How to tell your crush likes you

We begin to develop feelings for someone or in other words start having crush on them. However, it is not uncommon for the other person to remain silent. So all you have to do is keep an eye out for them to see if they are responding to your feelings or not. Here are 5 basic signs that your crush is secretly interested in you.



Eye-contact: Check whether if your crush is looking you in the eyes. Speaks to you, jokes or laughs with you, you can be sure that their feelings are more than friendly. Before deciding on the intent or feeling behind them, pay close attention to how frequently and intensely they hold your sights.

He shares everything with you: Even if you aren't best friends, if your crush shares secrets with you comfortably, it could be a sign that he likes you. This behavior could indicate that he wants to open up about his life with you in order to gain your trust and loyalty.

Hypes you up: If he tracks your talents, praises your achievements, compliments your appearance, or says you smell nice, your crush is surely interested in you as more than a friend.

Paying attention to the little details: If your crush notices all of the minor details about your schedule, life, and personality, you can be certain that they are paying more attention than they should. Even so, chances are they like you more than you think. It could be as simple as a childhood memory or a favorite song.

Ask for your contact information: If the person likes you, he will eventually ask for your phone number and permission to add you on social media. He'd finally muster up the courage to do it.

You can't stop thinking about them, you blush every time they talk to you, you're fantasizing about your future together... what you have here is a crush. Once you've admitted to that, your next step is to tell them how you feel. Telling someone you like them can sound like a daunting experience, and TBH, it is not easy.

That's why Seventeen spoke with Maria Sullivan, dating expert and vice president of, for advice on how to tell someone you like them in the least awkward way possible. Here are her best tips to make this confession as painless as possible. And hey, maybe the next time you'll be back here will be for first date ideas!

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If you're feeling extra nervous about revealing your feelings, try hinting at your crush and see how they respond. Make eye contact, tease them playfully, or send a flirty text. "It can help diffuse any associated pressure and motivate your crush to consider a relationship with you," says Sullivan.

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Give yourself a deadline

Hold yourself accountable, Sullivan says. And setting a deadline for yourself to talk to your crush will do just that. Sometimes, your nerves can get the best of you and you might push it off for way too long. If that's the case, don't be afraid to pick a date on your calendar and set that personal deadline. The longer you wait, the more time you give yourself to completely overthink the situation and make things even more awks!

Talk to your friends

There's nothing that a pep talk from your bestie can't fix — especially if you are feeling unsure of yourself or your feelings. It almost always helps to talk it out with someone, and if they have been in a similar situation before, they can offer some great advice. Your close friends know you better than most, and can provide just the confidence boost you need. After confiding in them, you're going to be more than ready to tell your crush just exactly how you feel.

Be confident

This one is obviously easier said than done, but confidence and clarity will make a complete difference in your convo with your crush. "No one is born an expert at this," Sullivan says. "Even the most seasoned daters have to brace themselves for the potential of rejection."

This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Practice what you want to say

A little preparation never hurts, right? It might feel strange, but thinking about you want to say, even rehearsing it a bit in your head, could alleviate some pressure when it comes time to disclose your feelings. If you prefer taking pen to paper, try writing your thoughts out in a journal or on your phone. Doing this could help you stay clear and concise when you finally talk to your crush, and maybe even prevent you from saying something you regret.

Make it easy for them

Keep in mind that although you want to hope for the best, it's possible that your crush might not reciprocate your feelings. TBH, rejection sucks, but it's also a risk that comes with being vulnerable. So when you're sharing your feelings, make sure that you don't make them feel like they have to respond.

"Be mindful that the person you are telling has an obligation to their own feelings," says Sullivan. "Set up the conversation in a way where he or she knows they have the choice to do what’s right for them as well."

But also make sure you're comfortable

You're probably too busy thinking about how you don't want to make them feel weird, but it's super important that you're comfortable, too. And if texting is comfortable for you, do that! You might think texting something so personal is thoughtless or weird, but Sullivan actually thinks sending a text is totally fine.

"Declaring your feelings via text can remove any immediate shock from the situation, making it easier for the recipient to provide a meaningful response," she says. "There is no single right way to go about telling someone how you feel and nothing should be ruled out."

This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Pick the perfect location

If you do decide to tell your crush how you feel IRL, make sure you get the location just right. You likely don't want to confess your feelings in a crowded coffee shop, or blurt it out in the hallway between class. Consider where you feel most at ease — maybe on a walk, on the beach, or at the park — and ask if you two can chat alone there. A private or semi-private setting provides the space for an open, honest conversation.

Be yourself!

Don't try to act any differently because you think your crush will you receive you better. If that’s the case, then they are probably not the right person for you anyway! Nerves are of course normal, but try to keep calm and remain true to who you are — it's the best way to establish a meaningful connection.

Consider how you would feel if you didn't tell them

Sullivan refers to this tactic as testing the "do nothing" scenario to evaluate if you should even confess your crush. Consider how you'd feel if your crush moved away and never find out how you felt about them, Sullivan says. "Does the missed opportunity upset you? If so, you are likely already too invested not to find out what could be." Remember that doing nothing could lead to even more regret!

This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Look at the big picture

The thought of your crush admitting they don't feel the same way about you can feel AWFUL. But also remember that it is not the end of the world if you face rejection or indifference — life will go on. "Try to see the big picture and scale the problem down to actual size," Sullivan says.

You have your BFFs, family, dog, cat... so many companions to love and be loved by. On to the next!

This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Stay positive

While it's important to consider the realistic possibilities, you should also keep a positive outlook. Your crush could totally reciprocate and you could live happily ever after (OK, maybe not, but it could happen!).

If you don't feel super confident, fake it! Smile, stay calm, and say everything you need to say. "Whether you make the move online or offline, smiling can trick your brain into lowering your heart rate, reducing stress, and boosting your mood," says Sullivan.

Yerin KimAssistant Editor

Yerin Kim is the Assistant Editor for Snapchat Discover at Seventeen, covering beauty, sex & health, lifestyle, and entertainment. Originally from New Jersey but raised in Seoul, she is a proud Syracuse grad who loves fluffy puppies and a good Instagram opp. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram! 

Leah CampanoAssistant Editor

Leah Campano is an assistant editor at Seventeen, where she covers pop culture, entertainment news, health, and politics. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage Real Housewives episodes or searching for New York City’s best almond croissants. 

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