How many hours does it take to learn JavaScript

Learning JavaScript will unlock gates to a ton of opportunities. Undoubtedly it is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages.

If you are a beginner and learning JavaScript for the first time having good resources and a straightforward learning approach will help you to achieve your goal of learning JavaScript.

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Table of Contents

Why learn JavaScript?

  • Create Mobile Applications using react-native
  • Desktop Applications using electron.js
  • Train Artificial Intelligence Models using Tensorflow.js
  • Using ReactJS, we can create beautiful UIs for our websites
  • Using ThreeJS, we can add three-dimensional interactivity to our websites
  • Using the data visualization JavaScript libraries, we can nicely present the data

There are some other use cases where JavaScript comes to the rescue. We can create all those things just by learning JavaScript, so you can imagine how helpful and powerful JavaScript is.

Pre-requisites to learning JavaScript

You can start learning JavaScript without any programming experience. If you want to become a frontend developer and build and design some fabulous websites, then first learn HTML & CSS.

A basic overview of HTML & CSS also works and will help you create projects.

How long does it take to learn JavaScript for a beginner?

Let’s calculate how much time it will take you to learn if you are a complete beginner in programming or if you have some experience in programming.

  1. Time required to learn JavaScript Fundamentals.
  2. The time needed to learn JavaScript Intermediate concepts
  3. The required time to learn JavaScript Advanced concepts

Let’s go with the basics first.

JavaScript basics

If you are coming from another programming language background, You will complete JS basics within 2 – 3 Days if you are busy.

You might take one week to understand the basics if you are a beginner.

Basic concepts include

  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • If else concepts
  • Difference between let, const, and var
  • Switch statements
  • Loops (For, while, and do while)
  • Functions

JavaScript Intermediate Concepts

2 – 3 days if you are coming from another programming language background.

Learning intermediate concepts will take one week if you are a beginner.

Intermediate concepts include

  • Functions methods ( closures, call, apply, and bind )
  • this keyword
  • Objects ( methods and iterables )
  • Arrays
  • Map & Set
  • Date
  • RegExp

Till now, you have learned enough to start building projects, and I suggest you start creating small projects, host them using a free hosting website and host your code on GitHub. 

If you want ideas on what projects to build if you are a beginner, check out ten javascript projects to make if you are a beginner with source code.

If you want to come out of tutorial hell and see real progress in your learning, you need to build projects and solve some logic-based problems.

JavaScript Advanced concepts

2-3 weeks if you come from another programming language background. And one month if you are a beginner.

Concepts like Prototypal inheritance, Object-oriented, and creating a class based on prototypes are tough to understand at a time.

You take your time and try to learn just one concept at a time and practice a lot on those concepts.

Advanced concepts include

  • JavaScript Classes (prototypal inheritance and static )
  • Async-await Functions
  • Call back functions
  • JavaScript Promises
  • Document Object Model (DOM).

I assume you are giving 2 – 4 hours daily to learn JavaScript. For a beginner, it will take one to two and a half months to learn and another month for building projects.

For someone with programming knowledge, it will take one to one and a half months.

Resources To Learn JavaScript

You have the idea of which concepts to learn and how to learn, but I haven’t told you where to learn.

I have curated some valuable free and paid resources that might help your JavaScript learning journey.

Course NameResource CategoryPricingCourse LinkCourse Duration In HoursDays/ Weeks/ Months to complete

( If you are a beginner )

Days/ Weeks/ Months to complete

( If you have previous programming experience )AuthorLearn JavaScript basicsCourseFreeCourse Link~ 3 hrs1 Day1 DayCodedamnAdvanced Practical JavaScript CoursePaid $10 ~ 7.1 hrs2 – 3 Days2 DaysCodedamnLearn Modern JavaScript CoursePaid $10Course Link~ 69 hrs~ 30 Days20 DaysJonas SchedtzmanModern JavaScript CoursePaid $60Course Link8 hrs~ 2 – 3 Days2 DaysUI DevLearn Advanced JavaScriptCoursePaid $60Course Link8 hrs~ 7 Days5 DaysUI DevJavaScript 30CourseFreeCourse LinkNot available1 – 2 Months5 DaysWesbosBuild 20 JavaScript ProjectsCoursePaid,
Annual Membership $279Course Link33 hrs~ 1 – 2 weeks1 WeekZero To MasteryAdvanced JavaScript ConceptsCoursePaid,
Annual Membership $279Course Link25 hrs~ 1 – 2 Days1 WeekZero To MasteryJavaScript Crash CourseYouTube VideoFreeVideo Link8 hrs2 – 3 Days2 DaysCodedamnFull JavaScript Programming YouTube VideoFreeVideo Link8 hrs2 – 5 Days2 DaysFreecodecampUltimate JavaScript CourseYouTube VideoFreeVideo Link12 hrs3 – 7 Days3 DaysClever ProgrammerJavaScript Tutorial For BeginnersYouTube VideoFreeVideo Link49 Minutes1 Day1 DayProgramming With MoshJavaScript Crash Course For Absolute BeginnersYouTube VideoFreeVideo Link1.5 hrs1 Day1 DayTraversy MediaFree and Paid resources to learn JavaScript


I hope you got the idea of how much time it will take to learn JavaScript if you are a beginner or have previous programming experience. 

Learning javascript requires a lot of patience, and there is no shortcut to becoming a master at JavaScript in 1 Day. The only thing that might help you is learning and building projects.

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Codedamn is the best place to become a proficient developer. Get access to hunderes of practice JavaScript courses, labs, and become employable full-stack JavaScript web developer.

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Programming is one of the most in-demand jobs today. Learning to program can change your future. All the best!

How quickly can you learn JavaScript?

Here's the short answer: most programmers agree that it takes six to nine months to develop a working proficiency in JavaScript. And even then, you'll spend years learning new skills and developing your understanding of it.

Can I learn JavaScript in 3 months?

However, unlike CSS and HTML, JavaScript is not something that can be aced in just two weeks. But, it can be done in just three months! Most employers will be happy to hire you as their web developers if you just master some of the JavaScript basics. Of course, learning never stops.

Can I learn JavaScript in 2 days?

If you are coming from another programming language background, You will complete JS basics within 2 – 3 Days if you are busy. You might take one week to understand the basics if you are a beginner.

Is JavaScript very difficult to learn?

Arguably, JavaScript is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, so it serves as a great first language for anyone brand new to coding. Even the most complex lines of JavaScript code can be written one by one, in fragments. It can also be tested in the web browser at the same time.

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