Excel label based on cell value

You can do this, by using conditional formatting (just as you maybe have other places in the Gantt Chart). Mark the area you will use, and in conditional format choose, "New rule" and insert: IF(A$1=1;TRUE). A1 has to reflect the cell you have the value in, and 1 in the formula, are the value you will use.

hmm. forgive my misunderstanding. I already have conditional formatting in the I Column for priorities, (when "high" is selected it turns red, "medium" orange and "low" green), but how do i get the data labels ON the chart to reflect a different color based on what priority it is in the I column. As in, if "High" Priority is selected for the task, the color of the bars in the chart will turn red .

It's difficult, only out from your description, to "see" exactly how your formatting looks, and what you actual want. Is it correct understood, out of your latest description, that you want to have the label in Column I, to change out from what are the priority in that Column?
Your question was, "...change color, based on another cell"!

Sorry for my miscommunication. I am talking about conditional formatting on the gantt (bar chart). I have attached a photo . I would like the circled to be a different label according to my priority cell in the table.

Sorry for my miscommunication. I am talking about conditional formatting on the gantt (bar chart). I have attached a photo . I would like the circled to be a different label according to my priority cell in the table.

View attachment 57608

Without having some data, it would be difficult to give a clear answer. I do not know, what lays behind your formatting, so it will only be guessing.
A Gantt Chart formatting, are normally based on date range, which control the formatting (that's the idea with a Gantt Chart). Try use the XL2BB tool, to upload some data.

I'm not sure, if it was similar to this, you had in mind.

Edited: See below

hmm its not colors of my bars in the chart.

Page 2

This screendump you show now in #10, has nothing to do with this you uploaded in #7. So it's difficult to know, what you actually want. I can't see it. You start writing it was in a Gantt Chart. But this you uploaded, has nothing to do with a Gantt Chart, which normally are filled with conditional formatting, and build in a fully other way. This you uploaded, are normally formulas, which can be conditional formatted, on a normally condition.

So I stay out, until you give some clear info, and data, what it is you want.

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