How to compare xml files in notepad++

This will be a short one.

There are many tools out there for creating, editing and comparing XML files but I wanted to mention this free and easy to use tool specifically.

Microsoft’s XML Notepad is quite practical and handy for quick comparison of XML files. Although the codeplex page for the project has not been updated since Oct 19, 2007 and there has been no new development or release since 2007 (apparently) the tool is quite sufficient for most basic tasks.

You can download the tool here: // (//

Here are the very simple steps to follow to compare 2 XML documents:

1) Run the application 2) Click “File->Open” and select the first XML file 3) Click “View-> Compare XML Files…” and select the second XML file, then click “OPEN”

4) XML Notepad will compare the files and display the results in a plain and clean way

Shortestlink for this post: //

Hope this helps someone.

Good luck,

When selecting folders to compare, select Include subfolders to include subfolder content in the comparison Notepad++ download page. Students and other users can quickly create online notes without installing text editing software. Personally I prefer jEdit, which has a powerful jDiff plugin that let’s you apply individual differences in either direction.

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Let’s keep the following content in a file called input.json. Perl encode_json() function converts the given Perl data structure to a UTF-8 encoded, binary string. JSON formatter helps you to solve the problem by formatting the JSON data so that it is easy to read and debug by a human. Needless to say, interacting with the tree view should raise no issues whatsoever, with the JSON string being comfortable to explore. Apart from that, potential errors can be easily spotted since their position can be identified in no time in the event of parsing inconsistencies.

You can easily Cut, Copy or Paste the text in Notepad via accessing these options from the Edit menu right next to the File menu on the top left corner. Simple select the text that you want to cut, copy, or paste and head over to Edit and choose the desired option. After that, you’ll be greeted with the Open dialog box. Navigate to the new notepad text file that you want to open, select the file and click on Open. You can also use the Windows Run program to open Notepad. Press Win+R or right-click on the windows button and select Run to open the Run program.

Using Json Formatter Snap To Render Outputs From Group By Snaps

You can then ask Google Assistant to add items to your shopping list and it’ll populate the note with those items. I would be VERY NICE if there was an option for moving notes to SD card, because the internal storage of some phones are very small. On the main page with the list of notes, click the note selector button in the top right and then click the disk icon to save the notes you selected by long clicking on.

Using Json Viewer Plugin

Web browsers like Firefox and Chrome can also read JSON files. All you need to do is open a new browser window and drag and drop your JSON file into it. Alternatively, you can open the file using the same steps we described above, but choose Firefox or Chrome instead of Notepad. Windows doesn’t automatically assign a plain text editor to open JSON files. You’ll have to choose the program manually. Here’s how you can open a JSON file using the most popular text editors as well as browsers.

Compare Active Editor With Clipboard

Notepad does not save anything to disk unless you told it to. When a file is opened, its contents is loaded into to memory, any edits you do is only affecting the memory. The changes get written to disk when you save the file. Isha is a technical blogger and data recovery expert.

Compare two text files in Notepad++ to compare XML files, by having both tabs open, and using the menu Plugins > Compare > Compare. This will result in both files being shown one next to the other, will all differences found in the XML comparison highlighted.

How do I display XML in Notepad++?

You need to install the XML tool from the Plugins menu item → Plugins Admin… → Plugins Admin dialog appears and then scroll to bottom of available plugins and check the XML tools, install it and then Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B OR the option for XML Tool above shows up.

How can I compare two XML files?

Copy and paste, drag and drop a XML file or directly type in the editors above, and then click on “Compare” button they will be compared if the two XML are valids. You can also click on “load XML from URL” button to load your XML data from a URL (Must be https).

How do I enable compare options in Notepad++?

click Plugins on Menu bar -> click Plugins Admin… -> type Compare in search bar -> check Compare checkbox -> click Install button -> click Yes on dialog box . Re-open your notepad now, the compare plugin should be appear at Plugin now 🙂 This worked for me.

How do I compare files in Notepad++?

Open any two files (A, B) in Notepad++, which you want to compare. File B (new) gets compared to File A (old). Then, navigate to Plugins > Compare Menu > Compare. It shows the difference/comparison side by side, as shown in the screenshot.

Can I compare two XML files in Notepad++?

Compare Two Files Using Notepad++ Now open both of the files you would like to compare as two separate tabs in Notepad++. Then from the Plugins menu selecct Compare -> Compare (or use the shortcut Alt+D): Your two files will now be opened side-by-side with conflicting lines highlighted.

How do you view XML in a tree view in Notepad ++?

Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available . Then select the Explorer. And click Install. Now you can view files with tree view.

How can I compare two Notepad ++ files?

How do I compare folders in Notepad++?

Open document A and also open document B. Select Compare, and wait for the program to run the data through its tool. Both documents will sit next to each other on the screen, with all differences highlighted. Scroll through the document to determine differences.

  • Hi everyone, I had 4k+ XML files, some got modified , and I wana see what changed from the initial version.

    What is the best way to do this ?

  • how how thats a hussle, maby cuz I dont know how to fully utilizate it , I rather go for something that know to compare the files with the same name for instance , so that I dont have to sort them then press manualy press compare…

  • Shalom Yaron,

    For the record: Compare Plugin v2 (by Pavel Nedev) is much better and easier to use.

    That’s for sure, no doubt.
    But comparing >4000 xml files might be quite a challenge ;-)


  • Hallo Claudia,

    My comment was just for the record.
    And for greeting you. :)


  • First of all , thank you for your time. Second, damn son, I bet some of my neurons died while typing the replay. Regarding the Compare Plugin , it was because of it Ive started using NP++ , its free , its fast , it helped me learn codeing from examples , so Ive used it at home an work. But right now Im looking for something that could easly compare my 4700 old files with the new ones , the ability to compare the files from 2 folders(or with the same name) and easy acces to specific files. I wander if this could be added on a future version of Compare.

    That aside, after a day of search Ive got a trial version of Beyound Compare, its doing the job but I still need to get used to the interface…

  • Compare two files with Notepad ++ First open the Plugin Manager from the Plugins menu: then select Compare Plugin and click Install: Now open the two files you want to compare as two separate tabs in Notepad ++.

    Then select Compare> Compare (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt + D) from the Plugins menu:So you may also be wondering, how does Notepad compare to ++?

    Compare two files with Notepad ++ First open the Plugin Manager from the Plugins menu: then select Compare Plugin and click Install: Now open the two files you want to compare as two separate tabs in Notepad ++.

    Then select Compare> Compare (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt + D) from the Plugins menu:So the question is, how can I compare two XML files?

    When comparing XML files or snippets, a token can be one of the following: The name of an XML tag. Two-way equations

    1. Open a file in the left pane and the file you want to compare with in the right pane.
    2. To highlight the differences between the two files, click the Perform File Differentiation button on the toolbar.

    The question is also how to save a comparison result in Notepad ++?

    To save the comparison results file, go to File> Save Result. After saving the file, you can open it in UltraEdit to see the results. Export / save text Compare output

    1. * indicates that the data differs between the files being compared on the specified line.

    2. !>
    How do I download the Notepad ++ Compare plugins?

    Install the Notepad ++ comparison plugin

    1. Start Notepad ++ in admin mode.
    2. Extract Compareplugin to the temporary folder.
    3. Import the plugin from the temporary folder.
    4. The plugin should appear in the plugin menu.

    ### Does the Mac have Notepad ++?

    TextEdit is the standard text editor in macOS and as simple as the standard text editor in Windows, Notepad. Of course, sooner or later many Mac users are looking for an alternative and often come across Notepad ++. Notepad ++ is free and open source, first published in 2003 by Don Ho.

    ### How do two text files compare in Windows?

    Follow these steps to compare two files using Windiff.exe:

    ### How do I find duplicates in Notepad ++?

    Click TextFX → Click Tools TextFX → Click Sort Row Letters (by Column) Duplicates and blank rows are removed and the data is sorted alphabetically. Do a search / replace:

    ### How can I break the comparison in Notepad ++?

    See under Plugins> Compare. You can drag all files from side to side. This closes the empty window. Ctrl + Alt + D removes the comparison results.

    ### How do I save a search result in Notepad ++?

    ### How do I copy a search result into Notepad ++?

    What I usually do is:

    ### How do I export from Notepad ++?

    If you need to export your settings, you can copy% appdata% notepad ++ from the old computer to the new one. If you want to move the exact version of Notepad ++ with the same add-ons already installed, try copying the% Program Files (x86)% Notepad ++ folder to your new computer.

    ### How do I compare two Excel spreadsheets?

    Compare two Excel workbooks

    ### How can I save the difference in WinMerge?

    Here’s how it works in WinMerge:

    ### How do I know which version of Notepad ++ I have?

    ### How do I compare files in Visual Studio?

    In Visual Studio Code you can:

    ### What is XMLUnit?

    XMLUnit 2.x is a powerful library that helps us test and verify XML content and is especially useful when we know exactly what XML should contain.

    ### How do two XML strings compare in Java?

    The XMLUnit library can be used to compare two XML files in Java. Like JUnit, XMLUnit can also be used to test XML files for comparison by extending the XMLTestcase class.

    ### How can I open XML files online?

    Use this form to upload a local XML file and convert the XML file to PDF. 1. Click the Select File button (another browser may have different buttons, such as Browse), a browser window will open, select a local XML file and click the Open button.

    ### How can I compare two Excel worksheets online for differences?

    ### What to do with Notepad ++ plugins?

    With admin plug-ins

    ### How do you use Notepad ++ plug-ins?

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