How long can betta fish go without food Reddit

Leaving town for 2.5 days. Can my betta live without food? from bettafish
How long can a Betta go without eating? I left my brother to take care of my betta while I’m gone and I’m feeling so worried head not feeding him. I hope he’s okay and moving when I come back from bettafish

I got a betta fish for almost two months ago, and he has not eaten once since I bought him. I feed him twice a day, but he never eats the food. honestly i'm surprised hes still alive at this point.

I want to get a betta for my office, but I wouldn’t be there on weekends. I plan to get a 5 gallon tank, heater, lots of lil plants for them, etc.

Can they go 1-2 days without food? I read they can go up to three but I also don’t want them to suffer at all. Would they be comfortable without food for a couple days, or should I just forego the idea?

Me and my family are going on vacation and there’s no one to feed the fish. My sister had a automatic feeder for it, but it stopped working and dumped all the food into the tank. (we got the food out) but we’re going to be gone for 6 days and we’re worried about the fish

Edit: Our Neighbor is feeding it every other day so no worries

I might go on vaction soon for a week. How long can they go without feeding?

How long can beta fish go without food? from bettafish

Hi everyone!

In a couple of weeks, I am going to be leaving on Sunday and getting back on Thursday (only 5 days). I am going to be able to feed my bettas on the Sunday and the Thursday which means that I won't be here for the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have 2 bettas in their own filtered and heated 5 gallon tanks. Both of them are very difficult to feed and it takes me a while to feed them since one is old and the other is half-blind (he had popeye a while back) and I have to tap the water near the food many times (they have no depth perception and miss a lot lol). All of my other pets are being taken care of by my grandparents (they will come in and put the food/water in their tanks/pens) but they wouldn't be able to do the fish very well since it is a long process to feed them, they would need to go onto a stepping stool to feed them, and the pellets are very tiny so I doubt that they would do the right amount. Would it be okay if my bettas didn't eat for those 3 days?

Thanks! :)

I’m going on vacation for 6 days. I have left the duration of my schedule below. It is a crowntail Betta Fish male.

Leave: Saturday Morning (2 AM) Return: Friday Morning (1 AM)

Duration: 6 Days

Should I be concerned? Or will it live?

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