How long do headaches last in pregnancy

Headaches are common in pregnancy. They are more common in the first trimester (0 to 13 weeks) or third trimester (27 to 40 weeks).

Headaches can be unpleasant for you but are not dangerous for your baby. They can be a sign that you need to get checked out by your GP, midwife or obstetrician. It's important to be aware of what to look out for.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

Headaches during pregnancy can be caused by:

If you suffer from migraine headaches, you may find you get migraines more often or less often when you are pregnant.

Speak with your GP or pharmacist before taking your usual migraine medications.

If you experience a headache, there are a few things you can try at home that may help:

  • rest in a dark room and take long, slow deep breaths
  • apply hot or cold packs to your head and neck
  • eat small meals often
  • get a massage
  • relax in a warm bath or warm shower

Using painkillers when pregnant

Some medicines, including painkillers, can harm your baby's health.

Paracetamol is generally considered safe during pregnancy. Always check the packaging for the correct amount of tablets to take, and how often you may take them.

If you find you need to take paracetamol for more than a couple of days, you may need to speak to your GP.

Ibuprofen is sometimes recommended for headaches during pregnancy. You can only take this at certain times during your pregnancy. Always check with your GP, pharmacist or obstetrician before taking ibuprofen.

Check with your GP, pharmacist or midwife before taking any medication.

Tell your doctor or midwife if you often have bad headaches. It could be a sign of a more serious problem.

  • generalised swelling, especially if this is sudden
  • flashing lights in your eyes or blurred vision
  • been told your blood pressure is increasing
  • a sudden severe headache
  • a headache that is worsening
  • a migraine that feels different to the migraines you usually have
  • a pain in the upper part of your tummy

Tiredness and fatigue in pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy

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Pregnancy can be a headache — literally. (Maybe it's just nature's way of preparing you to be the mother of a teenager?) Alas, just as headaches get worse and more frequent for many pregnant women, the usual treatment options — such as most over-the-counter and prescription medications — are best avoided. 

But that doesn’t mean you should ignore an aching head, especially if you have regular tension headaches or migraines, or the pain is interfering with your sleep or appetite. There are other tactics, from diet tweaks to stress management, that offer sweet relief from headaches when you’re expecting.

For help with that dull throbbing, here’s a look at the different types of headaches you might be experiencing, the common symptoms and ways to treat them. Here’s to a pain-free pregnancy!

What are the different types of headaches?

The headaches you’re suffering from while pregnant are just like the ones you can get at any other time, so it’s worth learning about some of the most common types. Here’s a short primer to help you figure out what kind of headache you might have:

  • Tension headaches: If you’re under stress, hungry or feel pain in your neck or shoulders, you could have a tension headache, which feels like a mild to moderate dull ache. It’s one of the most common types.
  • Migraines: With a migraine headache, you can expect moderate to severe pain that throbs and lasts for hours or even days. Some women with migraines also experience blurred vision, light flashes, numbness and nausea.
  • Sinus headaches: Pressure around your eyes, cheeks and forehead plus a stuffy nose may signal a sinus headache. These typically occur with a sinus infection, but they’re also commonly confused with migraines. In both cases, the pain can get worse when you bend forward or lie down.
  • Cluster headaches: These head pains are what they sound like — headaches upon headaches that start quickly and get worse, lasting for days or longer. The searing pain usually centers on one eye or affects one side of the head. The good news: Cluster headaches are rare, especially in women compared to men. 
  • Chronic headaches: If you’re getting headaches on more than half of the days in any given month, they could be considered chronic. This includes migraines and other headache types — “chronic” just refers to how frequently they happen. 

What are symptoms of headaches during pregnancy?

If you’ve had an aching head or migraine before you conceived, you probably know what a bad headache feels like. But it’s still a good idea to be on the lookout for the common symptoms of headaches during pregnancy, such as:

  • A dull aching sensation
  • Occasional throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head

Migraine headaches, however, can come with worse symptoms, including:

  • More severe pain
  • Intense pounding in the head
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Some women with migraines also experience light and sound sensitivity and they find that the pain worsens if they move or change positions.

What causes headaches during pregnancy?

The primary culprits are pregnancy hormones, though there are many other causes of headaches during every stage of pregnancy. This type of pain can have lots of triggers, which means it can come on at any time. Some common causes:

  • Hormones: Headaches are often an early sign of pregnancy and tend to begin during the first trimester when your hormone levels surge and blood volume increases. 
  • Trigger foods: Certain foods like cheese, chocolate, dairy and processed meats like bacon can trigger a headache in any trimester. Women who drink less caffeine in pregnancy may get withdrawal headaches.
  • Sinus congration: If you’re suffering from sinus congestion, a runny nose or allergies (you’re more susceptible when you’re pregnant), a headache may accompany these symptoms.
  • Dehydration: The dehydration that often goes hand in hand with nausea and vomiting can also cause your head to throb.
  • High blood pressure: After week 20 in pregnancy, severe headaches may be related to high blood pressure. This may raise your risk of a number of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and premature delivery, so it's important to talk to your doctor if you notice this symptom.

Other causes can include:

On the bright side, at least for those already prone to migraines: Surging hormones during pregnancy might actually make those less-than-pleasant headaches less frequent.

As for when pregnancy headaches will end, it depends on what's causing them in the first place. If the signs and symptoms of pregnancy itself — stress, fatigue, surging hormones, congestion — are a major cause, you will feel fast relief after delivery. But if you find that headaches are troubling you beyond pregnancy, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss treatment options if you haven’t already.

What is the best treatment for headaches while pregnant? 

If you’re hoping to stop a headache naturally, there are plenty of pregnancy-safe steps you can take to battle (and maybe prevent) your symptoms based on the common headache types:

  • For tension headaches and migraines: Lie in a dark, quiet room for a few minutes or if you're at work, close your eyes and put your feet up. (Your boss should understand!) You can also put an ice pack or cold compress on the back of your neck for 20 minutes while you relax. Deep breathing and quiet meditation are two more smart ways to channel calming vibes.
  • For sinus headaches: A stuffy nose is very common in pregnancy, so try steam inhalation to relieve congestion and a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Apply hot and cold compresses to the achy spot, alternating 30 seconds of each for a total of 10 minutes, four times a day. Drinking lots of fluids, especially herbal tea or broth, can help clear stuffiness. And ask the doctor whether you could have a sinus infection and if there’s a safe nasal decongestant you can use.
  • For all headaches: While you shouldn’t take ibuprofen or Aleve when you're pregnant, acetaminophen (Tylenol) can bring relief and occasional use is considered safe for pregnancy. Always check with your practitioner for the right dosage and never take any medication (including over-the-counter drugs like aspirin, herbal supplements and prescriptions) without getting your doctor’s okay first.

Can you prevent pregnancy headaches?

While some headaches are probably unavoidable, a few steps now may help prevent them in the future. Check out these tips so you can potentially stop an oncoming headache dead in its tracks:

  • Eat regularly. Skipping meals (and the crash-and-burn that comes after eating a lot of sweets) results in low blood sugar, which can bring on a headache. The fix: Keep healthy snacks handy by stashing whole grain crackers, trail mix or a nutritious granola bar in your bag, desk or car.
  • Sleep well. Getting enough rest is especially important in the first and third trimesters, when you’re likely to feel pooped — but don't sleep too much, as that can also make your head hurt.
  • Keep a food diary. Chocolate, cheese, dairy, processed meats and other foods can trigger headaches, so keep track of what you eat to note links to your pain patterns. Then cut the likely culprits from your diet.
  • Ease away from coffee. Cutting back on caffeine during pregnancy too quickly can lead to withdrawal headaches. Even if you're just a one-coffee-a-day gal (or soda), wean yourself to half a cup — or switch to a less potent tea — first before nixing caffeine entirely.
  • Get some air. Avoid hot, stuffy spaces and strong odors — you're more sensitive to them than ever). Dress in layers so you can start peeling them off before overheating leads to a headache. Stuck inside? Get some fresh air a couple of times a day, or at least open a window.
  • Switch lighting. Fluorescent lighting and windowless work spaces can cause headaches, so take whatever steps you can to control your environment — or at least take regular breaks.
  • Seek peace and quiet. Noise can give you a headache, so if you're extra sensitive to loud noises, strive to avoid the worst offenders. If your job is noisy, ask about taking steps to reduce the din or try and move to a quieter spot.
  • Watch your posture. Try not to slouch, slump or bend over while you do close work (knitting tiny booties, crafting your baby’s scrapbook) for long stretches of time.
  • Go alternative. To prevent stress from building up into a headache, take a prenatal yoga class, meditate or do some breathing exercises — anything that'll help you relax. Or try alternative medical treatments including acupuncture, acupressure, water therapy or prenatal massage.

When to call the doctor about headaches during pregnancy

Many women, even those who haven't previously experienced a lot of everyday headaches, will get them during pregnancy. The vast majority of pregnancy headaches are “primary” — meaning your head hurts, but there’s nothing serious or anything to worry about.

But if your headaches persist for more than two or three hours or you have other symptoms (fever, visual disturbances, sudden dramatic weight gain or puffiness in your face or hands), let your practitioner know right away. 

In rare cases, so-called “secondary headaches” signal something else going on in your body, such as hypertension or risk factors for preeclampsia, and you’ll want to make sure you get both the headaches and the underlying conditions taken care of ASAP.

Battling headaches during pregnancy can take some time and patience. But once you know what’s causing them and how to head off common triggers, your aching head should be a thing of the past.

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Migraines During Pregnancy, October 2020.
  •, Stuffy Nose and Nosebleeds During Pregnancy, April 2021.
  •, Complementary and Alternative Medicines During Pregnancy, October 2018.
  • Mayo Clinic, Headache, June 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Cluster Headache, June 2019.
  • Mayo Clinic, Is It Safe to Take Aspirin During Pregnancy?, February 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic, Chronic Daily Headaches, April 2019.
  • Mayo Clinic, Sinus Headaches, April 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Understanding Headache Types Is Key to Treatment, August 2014.
  • Mayo Clinic, High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy: Know The Facts, October 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, What Can I Do About Headaches During Pregnancy? I'd Rather Not Take Medication, August 2020.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy, December 2020.
  • Cleveland Clinic, Headaches, June 2020.
  • National Organization for Rare Disorders, Cluster Headache, 2021.
  • Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, Migraine, April 2019.
  • Stanford Children’s Health, Headaches in Early Pregnancy, 2021. 
  • March of Dimes, Common Discomforts of Pregnancy, May 2016.
  • Harvard Health Publishing, Food and Migraine: A Personal Connection, March 2020.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Headache and Pregnancy: A Systematic Review, October 2017.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Headaches — Danger Signs, October 2019.
  • National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Migraine and Other Headache Disorders, July 2019.

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