Give the equations of two lines passing through (3, 12 How many more such lines are there, and why)

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Give the equations of two lines passing through (3, 12). How many more such lines are there,
and why?

The equation of two lines passing through

(3, 12) are 

 ` 4x - y = 0 `

` 3x - y + 3 = 0 `        .............  (1) 

There are infinitely many lines passing through  (3, 12)

Concept: Solution of a Linear Equation

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Give the equations of two lines passing through 3, 12 . How many more such lines are there, and why?


Point (3, 12) lies on the line passing through it.

Solution is x=3, y=12

And the possible equation can be


An infinite number of such lines are possible because infinite lines can pass through a given point.


RD Sharma

Standard IX

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