How to update value in nested dictionary Python

Ochuko is a full-stack Python/React software developer and freelance Technical Writer. He spends his free time contributing to open source and tutoring students on programming in collaboration with Google DSC.

The dict.update() method updates a dictionary with a (key-value) pair element from another dictionary, or from an iterable of (key-value) pair elements.




  • The dict.update() method inputs either an iterable object of (key-value) pair elements (tuples in most cases), or another dictionary.
  • Also, if the Python dict.update() method is applied to a dictionary without any parameters passed, then no changes to the dictionary occur, so the dictionary remains the same.

💡 Side note: The dict.update() method inserts a specified (key-value) pair element into a dictionary if the key does not exist.

Return Value

  • The Python dict.update() method performs it’s update operation, but does not return any value (returns a identities = {'id_1': 'jim', 'id_2': 'tammy', 'id_3': 'sarah', 'id_4': 'bob'} change_id_3 = {'id_3': 'amada'} identities.update(change_id_3) print(identities)3 value).

Basic Example

Example using the Python dict.update() method to update the value of a key in a dictionary:

identities = {'id_1': 'jim', 'id_2': 'tammy', 'id_3': 'sarah', 'id_4': 'bob'} change_id_3 = {'id_3': 'amada'} identities.update(change_id_3) print(identities)


{'id_1': 'jim', 'id_2': 'tammy', 'id_3': 'amada', 'id_4': 'bob'}

This example shows how to update a value of a particular key in a dictionary by passing another dictionary with the key and its changed value as a parameter to the dict.update() method.

Add Key Value Pair to Python Dictionary

The following example shows how to add (key-value) pair elements to a Python dictionary using the dict.update() method:

groceries = {} apples = {'apples': 5} oranges = {'oranges': 6} peaches = {'peaches': 5} groceries.update(apples) groceries.update(oranges) groceries.update(peaches) print(groceries) # {'apples': 5, 'oranges': 6, 'peaches': 5}

This example shows how to individually insert (key-value) pair elements into a dictionary.

Passing a Tuple to dict.update()

An example on how to pass a tuple to a Python dictionary using the dict.update() method:

store_items = {} store_items.update(pens = 3, notebooks = 4, desks = 4, shelves = 6) print(store_items) # {'pens': 3, 'notebooks': 4, 'desks': 4, 'shelves': 6}

In the previous example, applying the dict.update() method to a dictionary with one (key-value) pair element is good when only one (key-value) pair element needs to be inserted into a dictionary,

But this operation becomes tedious if multiple (key-value) pair elements are required to be inserted into a dictionary. This example of passing a tuple to the Python dict.update() method is very useful because multiple (key-value) pair elements can be inserted into a dictionary, all at once.

Merge Two Nested Dictionaries with dict.update()

Example on how to merge two nested dictionaries using the Python dictionary method dict.update():

company_1 = {'id_1': {'name': 'john', 'profession': 'electrician'}, 'id_2': {'name': 'kim', 'profession': 'plumber'}} company_2 = {'id_3': {'name': 'tammy', 'profession': 'mason'}, 'id_4': {'name': 'lily', 'profession': 'welder'}} company_merge = company_1.update(company_2) print(company_merge)



Attempted merging of nested dictionaries failed, resulting in a identities = {'id_1': 'jim', 'id_2': 'tammy', 'id_3': 'sarah', 'id_4': 'bob'} change_id_3 = {'id_3': 'amada'} identities.update(change_id_3) print(identities)3 value being returned. But you can see that the original dictionary in {'id_1': 'jim', 'id_2': 'tammy', 'id_3': 'amada', 'id_4': 'bob'} 2 has changed:

def update_nested_dict(existing, new): """Nested update of python dictionaries for config parsing Adapted from // """ for k, v in new.iteritems(): if isinstance(existing, collections.Mapping): if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping): r = update_nested_dict(existing.get(k, {}), v) existing[k] = r else: existing[k] = new[k] else: existing = {k: new[k]} return existing

The dictionaries within a dictionary are called a Nested dictionary in Python. You can update the nested dictionary using the assignment operator or update method in Python.

Yes, updating the Nested dictionary is similar to updating a simple dictionary.

Example update nested dictionary in Python

Simple example code.

Appending nested list

It will add a new key-value into a dictionary.

Employee = { 'emp1': { 'name': 'John', 'age': '29', 'Designation': 'Programmer' }, 'emp2': { 'name': 'Steve', 'age': '45', 'Designation': 'HR' } } Employee['name'] = 'Kate' print(Employee)


{’emp1′: {‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: ’29’, ‘Designation’: ‘Programmer’}, ’emp2′: {‘name’: ‘Steve’, ‘age’: ’45’, ‘Designation’: ‘HR’}, ‘name’: ‘Kate’}

Updating existing key values in Nested dictionary.

This example updates the value for the mentioned key if it is present in the dictionary. Otherwise, it creates a new entry.

Employee = { 'emp1': { 'name': 'John', 'age': '29', 'Designation': 'Programmer' }, 'emp2': { 'name': 'Steve', 'age': '45', 'Designation': 'HR' } } Employee['emp1']['name'] = 'Kate' print(Employee)


Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestions on this Python dictionary topic.

Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)

Windows 10

Python 3.10.1

All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.


Degree in Computer Science and Engineer: App Developer and has multiple Programming languages experience. Enthusiasm for technology & like learning technical.

How do you update a dictionary value in Python?

Values of a Python Dictionary can be updated using the following two ways i.e. using the update() method and also, using square brackets. Dictionary represents the key-value pair in Python, enclosed in curly braces. The keys are unique and a colon separates it from value, whereas comma separates the items.

How to add key

There are 2 methods through which we can add keys to a nested dictionary. One is using the dictionary brackets and the other using the update() method. This is the easiest method through which we can add keys to the nested Dictionary in Python. This is done by nesting the dictionary.

How do you update list values in a dictionary?

Method 1: Using append() function The append function is used to insert a new value in the list of dictionaries, we will use pop() function along with this to eliminate the duplicate data. Syntax: dictionary[row]['key']. append('value')

Can you modify the value in a dictionary?

Modifying a value in a dictionary is pretty similar to modifying an element in a list. You give the name of the dictionary and then the key in square brackets, and set that equal to the new value. dictionary: A collection of key-value pairs.

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