you are expected to identify major points and key, themes., Read the story below., The Studious Pupil, Anthony is a studious pupil. He, performs well in school. He gets good, grades in almost all of his subjects. In, school, he listens well to his teacher. He, also actively participates in class, discussions. At home, he reads a lot of, books during his free time. He also does, his assignments. He prepares his, projects before the deadline. He, studies well to serve as good example, to other pupils. He also wants to achieve his dreams, someday., The selection above tells us that Anthony is a studious pupil as he, studies well in school and at home. This is the major point., Meanwhile, it also tells that studying well can help one get good, grades and be successful in life. This is the theme., 29, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , WEEK, 6

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D, Learning Task 1: Read the paragraph below. Then, answer the, questions that follow. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., My Cat, I have a cat named Floppy. I taught her lots of, tricks. When I call her, she comes to me immediately., She also massages my back even if I don’t tell her to., When I say “sleep”, she will close her eyes and pretend, to be sleeping. I couldn’t believe that a cat like her, would be that smart., ______1. What is the major point of the paragraph?, A. Floppy is a cat., B. Floppy can do tricks., C. Floppy is smart., ______2. What is the best key theme of the story?, A. Cats are smart animals., B. Cats are tricky animals., C. Cats are sleepy animals., Learning Task 2: Read each paragraph. Then, identify what each item, tells. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., 1., , Carabaos help farmers in plowing the field. They give us milk and, meat., The story is about _________., A. farmers, B. carabaos, C. meats, , 2., , Emma and Roi go to school everyday. After school, they help their, parents in doing household chores. Emma washes the dishes while, Roi sweeps the floor., The paragraph is about the ________., A. honest children, B. helpful children, C. polite children, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 30

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MAJOR POINTS AND KEY THEMES, The major point or main idea is the main point of a, paragraph in a story. When summarizing a paragraph, it is most likely a, one-sentence major point., Meanwhile, the key themes are facts or statements that, bind the main ideas of the story. They provide the central idea of the, whole story., , In every story, our goal is to get or understand its major point. In, coming up with the key theme, you have to take note of the major or, main ideas., , E, Learning Task 3: Read the paragraphs. Then, identify the theme and, main idea in each story. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., The Bats, Some kinds of bats eat many insects. Some bats, can eat up to 1,000 small insects in one hour. They are, helpful to the environment. They help us by eating, insects. Without them, we would have many insects in, the environment., , ______1. What is the major point of the story?, A. Bats are mammals., B. Bats can eat up to 1,000 insects in one hour., C. Bats help in controlling the population of insects., ______2. What is the key theme of the story?, A. bats’ eating habits, B. bats’ favorite food, C. bats’ contribution to nature, 31, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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Cold Weather, One day, Hana walked outside with her small pink, jacket. But even if she was wearing one, she still felt, very cold. She looked at her phone and, noticed that it was 15 degrees outside. It was, indeed cold due to amihan. She was chilling, so she, decided to go back inside., ______3. What is the major point of the story?, A. It was very cold outside., B. She wore pink jacket., C. Hana went outside with her friends., ______4. What is the key theme of the story?, A. Cold weather makes us sleepy., B. Cold weather tells us to wear jacket., C. Cold weather prevents us from going outside., , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting your, answers from the choices below. Write your answers in your notebook., elements, , major points, , key themes, , The (1)__________ of a story deal with what the story is all about., Meanwhile, the (2)__________ explain the central idea that a story tells., These two (3)__________ are both important in understanding a story or, selection., , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 32

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Repeated Patterns and Refrains, Lesson, , I, , Repeated patterns are frequently used structure or method of, poetry writing. Certain words and/or sounds are repeated for effect or, emphasis., Refrain is a repeated line or group of lines that may be found at, the middle, or usually at the end of each stanza. It may be repeated, at regular intervals., In this lesson, you are expected to participate in choral speaking, and echo reading of short poems, rhymes, and stories with repeated, patterns and refrains in English., Read the examples below., Example A, , Example B, , I visited my grandfather., I visited my grandmother., They love to see me often., They love to cook and sleep., They rest under an old tree., , I visit them always, As they love to see me often., , I love my grandparents., , They always cook and sleep., I bring their favorite food., , I love my grandparents., , Which of the examples shows repeated patterns? Which one, presents refrains?, Example A is a poem that shows repeated patterns. Two, patterns are shown in the given poem---I visited my and They., , Meanwhile, Example B shows the use of refrain. The last line in, each stanza shows the refrain of the poem., , 33, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , WEEK, 7

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D, Learning Task 1: Read the poems carefully. Then, answer the, questions that follow. Write the letters of your answers in your, notebook., The Moon, The moon shines in the dark., The moon is half., The moon is tainted., So is the human heart., ______1. What is being repeated in the story?, A. sun, B. moon, C. heart, ______2. What type of pattern is used in the poem?, A. repetitive pattern, B. refrain, ______3. Which among the words below rhymes with “moon”?, A. zoom, B. noon, C. room, My mother baked a delicious cake., She prepared spaghetti and pancit., It’s my birthday., , Fried chicken was prepared, By my loving and supportive father., It’s my birthday., ______4. What is being repeated in the story?, A. It’s my birthday., B. Fried chicken was prepared., ______5. What type of pattern is used in the poem?, A. repetitive Pattern, B. refrain, REPEATING PATTERNS AND REFRAIN, Repeating patterns refers to the repeated words to place, emphasis on the given poem. Sounds may also be repeated to, emphasize the pattern., Refrain is the repetition of lines. This is also to emphasize the idea, shown in the poem. The lines may be repeated at the middle part of, each stanza. However, refrain usually occurs at the end of each, stanza., PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 34

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E, Learning Task 2: Read the poem carefully. Then, answer the questions, that follow. Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., The stars shine bright at night., The stars bring joy to my life., The stars guide us in our lives., They make us happy at night., ______1. What is being repeated in the story?, A. bright at night, B. the stars, ______2. What type of pattern is used in the poem?, A. repetitive pattern, B. refrain, Learning Task 3: Read the poem below. Ask your parents, guardians, or, siblings to read it with you., I play my toys during my free time., My parents allow me to bring them outside., I am still a child., My friends play with me in the park., We bring our toys with us., I am still a child., , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting the, correct answers from the choices below., refrain, , emphasis, , patterns, , Repeating (1)__________ refers to the repeated words or sounds, to place (2)__________ on the given poem. Meanwhile, (3)__________ is, the repetition of lines. This usually occurs at the end of each stanza., , 35, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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WEEK, 8, , Meanings through Personal Experiences, , I, , Lesson, , Stories can be related to real-life experiences. We always learn, lessons based on what we have experienced, and what we have, read or listened to. One’s personal experiences give wider views to, better understand a particular story., It is advantageous when we talk about things that each of us, can relate to. If we can relate to a particular story, we can easily, connect to its major points and ideas., At the end of the lesson, you are expected to listen and, respond to texts to clarify meanings while drawing on personal, experiences., , Read the story and tell if you can relate to it., , Lara and her family love going to the beach. It, relaxes them. They feel that they are safe whenever, they are at the beach. It is also fun for them. The, sound waves and the smell of the sea give them, peace and make them happy., Answer the following questions:, , , , , Have you experienced going to the beach or have you known, someone who had been to a beach?, What did you/they feel while you/they were at the beach?, Did you/they have fun at the beach?, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 36

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D, Learning Task 1: Read the story. Then, answer the questions that follow., Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., The Lonely Rainbow Horse, The Rainbow Horse is the prettiest among other, horses in the farm. He has glowing pink, purple, and, yellow skin. One day, a little brown pony asked the, horse how he got his glowing skin. “Go away!,” said, the Rainbow Horse. The little brown pony was very, upset and told the other horses what happened, and, the day after that, no one wants to go near or help the, Rainbow Horse., , ______1. What did the little brown pony feel when he was asked by the, Rainbow Horse to go away?, A. happy, B. upset, C. excited, ______2. What would the Rainbow Horse feel when he knew that other, horses would never go near or help him?, A. happy, B. sad, C. proud, ______3. If you were the Rainbow Horse, what would you feel if you, had the prettiest color among the horses?, A. lonely, B. angry, C. happy, ______4. If you were the Rainbow Horse, what would you feel if other, horses would not go near you?, A. lonely, B. excited, C. angry, Learning Task 2: Read the selections. Then, answer the given questions., Write the letters of the correct answers in your notebook., ______1. Bitoy left his snacks at home. Christian, his friend, shared his, food with him. Is Christian a good friend?, A. Yes, B. No, 37, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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______2. Suzy forgot her wallet at home and asked Julie for some extra, money for her to eat. Julie did not have extra, money. Was Julie able to help Suzy?, A. Yes, B. No, PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, Personal experiences are important in understanding a, story. Using your personal experiences, you will be able to, establish connection to the story. With that connection, you will easily, know the details of the story, and understand what the characters do, and feel., Using your personal or others’ experiences, you will easily, relate to the story that will be understandable to your own, context and level. They will help you in interpreting the story using your, personal experiences., , E, Learning Task 3: Read the story. Then, answer the questions that follow., Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., The Rose and the Sunflower, The Rose thought that she was a slow-grower and, less pretty than the Sunflower. She said to herself, “When, the sun rises and shines bright, I will bloom and be, prettier than the Sunflower.” The day after that, the sun, shone, and the rose bloomed, while the Sunflower died., , ______1. How did the Rose feel towards the beauty of the Sunflower?, A. happy, B. lonely, C. proud, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 38

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______2. Why did the Rose say those things to herself?, A. She is insecure., B. She is just singing., C. She is a proud flower., ______3. Should the Rose be insecure with the Sunflower?, A. Yes, B. No, Learning Task 4: Read the story. Then, answer the questions that follow., Write the letters of your answers in your notebook., The Test, It was Caloy’s exam day. He reviewed well for the, past few days. Before the exam started, he, immediately placed his books and notes in his bag. He, answered his papers silently and honestly during the, test. He was satisfied with the results of the test., ______1. What did Caloy do in preparation for the test?, A. review, B. sleep, C. play, , ______2. Was Caloy satisfied with the results of the exams?, A. Yes, B. No, , A, In your notebook, complete the paragraph by selecting your, answers from the choices below., interpreting, , relate, , experiences, , Personal (1)__________ help us in understanding a story. Through, these, we can easily (2)__________ to a particular story. Its connection, to our experiences can help us in (3)__________ it., , 39, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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A Phase, 1. patterns, 2. emphasis, 3. refrain, , 1., 2., 3., , A Phase, experiences, relate, interpreting, , Learning Task 4, 1. A, 2. A, , 40, 1., 2., 3., , Learning Task 3, 1. B, 2. A, 3. B, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, Learning Task 2, 1. A, 2. B, , Learning Task 1, 1. B, 2. B, 3. C, 4. A, , MEANINGS THROUGH PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, , Learning Task 2, 1. B, 2. A, , Learning Task 1, 1. B, 2. A, 3. B, 4. A, 5. B, , A Phase, 1. major points, 2. key themes, 3. elements, , Learning Task 3, 1. C, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, , REPEATED PATTERNS AND REFRAINS, , A Phase, events, reenacting, understands, , Learning Task 5, 1. C, 2. B, 3. C, , Learning Task 2, 1. B, 2. B, , Learning Task 1, 1. C, 2. A, , MAJOR POINTS AND KEY THEMES, , Learning Task 4, 1. C, 2. A, 3. A, , Learning Task 3, 1. True, 2. False, 3. False, , Learning Task 2, 1. A, 2. A, 3. C, , Learning Task 1, 1., B, 2., C, 3., B, , RETELLING EVENTS, , 1., 2., 3., , A Phase, non-fiction, inform, description, , Learning Task 4, 1. A, 2. D, 3. A, , Learning Task 3, 1. 3, 2. 2, 3. 1, , 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., , Learning Task 2, Sequence, Comparison and Contrast, Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, Description, , Learning Task 1, 1. True, 2. False, 3. True, 4. False, 5. True, , IMPORTANT DETAILS IN EXPOSITORY TEXTS, , 1., 2., 3., , Learning Task 4, 1. M, 2. R, 3. R, 4. M, 5. R, , A Phase, Stories, Real, made-up, , Learning Task 3, 1. Made-up, 2. Real, 3. Made-up, 4. Made-up, 5. Real, , Learning Task 2, Made-up, Real, monster, moon, fairy, school, Mickey, Earth, Mouse, , Learning Task 1, 1. Real, 2. Made-up, 3. Real, 4. Made-up, 5. Made-up, , MADE-UP AND REAL TEXTS/STORIES, , 1., 2., 3., , A Phase, clines, intensity, weakest, , Learning Task 4, 1. bright, 2. clever, 3. genius, , Learning Task 3, 1. B, 2. A, 3. C, , 1., 2., 3., , Learning Task 2, happy, joyful, jubilant, pretty, beautiful, glamorous, chilly, cold, freezing, , Learning Task 1, 1. sad, 2. unhappy, 3. upset, , WORD CLINE, , 1., 2., 3., , A Phase, vocabulary, same, opposite, , Learning Task 4, Box, Circle, correct false, big, tiny, hard, simple, , Learning Task 5, 1. cold, 2. happy, 3. hard, , Learning Task 3, 1. Synonym, 2. Antonym, 3. Synonym, 4. Antonym, 5. Antonym, 6. Synonym, , Learning Task 2, 1. A, 2. E, 3. C, 4. F, 5. B, 6. D, , Learning Task 1, 1., C, 2., B, 3., A, 4., D, 5., E, 6., F, , SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS, , A Phase, clue, picture, description, , 1., 2., 3., , Learning Task 4, 1. happy, 2. nervous, 3. thinking, , Learning Task 3, 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, , Learning Task 2, 1. Painting, 2. Fixing, the, bed/, Preparing to sleep, 3. Eating, , Learning Task 1, 1. C, 2. A, 3. B, , CLUES, , Key to Correction

Page 41 :
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance, Using the symbols below, choose one which best, describes your experience in working on each given task., Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be, guided by the descriptions below., - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped, me in understanding the target content/lesson., , - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still, helped me in understanding the target content/lesson., - I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need, additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task., , Distribution of Learning Tasks Per Week for Quarter 3, Week 1, , LP, , Week 2, , LP, , Week 3, , LP, , Week 4, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 5, , Learning Task 5, , Learning Task 5, , Learning Task 5, , Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , Week 5, , LP, , Week 6, , LP, , Week 7, , LP, , Week 8, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 1, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 2, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 3, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 4, , Learning Task 5, Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 5, Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 5, Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 5, Learning Task 6, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 7, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , Learning Task 8, , LP, , LP, , Note: If the lesson is designed for two or more weeks as shown in the eartag, just copy your, personal evaluation indicated in the first Level of Performance found in the second column, up to the succeeding columns, ie. if the lesson is designed for weeks 4-6, just copy your, personal evaluation indicated in the LP column for week 4, week 5 and week 6. Thank you., , 41, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2

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References, Department of Education. (2020). K to 12 most essential learning, competencies with corresponding codes. Pasig City: Department, of Education., Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON. (2020). PIVOT 4A, , budget of work in all learning areas in key stages 1-4: Version 2.0., Cainta, Rizal: Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON., , Matters, T. (2019, September 28). Retelling Events / Talking Matters,, Adelaide, South Australia . Retrieved from Talking Matters:, //, sisriCR7smileangel. (2013, July 5). Expository text in reading power, point . Retrieved from slideshare: //, sisriCR7smileangel/expository-text-in-reading-power-point, (2020, December 16). Clue - Dictionary Definition :, Retrieved from Dictionary:, //, , Wisconsin, S. (2013, February 13). expository text | speechymusings., Retrieved from speechymusings: //,, , PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G2, , 42

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