How were the economies of the northern and Southern states different how were they the same what factors led them to develop differently?

The economies of both sides relied heavily on farming, and both used similar methods to work the land. … In the North, states raised wheat and corn primarily while the South rested its economic hopes almost solely cotton and rice.

How were the northern and southern economies the same?

The northern economy relied on manufacturing and the agricultural southern economy depended on the production of cotton. The desire of southerners for unpaid workers to pick the valuable cotton strengthened their need for slavery.

What was the common link between the economies of the North and the South?

Divided But Connected

Despite the differences, the North’s economy was supported by the South’s, and the South’s economy was supported by the North’s. Since the North had an industrial economy focused on manufacturing, it needed the crops grown in the South to produce goods.

How were the economies of the North and South states different how were they the same what factors led them to develop differently?

In the North, the economy was based on industry. They built factories and manufactured products to sell to other countries and to the southern states. They did not do a lot of farming because the soil was rocky and the colder climate made for a shorter growing season. … In the South, the economy was based on agriculture.

How did the economies of the North the West and South differ?

The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural. This difference played out heavily in the US Civil War – while the South was better led, constant shortages of weapons and equipment, along with blockades of ports to prevent supplies from coming in, led ultimately to the South losing the war.

How were the South and North similar?

The North and South both had lots of characteristics that were similar such as discrimination against African Americans, reliance on cotton, and the growth of factories in some large cities. The North and South also had a lot of differences such as their transportation, geography, and economical growth.

What is the difference between South and Southern?

“Southern” refers to a loosely defined region and when such a region becomes defined, it becomes “South”. Let me see if I can make it clear. “The South” is a pretty well defined region of the southern United States. Not every part of the southern United States is part of “the South”, however.

What did the North and South have in common in the Civil War?

Both sides had poor medical care. Both sides wanted more land. Both sides grew in their weapons. Both sides only allow men to join the army.

How did the difference between the northern and southern economies lead to the development of two distinct cultural regions?

How did the difference between Northern nd Southern economies lead to the development of distinct cultural regions? –North developed an urban,egalitarian culture,the South developed a rural,landowner and slaveholder based culture.

What were the different economic styles of both the North and the South during the Civil War period and why do you think they could not coexist?

The North had factories and the South provided the products that were needed for the factories. The North relied on the South. The north did not need slaves but the South did need slaves to produce the goods for the goods that the North needed for the factories. They both needed to exist, but they could not compromise.

What were the major differences between the northern and southern economies by the 1850s?

The south was a lot more rural than the north making a living from plantations and small farms. Most of the south’s economy relied on cotton. Only one third of the whole nation’s population lived in the south in 1850. There were not many factories or industrial businesses in the south.

How did the economic systems of the north and South differ in the early 1800s what problems did these differences cause?

How did the economic systems of the North and South differ in the early 1800s? … Regional economic differences led to problems: The North began to outlaw slavery while the south increased its dependency on slavery. This led to power struggles as new states were admitted to the Union.

How were the northern and southern colonies different?

The Northern Colonies were mostly mountains with a colder climate and a thin layer of soil only for subsistence farming. The Southern Colonies were mostly plains with warmer climate and rich fertile soil suitable for cash crop farming. … The Southern Colonies were settled mainly for economic gain(commercial gain).

How did the economies of the North and South differ quizlet?

How did the economies of the north and south differ? The north in the south develop differently in the early 1800s. The north was more industry and commerce which led to cities and immigration. The South relied on plantation farming.

How did the North and the South differ in the 1840s?

How did the North and South differ in the 1840’s? The North was industry-based while the South was farm-based. The North was against slavery while the South depended on it. … It would outlaw slavery in 5 states.

How did the North and South differ in their views of the Constitution?

Southerners believed that they had the power to declare any national law illegal. Northerners believed that the national government’s power was supreme over that of the states. Southerners felt that the abolition of slavery would destroy their region’s economy.

What was the economic relationship between the North and the South in the early 1800s?

The northern economy relied on manufacturing and the agricultural southern economy depended on the production of cotton. The desire of southerners for unpaid workers to pick the valuable cotton strengthened their need for slavery.

How do you use South and Southern?

South is used for a noun form, and usually for established names. For example, South Africa (established name of the country) or South Caroline (state in USA). But if you say southern African you could mean any part of Africa that is located in the southern part.

What were the biggest differences between the North and the South?

Many states in the north had done away with slavery and thought that the South’s use of slavery was abhorrent. While the South depended on agriculture, the North had a lot of industry.

Which characteristics best describe the northern and southern economies in the early to mid 1800?

In the early to mid 1800s, northern states had a thriving AGRARIAN/ INDUSTRIAL economy. They relied heavily on FARMING/ MANUFACTURING as well as on finance. In contrast, southern states had fewer FACTORIES/ RESOURCES. Their economy focused on growing and EXPORTING/ IMPORTING crash cops.

Is it Southern or Southern?

If you are referring to a group of proper nouns such as “the Southern States.” However, if instead you reference a general location, such as “the southern winds,” then the word southern should be lowercase.

Is South a preposition?


One of the four compass directions: 180º from north. If you face south, the sun rises on your left. Africa is South of Europe.

How did the Civil War affect the economies of the North and South?

The Union’s industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion. In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult.

How many slaves did the North have compared to the South?

The battle lines were now drawn. On paper, the Union outweighed the Confederacy in almost every way. Nearly 21 million people lived in 23 Northern states. The South claimed just 9 million people — including 3.5 million slaves — in 11 confederate states.

Which of the following differences between the North and the South during the Civil War is depicted in the graph?

Which of the following differences between the North and the South during the Civil War is depicted in the graph? The South relied more on plantation agriculture than the North. … The North was becoming more diverse in its economic activities than the South.

What was the difference between the North and South in the 1800s?

The North had an industrial economy, an economy focused on manufacturing, while the South had an agricultural economy, an economy focused on farming. Slaves worked on Southern plantations to farm crops, and Northerners would buy these crops to produce goods that they could sell.

What was the southern economy based on?

The Southern economy was based on agriculture. Crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane and indigo were grown in great quantities. These crops were known as cash crops, ones that were raised to be sold or exported for a profit.

What were the three differences between north and South that caused animosity between the regions?

What were three differences between North and South that caused animosity between the regions? North was antislavery; South was pro-slavery. North was business and trade oriented; South was agrarian. … They wanted slavery to end in all of the United States.

What was the economy like in the South before the Civil War?

The Confederate States of America (1861-1865) started with an agrarian-based economy that relied heavily on slave-worked plantations for the production of cotton for export to Europe and to the northern US.

How & Why did the northern and southern colonies develop differently from one another?

Northern colonies were founded by pilgrims who wanted religious freedom, whereas southern colonies were founded to grant colonists opportunities for land ownership. Their differences in political, social, and economic issues shaped our country into what we are today.

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ? Most northerners believed that slavery was morally wrong. … In the South most people believed that God intended that black people should provide labor for a white “civilized” society. -southerners claimed enslaved people were healthier and happier.

What were the differences and similarities between the societies and economies of the southern New England and Middle Colonies?

The southern colonies relied on growing crops such as sugarcane, rice, Cotton, tobacco, and indigo. The southern colonists had recourses including good farmland and lumber. … the middle colonies had rich farmland and a moderate climate, which made farming easier than it was in New England.

What made the economies of the northern southern and middle colonies different?

The middles colonies had rich farmland and a moderate climate. This made it a more suitable place to grow grain and livestock than New England. … The Southern colonies had fertile farmlands which contributed to the rise of cash crops such as rice, tobacco, and indigo.

What are the similarities between the southern and New England colonies?

The colonies of the south and the New England had one similarity; there relationship with the natives. Both of the colonies had very bad relations with the natives. The south needed the native land for tobacco plantations, which caused a lot of conflict between the two groups.

How did the North and South economies differ?

In the North, the economy was based on industry. … In the South, the economy was based on agriculture. The soil was fertile and good for farming. They grew crops like cotton, rice, and tobacco on small farms and large plantations.

In what ways were the economic interests of the Northern and Southern states different?

In what ways were the economic interests of the Northern and Southern states different? The South was almost completely agricultural, they used slaves, and sold most of their products to Great Britain and other nations in Europe. North: farmers, fishers, merchants, bankers, and had no slave labor.

How did the economies of the North the West and South differ?

The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural. This difference played out heavily in the US Civil War – while the South was better led, constant shortages of weapons and equipment, along with blockades of ports to prevent supplies from coming in, led ultimately to the South losing the war.

How did economic differences between the north and South lead to the Civil War?

For years, textbook authors have contended that economic difference between North and South was the primary cause of the Civil War. The northern economy relied on manufacturing and the agricultural southern economy depended on the production of cotton. … The clash brought on the war.

How did the difference between the northern and southern economies lead to the development of two distinct cultural regions?

How did the difference between Northern nd Southern economies lead to the development of distinct cultural regions? –North developed an urban,egalitarian culture,the South developed a rural,landowner and slaveholder based culture.

How did the North and South differ during the first half of the 1800s?

Some of the ways the North and South differed during the first half of the 1800s were that the North was focused mainly on industry which resulted in the North not only having a large population, but also having a large immigrant population. … The South was mainly made up of rural farms which contained many slaves.

What are the similarities between the north and South?

Outside of slavery, however, the social strata of the North and South were very similar. Class structure in both developed along very similar lines with a large lower class, a smaller middle class, and a much smaller upper class.

What did the economies of the north and South have in common between 1820 and 1850 quizlet?

What did the economies of the North and South have in common between 1820 and 1850? Both became more reliant on cotton. Cotton tied together the economies of the North and South as southern cotton was turned into textiles in northern mills. Which nation was a leading force in the movement to abolish slavery?

How did the north and South different politically?

-One thing the both the north and the south hated were protective tariff put on goods to tax the people. -Both north and the south had different views on slavery. -states’ rights they both disagreed on. -They both thought there way of life, economy, and everything else is better the the opposing side.

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