How do I turn off selling feature on Facebook?

Facebook Selling Features – Buying and selling on Facebook has become a new order of the day, sellers meet their target audience on the platform, and buyers get to discover various items on sale and make their choice of items they wish to purchase.

For sellers, the Facebook sell feature allows you to sell with ease on the platform. With the SELL feature, you can add important aspects of the items you are selling like location, price, description, contact info, and more.

The SELL feature is available on Facebook to buy and sell feature, and you can now use it for your own convenience.

How to Turn Off or Turn On Facebook Buying and Selling Feature

The SELL feature makes your Facebook group stand out as a selling group; it helps sellers on the platform to sell their items with ease on the group.

However, you can choose to turn or turn off this feature when you want to as the owner or admin of the group.

If you wish to convert it to a normal Facebook group, you can turn off the Sell feature.

To turn on/off SELL feature:

  • Navigate the MENU option, click GROUPS, and then select your choice of group.
  • You can then EDIT GROUP SETTINGS Then tap INFO at the bottom of the page, and then click on EDIT GROUP SETTINGS
  • Next, make ‘BUY AND SELL’ your current group type and save.
  • And if you wish to turn it off, simply follow the same steps
  • That’s all; you can change the type of group as it suits you.

How to Sell on Facebook Buy and Sell Groups

The Facebook Selling Features make it quite easy to sell or buy and sell groups, and selling through the right group helps to promote your business and generate sales for you.

Buy and sell groups have this SELL feature that enables sellers to list necessary info for the items they are selling and make selling on the platform easy.

Follow the steps below to start selling items on Facebook buy and sell groups:

  • From the menu icon, choose the particular buy and sell group(s) you would like to sell your products.
  • Click on the ‘WHAT ARE YOU SELLING’ option at the top of the group; this option allows you to explain what you are selling to your audience.
  • Correctly input all necessary information about your products including; price, location, description, and photos as prompted by Facebook.
  • Post your product listings to be visible on the Facebook marketplace.
  • You also have the option of posting on other buy and sell groups of your choice.
  • After you finish adding all necessary details, click the POST button to post your listings.
  • And finally, if/when you get comments or messages from interested buyers, Facebook will alert you.

How to Mark Items As Sold On Buy and Sell Groups

It is quite necessary to delete posts of items that have been sold or mark such items as sold to avoid confusing group members.

Buy and sell groups with the Sell feature often have this feature that helps you mark items as sold.

To mark an item as sold on Facebook selling group, follow these steps:

  • Click the GROUPS from your news feed and select the selling group you sold an item in.
  • Locate the original post of the item you sold in the group.
  • Click the top right of the post and choose MARK AS SOLD option.

When you use the SELL feature on Facebook selling groups, it becomes rather easy for you to sell items with ease on these groups.

You can organize the way you sell on these groups, use the Sell feature to add important details of the items on sale and mark such items as Sold when they have been sold.

It’s VERY easy to remove the “Sell Something” option from Facebook Groups. Here’s how…

Step one: Click the ellipses […] on the right of the Group Banner Toolbar.

Step two: Click on Edit group settings.

Step three: Scroll down and uncheck the box that says “For Sale Features”.

Step four:
 Don’t forget to scroll down and save your changes.

Selling features will be removed from your Facebook group. You can turn on selling features again if you wish by reversing the process.

About The Author

Mark Fixes Stuff

Just a geek, geeking about. Not a nerd.

Why is Facebook making my post a sales listing?

Facebook will sometimes automatically turn posts into sales format posts without your input and if you don't get the option to turn that off on a computer (click the three dots at the top of your post for more options) - the only option it gives you is to delete the 'listing'.

How do I use the Facebook selling feature?

To sell something in a Facebook buy and sell group:.
Tap Groups at the top of Facebook and select your group. If you don't see Groups, tap Menu..
Tap Sell Something at the top of the group..
Enter the info about the thing you're selling and then tap Post..

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