How to fix a musty basement

The basement can be one of the smelliest places in a home, and the odor can be caused by a variety of problems. If the basement smells musty, then it is most likely due to the presence of mold and mildew in your basement. Molds and mildew thrive in damp places. To prevent illness caused by mold and mildew, you need to remove the musty odor from your home.

The musty odor is often strongest during the spring and fall seasons when the windows are closed, and the utilities are not running. To avoid a musty odor in the basement, make sure you keep all areas of your home well ventilated.

What Causes the Musty Basement Smell?

Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew not only cause odors in your basement, they can also damage the structural integrity of your home on porous surfaces such as wood if left unchecked. Much of the underlying structure of your home is made of wood, so make sure you treat mold early to prevent serious structural damage.

The mold spores can also cause or aggravate respiratory health issues like asthma and allergies. Often, respiratory illness is one of the earliest signs of a mold problem since they make people more sensitive to the presence of mold and mold spores.

It is also important to clean the air ducts on a regular basis and have the ventilation system checked at least once every two years. Mold in your basement can get into the ventilation and HVAC systems of your home, spreading the problem and mildew smell from basement throughout the rest of the home.

Damp Basements

Standing water tends to have a particular odor, a combination of mold and stagnation that is extremely unpleasant! If there’s dampness or standing water in your basement, you’re likely going to get mold if you haven’t already, so make sure the problem is addressed quickly.

There are two main causes of damp basements; water leaks and condensation (due to high humidity). If the basement has a musty or damp smell, it might be helpful to try getting a dehumidifier. You can also air out the room by opening the windows if your basement has any.

To prevent water leaks, make sure that the basement is waterproofed. Even a small leak can lead to a lot of moisture on the basement floors. If you can see leaks or water stains, then you should take care of it right away before they can lead to serious damage to the foundation of your home.

If you find a leak, make sure you inspect the area around the property to make sure that the water flows away from your house and not toward it. Downspouts must be extended at least six feet from the wall. And if you find water pooling near the walls, correct the slope right away, so that pooling along the walls is avoided.


Another common reason for musty smells in a basement is pets and pet supplies. Many people keep cat litter boxes, spare litter, or similar items in their basements to keep the smell out of their homes. However, this is usually fairly easy to rule out; just remove pet supplies from your basement temporarily to make sure that there’s not another reason for the musty smell- such as a hidden mold problem.

How to Get Rid Of The Musty Smell In Your Basement

As soon as you find out what it is, you need to get rid of that musty smell from the basement at the source. Just covering up the smell isn’t enough. You need to remove any mold and mildew quickly, and then place dehumidifiers, cat litter, or baking soda to absorb the moisture and any residual odor.

Cleaning Up Mold and Mildew

Mold and Mildew Cleaning Solution

If there is mold and mildew in your wet basement, you can begin killing mold with a few simple cleaning products that you most likely at home. All you need is to mix one-half cup of bleach with one gallon of warm water.

Place the solution in a spray bottle and clean the area of mold and mildew. Make sure that the windows are open to keep air circulating. You can use the cleaning solution on basement floors, bathrooms, walls, cement, laundry area, and other parts of the basement that will not have a reaction to bleach.

Another option is to use vinegar. A similar vinegar and water mixture can clean anything that you can’t put bleach on in your basement. Again, you’ll want to make sure that air is circulating. Once it’s clean, use bowls or cups of baking soda to absorb the vinegar smell from the air.

These methods work best if you don’t have a lot of severe mold or water damage. If you find quite a bit of damage make sure you call mold remediation professionals.

Use Kitty Litter or Baking Soda

Even if you don’t have any pet cats, you can use scented cat litter or baking soda to get rid of the moldy basement smell.  Those two products tend to absorb moisture and odors. Just be careful; these items don’t actually fix the problem. All they do is hide the musty odor.

To remove the odor, all you need to do is place the litter or baking soda in an open container and put it in the basement. Make sure to change it out regularly. If you have a large basement, use multiple containers. This can also work well in vacant houses to keep them fresh smelling.

Removing Excess Moisture From The Air

If your basement is even partially underground, there’s a good chance the mold and mildew are coming from excess humidity in the air. There are several ways to maintain the level of humidity in the home, such as open windows and using dehumidifiers. The best way to remove moisture from a damp basement is to keep a dehumidifier down there. A single dehumidifier in the basement will remove quite a bit of the dampness and lessen the smell.

Preventing Mold Growth

Preventing mold growth and mold exposure can be done simply and easily with a few easy steps. You start by alleviating any mold problems as soon as you notice them so that the smell (as well as the mold itself) doesn’t spread to the upper levels of your home.

It is important that you get rid of the main cause of the problem before you clean up the area. With mold removal, the smell will be less likely to return and prevent mold growing in the near future.

The best way to prevent future mold growth is to make sure that your basement isn’t too damp. There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Keep an eye out for any water leaks in your basement and repair them quickly before mold can grow.
  • Make sure there’s no standing water and plenty of ventillation in the area.
  • If the humidity in your basement is above 50%, consider getting a dehumidifier.
  • Check for air leaks in the basement that can let water enter.
  • Make sure that your downspouts are draining water far enough away from your foundation.
  • Check your vents for cracks and loose ducts.
  • Check for and repair any settlement cracks in the foundation of your home.
  • If flooding in your basement is a common problem, consider having a sump pump installed.

Do Dehumidifiers Help With Mold?

In short, yes. However, they are primarily helpful with minor mold issues and with preventing mold in the future. Mold grows in damp places, and dehumidifiers help reduce moisture. If you find large amounts of mold in your basement, your best bet is going to be to clean up the mold first, then work on preventative measures such as getting a dehumidifier.

If you need help with Mold Remediation or Odor Removal, give us a call at 888-777-9742!

Whether you use your basement as a game room, laundry room, storage, or a man cave — the last thing you need are weird smells.

In this post, we’ll teach you the varying causes of basement odors and different methods to get rid of it. So if your basement is smelling musty, damp or foul, we’re here to help.

How to Get Rid of Basement Odor

First, you must identify the cause of the odors. In many cases, you may need to contact a professional especially if it’s caused by dampness, rot, mold, mildew or sewage problems. You should also work on neutralizing the smells. Put out a few bowls of baking soda and spray distilled white vinegar around the room.

Causes of Basement Odor

The first step to tackling basement odor is to find out where it is, what it is, and what caused it. Here are some of the most common causes of basement odor:

  • Mold and mildew: It’s quite common that the damp musty smell is mold and mildew. Because basements are sometimes warm and humid, it’s a thriving place for mold and mildew. If you’re allergic to mold and are experiencing allergy-like symptoms, then there’s a pretty good chance that’s the culprit.
  • Leaks and dampness: The smell could be coming from a leak, which has led to dampness. If you live in a particularly wet area, it could also be due to the weather. Check for leaks in your appliances or house’s piping to see if there’s damage.
  • Dirty basement: The odors could be coming from the simple reason that your basement isn’t clean. If your pets chill out down there, check for any urine or feces. Make sure to clean your basement regularly.
  • Sewage: Sewage problems can end up stinking out the basement. If you have plumbing issues, this can lead to bad odors. Check for cracked or loose sewer lines.
  • Iron ochre: Iron ochre shows up in wet basements. It appears as a rust-colored jelly-like ooze. It’s a little slimy and may show up on the walls or floors.

How to Get Rid of Basement Odor

Now that you’ve found the culprit of the smell, let’s tackle the odor. Each method will work better for specific causes, so make sure you know what is causing the odor first.

Call a Professional

Have you noticed mold, mildew, dampness, or other overwhelming problems? It may be the best idea to contact a professional.

True, you can fix these issues yourself. However, it may be easier and more effective to hire someone who is trained in these situations.

Cleaning mold and mildew isn’t everyone’s strong point. So get in touch with a local professional business to deal with this issue once and for all.

Fix Leaks

If you’ve found dampness and moisture in your basement because of an obvious leak, it’s time to fix that right away. Whether that’s from a window, a pipe, or an appliance — you should follow manufacturer’s advice on how to repair or replace it.

One example is leaky pipes. If your basement has exposed pipes that are visibly coated in condensation, you should insulate the pipes with a foam pipe wrap. You’ll find these at hardware and home improvement stores. You can easily cut them yourself to slip them over the pipes. If the pipe is leaking though, call a plumber.

As for leaky windows, fill the window wells with gravel to reduce clogs and moisture. Make sure to replace old weather stripping and caulk, as well as resealing leaks around the frame.

Run a Dehumidifier

The more moisture that’s in your basement, the more likely it is to smell damp and host mold. So get out your dehumidifier, or buy one of our favorites, and get it running in the basement.

We recommend setting the humidity level to 60 percent. This will lower moisture levels in the basement so it’s less likely for mold and mildew to thrive.

Clean Mold and Mildew Spores

It is wise to tackle the root of the issue and make sure the mold can’t grow anymore. But you should also tackle the existing mold and mildew spores.

Remove all damp items, such as cardboard boxes, papers, and decorations.

Make sure to wash all affected clothing. Use the hottest water possible and tumble dry if the clothing allows. Spot treat mold on furniture but keep in mind you may have to sacrifice badly affected furniture pieces.

Use bleach to clean mold off floors and walls.

When in doubt, contact a professional and they can help!

Neutralize Smells

For simple odors, or to just freshen up the basement after tackling a big mold breakout, you should work on neutralizing the smells. This is a tried but true tip. Place a few bowls of baking soda around the room to absorb and neutralize the odors.

You could also spray distilled white vinegar around the room which can also neutralize odors.

If this doesn’t work, try a product called DampRid. This traps moisture, eliminates odors, and creates cleaner air.

Remove Standing Water

If you’ve had a big leak or a flood, you need to immediately remove the standing water. We recommend calling your local disaster restoration experts to help out with this big job.

Ultimately, you need to get the water pumped out, dry the home and check for signs of mold and rot caused by the water.

Call a Plumber

If the bad smells are coming from a plumbing issue, a sewage issue, or iron ochre, it’s time to call a plumber. They can check and fix for clogged pipes, blocked trains and rot. They can also replace corroding pipes.

Once they locate and solve a problem, you may notice an immediate change to your basement odors!

Deep Clean

It may be that you don’t have mold, mildew, dampness, rot or sewage problems. Perhaps your basement just needs a deep clean! If you use your basement for storage, and it’s super cluttered, there won’t be good airflow which can lead to bad smells.

Get rid of anything you don’t need anymore and deep clean your basement. This means cleaning the ceilings, walls, floors, closets and all nooks and crannies. Vacuum the floors and mop thoroughly.

Clean the Dryer Vent

A specific tip but one that may make all the difference, especially if your dryer is in the basement. Start outside where the dryer vent exits and clean it all the way to the base of the dryer.

There may be blockages which allow moisture to build up in your home. You may also be subject to rodents hanging out in the vent since the lint and warm temperature is a great place for them!

Fix Cracks

Lastly, you may have a structural problem. In that case, you must fix the cracks immediately. You can do this yourself or contact a professional. You can use an epoxy solution or polyurethane but make sure to keep an eye on the crack so that you notice any future damage.

Meanwhile, check the gutters for clogs as these can divert the water over the foundation of your home.

If you have a crack and it’s led to moisture, make sure to tackle the moisture, dampness, and potential rot, too.

Do I Need to Run a Dehumidifier in the Basement in Winter?

This depends on a few different circumstances. First of all, you should get a hygrometer to check your humidity level. If it’s above 50 in the winter, you will benefit from running a dehumidifier. We recommend setting it to 40 percent.

Another factor is where you’re located. If you live in a super cold area, you may not need to run a dehumidifier in the winter. But if your basement stays pretty warm (above 60°F) there’s a good chance you should run your dehumidifier.

Overall, if you use a dehumidifier in the winter, keep an eye on the moisture levels. You don’t want the room to be too dry or cold, especially if you have appliances down there that could freeze.

Does DampRid Work in Basements?

It sure does! As mentioned previously, DampRid can trap moisture, eliminate odors and make the air cleaner. However, if you have had a big leak, we still recommend hiring a professional to deal with the root of the problem. Use DampRid as a final step.

What Can I Use to Absorb Moisture in My Basement?

To absorb some excess moisture in your basement, you have many options:

  • Install a dehumidifier.
  • Use container desiccant packs. Just be sure to replace when they’re full.
  • Place charcoal briquettes in a tin or box and put them around the basement.
  • Put bowls of baking soda around the basement. Make sure to switch them out every couple of days.
  • Place a container of rock salt in the basement. Replace every few weeks.
  • Install a fan to circulate the air in the basement.

Back to Basics

Once you have discovered the cause of your basement odor and tackled it accordingly, you can have a super fresh basement once again!

Do you want to throw parties down there, have a great laundry routine or use your basement for storage? Then it’s important to prevent mold, midlew, moisture build up and in turn, bad odors.

Our 10 methods can help, but when in doubt, always contact a professional.

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