How to fix dark circles under my eyes

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Cucumbers are a great home remedy to get rid of dark circles. FreshSplash/Getty Images

Dark circles under the eyes occur when the skin beneath both eyes appears darkened. There are many factors that can cause this, but for the most part, it can be treated by at-home remedies, medical interventions, or both.

Here's what you need to know about the best treatments to get rid of dark circles, and what causes them in the first place. 

Important: When you're looking for a treatment for dark circles, it's not a one-size-fits-all approach — the most effective method depends on the underlying cause. That's why it's best to consult a dermatologist to determine the best treatment for you. 

  • Lack of sleep 
  • Smoking 
  • Allergies
  • Sun damage 
  • Aging 

A 2017 study published in Royal Society Open Science examined the effects of sleep deprivation on appearance and found that people who slept four hours had more visible dark circles under the eyes when compared to those who slept for eight hours. 

"Lack of sleep can contribute to darker blood vessels as well as fluid buildup under the eyes resulting in a dark shadow," says Karly O'Keefe, an esthetician and owner of the facial treatment center, SkincraftLA in Los Angeles. 

Not getting enough sleep can also increase stress, which can exacerbate dark circles. 

Important: Aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night to help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

A cold compress can help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels, which — if those blood vessels are the ones under your eyes — can lessen the appearance of dark circles, says Michele Green, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist who runs her own practice in New York City. 

To try this at home, wrap a few ice cubes in a clean washcloth, and then apply the washcloth to your eyes for three to five minutes. You can also wet a washcloth with cold water and place it on the skin under your eyes using gentle pressure for about 20 minutes. You can also use eye gel masks which can be left in the freezer until ready for use. Apply for 10 minutes.

If you wake up with dark circles, try elevating your head while you sleep. 

This will keep fluid from pooling under your eyes overnight and prevent swelling, inflammation, and puffiness the next morning, O'Keefe says. Puffy and inflamed eyes can create shadows beneath your lower lid, giving the appearance of dark circles. 

Quick tip: Try doubling up your pillows to elevate your head while sleeping. 

A cool tea bag can also help with inflammation, O'Keefe says. This is because tea contains caffeine and antioxidants which help shrink blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation, and reduce puffiness. 

To try this method, put used tea bags in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes and then apply them to your eyes for 30 minutes. O'Keefe recommends green tea because its caffeine content constricts the capillaries and blood vessels under your eyes that tighten the skin.

Cucumbers contain vitamin K, which can reduce dark circles under the eyes by strengthening blood vessel walls. This makes blood vessels less visible under thinner skin. While they likely won't completely get rid of dark circles, cucumbers may help lessen their appearance, Green says.

To try this at home, cut a fresh cucumber into medium to thick slices, and refrigerate them for 30 minutes. Then place them on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day. You can do this a few times a week. The cool cucumbers also act as a cold compress. 

Itchy red eyes associated with allergies can contribute to dark circles. That's because when you rub them they become irritated and puffy, creating shadows. 

Taking an antihistamine can help reduce allergy symptoms that may exacerbate the presence of dark circles, Green says. But this is only effective if allergies are the cause of your dark circles. It is not recommended to take an antihistamine if you are not suffering from allergies. 

Laser therapy can help with dark circles if the cause is excessive melanin production — darker pigmentation — from genetics or sun exposure in the skin O'Keefe says. 

Laser therapy involves applying a low level of light beams to the skin to improve collagen production in skin cells and reduce pigmentation. It should be done in a medical spa after a consultation with a dermatologist. Side effects can include swelling or irritation for a few days following treatment. 

Fillers add volume under the eyes to reduce the appearance of shadows or under-eye hollowing, O'Keefe says. 

The process involves small injections of fluid — typically hyaluronic acid — under the eyes to lift the surface of the skin. This puts space between the skin and underlying blood vessels to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. This is done in a medical office with local anesthesia. 

Over-the-counter skin brighteners which can be purchased in serum, gel, or cream formats can remove dull skin cells and increase radiancy, says Green. Opt for products that contain vitamin C or niacinamide which can improve the appearance of dark circles caused by excessive melanin production. This can be applied twice a day in the morning and in the evening.

Other skin brighteners — such as retinoids or vitamin A — aren't recommended to use directly under the eye as they can lead to irritation, O'Keefe says. 

Important: If you do use a skin brightener, be sure to also use sunscreen daily with SPF 30 or higher. That's because skin brighteners increase cell turnover, leaving new skin cells that are more sensitive to UV damage. 

While you may not be able to treat the underlying cause of your dark circles, some at-home remedies — like a cold compress — as well as medical treatments can help. If you are concerned about your dark circles, talk with a doctor or dermatologist about the best treatment options for you.

Struggling with dark circles under the eyes? You’re not alone. Whether they’re the result of sleep deprivation or a particularly stressful week, tired eyes happen to the best of us. The good news? There are various ways to help. British Vogue investigates.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes don’t only make us look tired; they’re seen as a tell-tale sign of high stress, a poor diet, and often full-blown exhaustion. And while we often tend to blame fatigue, ocuplastic surgeon and aesthetic doctor Dr Maryam Zamani says otherwise. “There are a variety of different reasons that dark circles appear but, contrary to popular belief, fatigue isn’t actually one of the main causes,” she says. 

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One of the main reasons for dark circles is hyperpigmentation, which can be caused by both environmental factors (such as sun exposure, smoking and poor sleep), and genetics. “Individuals of Asian and African skin types are predisposed to having hyperpigmentation under the eyes, because there is a common genetic trait of very thin lower eyelid skin. This allows veins to show through, resulting in a darker appearance,” says Dr Zamani. 

Then there are seasonal allergies, and nasal congestion, which can contribute to poor circulation to the lower eyelid, leading to dilated veins. “When veins under the eye dilate, they become bigger and darker,” points out dermatologist Dr Dennis Gross. In addition, loss of volume – fat and collagen – under the eyes (which naturally happens as we age), is a big contributor to dark circles, leading to a sunken look and thinner skin, which can magnify their appearance.

In our digital world, we’re also spending long days staring at a screen – whether laptop, phone or television – and that’s doing our eyes some harm, too. The more screen time we rack up, the more likely we are to strain our eyes, which can prompt blood vessels around them to get bigger and create dark shadows.

The best way to ascertain the cause of your dark circles is with a pinch test, according to Dr Gross. “If you pinch the skin and lift it off the surface and it stays brown, this means you have a pigment problem. On the other hand, if the colour looks better when you do this, you likely have an issue with dilated veins.” So, the question on everyone’s minds: how to reduce dark circles? We spoke to the experts to reveal exactly what will – and what won’t – get rid of dark circles for good.

What should we eat to remove dark circles under the eyes?

Any quest to get rid of dark circles should begin with a thorough assessment of your diet, according to Paula Begoun, founder of Paula’s Choice Skincare. “While there aren’t any fast dietary fixes for dark circles, maintaining a nutritious anti-inflammatory diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats can bring about visible skin improvements all over the body – including the eye area,” she says.

There are specific fruits and vegetables that are said to help lift a pesky dark circle (and prevent them from getting worse), too. Take tomatoes, which contain an antioxidant called lycopene which boosts circulation and protects blood vessels, so load up on them. Other foods to fill up on include blueberries, watermelon, oranges and beetroot.

Unfortunately, Dr Gross adds, that nightly glass of merlot or after-dinner espresso may need to go. “Small changes in your diet like consuming less red wine and caffeine can reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes,” he says. What you can drink? Lots of water, since dehydrated skin can lead to more prominent dark circles and sallow skin in general.

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What is the best way to banish dark circles under the eyes?

Sleep better

“Not getting enough sleep doesn’t cause dark circles; rather, it exaggerates their appearance,” explains Begoun. Dr Zamani recommends between seven and nine hours of sleep a night, an ample amount to avoid looking pale and sleepless the following morning. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated will also help to minimise the chance of added puffiness. “Your number one priority is to enable the night mode setting on your phone and tablet, all day long. This reduces blue light, which is proven to disrupt our natural sleep cycle,” says Begoun.

Look at your health

If you’re a smoker, Begoun’s advice is clear: “Do whatever you can to quit. Research has shown that smoking cigarettes and inhaling second-hand smoke worsens dark circles, as does being overweight and having high cholesterol or triglycerides – both of which can be reduced via dietary changes, medication and exercise. Essentially, anything you do to make yourself healthier will make some amount of difference in the appearance of dark circles.”

Wear sunscreen

To avoid hyperpigmentation, a daily sunscreen is essential. “You should try and reduce exposure to the sun. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection all the way to the lash line, and wear sunglasses,” advises Zamani. If you want to protect and cover simultaneously, look for an under-eye concealer that contains a broad-spectrum SPF, such as Sarah Chapman’s Eye Insurance SPF 30. 

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Reap the benefits of ice

To help shrink dilated blood vessels, anything cold is your friend. For this, the experts use ice globes or cryo balls, which can be kept in the freezer and run over the skin to de-puff and oxygenate while lightening dark circles – it’s also an invigorating way to start the day. We love Fraîcheur’s Facial Ice Globes.

Photographer Saulius Barasa

Shake up your skincare

The skincare world is full of different lotions and potions to help tackle dark circles. “Look for ingredients like caffeine, hyaluronic acid, tri-peptides, and moisture-locking ceramides,” says Dr Zamani. Meanwhile, Dr Gross is a big fan of potent vitamin C combined with hyaluronic acid: “Vitamin C helps build collagen so there’s separation between the vein and skin, and hyaluronic acid plumps the skin to decrease transparency.” Both Dr Dennis Gross’s C+ Collagen Brighten & Firm eye cream and MZ Skin’s Soothe & Smooth Collagen Activating Eye Complex work brilliantly for this.

Fake it with make-up

To remove dark circles in an instant, consider a little make-up trickery. The key? “It’s all about colour correction,” says Claire Mulleady, global senior make-up artist for MAC Cosmetics. “Firstly, take a look at the colours that you are trying to conceal. It’s common to see dark, blue/grey colours, which means you need the warmth of a peachy concealer to counteract the undertones. If you see more pinky/red tones you need to neutralise them with a concealer that has more of a yellow base,” she advises. And when it comes to application, it pays to go lightly. “Using just a thin veil of the right tone has much more of an impact than trying to eradicate dark circles completely with lots of coverage,” says Mulleady. 

Conceal, don’t reveal

If a neutralising concealer isn’t quite doing the job, you can try this clever trick of the light. “Subtle light-reflective products, such as the MAC Prep + Prime Highlighter Pen, can help to bounce the light out from under the eye and are especially good on the inner corner of the eye,” says Mulleady. “Just be sure to use a lightweight powder on top, so as not overemphasise the under-eye area.”

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What treatments tackle dark circles?

Chemical peel

For those whose eye bags are a result of hyperpigmentation, a chemical peel could help. “Chemical peels are often used to treat a variety of facial pigmentation problems, including melasma and age spots,” explains Dr Anjali Mahto, dermatologist at Skin 55. “Deep peels should be avoided in the eye area due to the risk of scarring and worsening of pigmentation, but a course of light peels can help to some degree over time.” Common peels used are lactic, mandelic and glycolic acid, and you can expect some mild skin shedding post-treatment. 

Laser treatment

“Lasers which target pigment, such as the QS-Ruby, QS-Alexandrite and 1064 Nd:YAG, and the 1550nm Fraxel, can be used in the eye area, but since the eye is vulnerable to laser injury it’s crucial that treatments are carried out by an experienced practitioner,” says Mahto. A few courses of treatment are required to treat the area. 


A minimally-invasive skin procedure, microneedling involves small needles making tiny punctures in the skin. These tiny punctures prompt skin cells to kick into repair mode, prompting a lightening of dark circles. “This can often be combined with chemical peels, as microneedling will increase the penetration and therefore activity of the peel,” says Mahto. “There will be redness and swelling after the procedure which can take a few days to settle, as the skin around the eye area is thin.” It’s not as painful as it sounds, and numbing cream can help to minimise any discomfort. 

Tear trough filler

When skincare and make-up won’t do the trick, there are injectables and other innovative treatments available to help minimise the appearance of dark circles. They’re often caused by loss of volume, with the eye socket’s orbital bone becoming more prominent and creating a shallow tear trough. For that, you can get filler. “Tear trough filler is a well-established and popular non-surgical treatment to help improve the appearance of lower eyelid dark circles,” says Dr Zamani. “Tear troughs are treated with an injection of hyaluronic acid fillers (like Restylane or Juvederm), to re-plump the area and push the skin up and away from the blood vessels.” Zamani also recommends Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), another type of injectable that helps diminish the appearance of dark circles.

What are the best products for dark circles?

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Eye Insurance SPF30 Serum

Augustinus Bader The Eye Cream

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Bareminerals Original Liquid Mineral Concealer

Nars Cosmetics Radiant Creamy Concealer

VICHY LiftActiv DermSource Eyes

Milk Makeup Flex Concealer

Elemis Peptide Eye Recovery Cream

The INKEY List Brighten-I Eye Cream

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Murad Vit-C Eyes Dark Circle Corrector

111Skin Space Defence Bright Eye Lift Gel NAC Y2

La Mer The Eye Concentrate

Kate Somerville Wrinkle Warrior Eye Gel Visible Dark Circle Eraser

Charlotte Tilbury Mini Miracle Eye Wand

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Shiseido Exclusive Ultimune Eye Power Infusing Eye Concentrate

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