How long does it take for miracle berry to work?

  • Coalition
  • Sep 27, 2018
  • Miracle Berries

Miracle berries have a long and “fruitful” history. The berries originate from Ghana, West Africa where they were primarily used to sweeten sour or tart fruits, foods, and drinks. MiraBurst’s goal is to spread awareness of these taste modifying effects as well as its nutritional and health benefits globally and help individuals naturally sweeten and enhance the taste of sour or tart fruits to help them enjoy healthy eating daily. 

A Quick History

Throughout its history, the berry itself was used for its ability to make sour or tart fruits, foods, and drinks sweet and enjoyable. The indigenous uses in West Africa were discovered and brought to the western world where it has numerous implications for becoming a solution to help individuals enjoy healthy eating while satisfying their sweet tooth. The miracle berry originally gained popularity for taste tripping. However, MiraBurst wants to harness the power and full potential of the miracle berry to showcase its ability to make healthy eating an enjoyable habit that is suitable for individuals of every age and lifestyle.

The Science of Taste

As the miracle berries were clinically studied, their composition became a remarkable study in the way we understand taste itself. Specifically, the “miracle” in the miracle berry is the glycoprotein called miraculin that helps us understand the interaction between taste receptors and food molecules.

Unlike most molecules that stimulate taste receptors, miraculin acts by both binding to sweet receptors inside taste buds and helping the brain perceive sour flavors as sweet even when it isn’t. When the berry is eaten, the glycoprotein miraculin binds to the sweet receptors on the taste buds of the tongue and forms a miraculin – sweet receptor complex. This complex gets activated only at low pH (when it comes into contact with sour or tart foods). Consequently, when you eat sour or tart food or drink, miraculin super-activates the sweet receptors on the taste buds of the tongue. The super-activated sweet receptors then send signals to the brain to perceive the sour or tart food or drink as sweet even though it isn’t really sweet. For up to 60 minutes, all sour or tart foods, fruits and drinks will taste sweet until the miraculin-sweet receptor complex is destroyed (deactivated) by an enzyme in the saliva.

The Miracle Berry Today

The MiraBurst miracle berry is something you truly need to try for yourself to fully understand and appreciate. The miracle berry is extremely perishable and must be kept frozen at all times. However, MiraBurst has converted the miracle berry into a tablet to extend the shelf-life of the miracle berry while preserving the taste modifying effects and health benefits. The MiraBurst tablet is exactly the same natural composition as the original miracle berry. It is produced from 100% pure miracle berry powder without any additives or preservatives. It is all-natural, non-GMO, high potency and fast dissolving. It is also gluten and allergen-free. 

MiraBurst can help you enjoy healthy fruits, fruit salads and fruit smoothies so you can cut down on processed foods, reduce intake of added sugars and sweeteners and have a healthier eating habit while satisfying your sweet tooth. 

Try MiraBurst today!


Buy Miracle Berry Tablets Buy miracle fruit

Fruiting the Miracle Berry (Synsepalum dulcificum)

By Laurelynn Martin and Byron Martin

Miracle Berry Plant

Miracle Berry Fruit

Synsepalaum dulcificum, is known as the Miracle Berry or Miracle Fruit. It originates from West Africa and has the extraordinary ability to change the way your taste buds perceive sour and sweet. The effect comes from a compound known as miraculin. Simply put, the miraculin temporarily blocks the receptors that perceive sour and it also binds protons on the tongue and activates the sweet receptors. The effect is only temporary and once the protein is washed away with saliva then the taste buds go back to normal. The effect can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Here is how we recommend tasting the Miracle Berry.

Put the whole berry in your mouth. Do not bite into the berry because there is a seed inside. Work the skin and pulp of the berry and coat your mouth and tongue with the taste. Savor the sweetness. In 3-4 minutes start tasting foods that are typically sour, like lemons and sour pickle. If you bite into a tomato, it will be the sweetest tomato you have ever eaten. If you sip on dry red wine, it will be a sweet wine instead of dry. The effect lasts from 20 minutes to several hours so plan accordingly.

Potting Mix
One of the most important cultural aspects is the soil mix. Over many years, we discovered that Miracle Berry needs an acid soil mixture for successful growth. We recommend half sphagnum peat moss and half perlite.

Miracle Berry is sensitive to high amounts of fertilizers and can easily get burned if you apply too much. This shows up as browning on the edges of the leaves. Moderate amounts of fertilizer can be used once a month. Use a dilute solution (1/4 to 1/8 of the label requirement) and only fertilize the plant when the soil is already moist. Never fertilize Miracle Berry when the soil is dry.

Water when the soil is visibly dry but do not bring to a severe wilt. Also, we recommend using distilled water, rain water, or filtered, non-chlorinated water so any chemicals or chlorine in your tap water will not harm the plant.

Although, Miracle Berry is self-pollinating, if grown inside, we recommend manually brushing your hand over the flowers to ensure pollination and a good crop of berries. Do this when the small inconspicuous flowers are open and preferably during the sunny part of the day.

Exposure Full or partial sun is required. However, if given full sun, your Miracle Berry plant will produce a crop of berries twice a year or more. If given partial sun, berries will be sparse and only produce once a year.

Expected Size
Miracle Berry is an upright grower and will accommodate its height and size according to the pot it’s grown in. A 14” pot can easily grow into a 5’ tall tree. The larger the plant, the more berries it will produce. Once established, Miracle Berry will continue to produce fruit throughout the year, if grown in full sun.

Cutting vs. Seed
The main difference between seed grown and cutting grown is the length of time until fruit appears. Cutting grown plants will produce berries much sooner than seed grown.

Click here to see our Miracle Berry plants

Download PDF care sheet




Growing Tasty Tropical Plants in any home, anywhere. By Laurelynn Martin and Byron Martin, (Storey Publishing, 2010)

You may have heard of miracle berries, but do they really work? Miracle berries, also known as synsepalum dulcificum or ledidi berry, claim to make sour foods taste sweet. But is that actually true? In this blog post, we will explore the science behind miracle berries and find out whether or not they really do work!

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What are miracle berries?

Miracle berries are small, red fruits that come from the miracle fruit tree. The scientific name for this fruit is synsepalum dulcificum. These berries have been used for centuries in West Africa, where they grow naturally. People there would chew on the berries before eating sour foods, such as tamarind or lemons, because the berries would help these foods taste sweet instead of sour or bitter.

How do miracle berries work?

The active ingredient in miracle berries is a protein called miraculin. Miraculin binds to the tongue’s taste buds and changes how they perceive sourness. This means that sour foods will taste sweet when you eat them after eating a miracle berry. The effect of the berry lasts for about an hour, after which your taste buds will return to normal.

How to use miracle berries

If you want to try miracle berries for yourself, there are a few things you should know. If you can find fresh berries, you’ll probably experience the best results. These berries can often be found online or at a health food store. 

When eating fresh miracle berries, rinse them off and eat them whole. It’s best to eat them on an empty stomach so that you can fully enjoy the taste-changing effects. After eating the berries, wait for about 20 minutes before eating any sour foods. This will give the miraculin time to bind to your taste buds. 

You can also purchase miracle berry tablets. Each brand will have its own instructions, but generally, it is recommended to let the tablet dissolve completely on your tongue before eating.

What are the best foods to eat with miracle berries?

Some of the best foods to eat with miracle berries are citrus fruits, such as lemons and limes. Other options include sourdough bread, yogurt, and vinegar. Acidic and spicy foods such as salsa, mustard, and hot peppers can work well too. You can also use these berries to heighten the sweetness of already sweet foods, such as strawberries or pineberries.

Get creative with this and experiment with different foods to see what tastes best to you!

So, do these berries really work?

The short answer is yes! Miracle berries do change the way your taste buds perceive sourness. However, it is worth noting that not everyone experiences the same effect from miracle berries. Some people find that the berries have little to no effect on their taste buds. Others find that the effect is not as pronounced as they would like. If you are interested in trying miracle berries, it is best to try them for yourself and see how they work for you.

You can watch my own taste test with these berries here! It was definitely an experience!

Are miracle berries good for reducing sugar?

Although miracle berries can make sour foods taste sweet, they are not a substitute for sugar. In fact, miracle berries actually contain a small amount of sugar themselves, like most fruits. But, if you are looking for a natural way to add sweetness to your food without using sugar, then miracle berries may be a good option for you.

What are the side effects of miracle berries?

Miracle berries are generally considered to be safe. However, there are a few potential side effects that you should be aware of. These include upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting. If you experience any of these side effects after eating miracle berries, it is best to stop consuming them and see a doctor if necessary.

Where can I buy miracle berries?

Yes, miracle berries are available for purchase in some stores. However, they can be quite expensive. Miracle berry tablets are also available for purchase online and tend to be more affordable while having a longer shelf life.

If you’re interested in trying miracle berries, eating the whole, fresh berry may provide the best taste enhancement. However, if you want to save money, you can also purchase miracle berry tablets. And the tablets still do a great job enhancing taste. 

Whichever option you choose, make sure to try them for yourself and see if they really do work for you!

Have you ever tried miracle berries? What did you think of them? Let me know by tagging me on Instagram @erinpalinskiwade or on TikTok at @tiktoknutritionist. And if you like this post, check out What are Pineberries and Everything You Need to Know About Coffee Berry as well.

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