Cara menggunakan python transportation problem

Isi Dokumentasi Python

  • Apa yang Baru di Python
    • What's New In Python 3.9
    • What's New In Python 3.8
    • What's New In Python 3.7
    • Apa yang Baru di Python 3.6
    • What's New In Python 3.5
    • What's New In Python 3.4
    • What's New In Python 3.3
    • What's New In Python 3.2
    • What's New In Python 3.1
    • Apa yang Baru Di Python 3.0
    • Apa yang Baru di Python 2.7
    • Apa yang Baru di Python 2.6
    • What's New in Python 2.5
    • What's New in Python 2.4
    • What's New in Python 2.3
    • What's New in Python 2.2
    • Apa yang Baru di Python 2.1
    • What's New in Python 2.0
    • Catatan Perubahan
  • Tutorial Python
    • 1. Membangkitkan Selera Anda
    • 2. Menggunakan Interpreter Python
    • 3. Pengantar Informal Tentang Python
    • 4. Lebih Banyak Alat Pengatur Aliran Control Flow
    • 5. Struktur Data
    • 6. Modul-Modul
    • 7. Masukan dan Keluaran
    • 8. Kesalahan errors dan Pengecualian exceptions
    • 9. Classes
    • 10. Tur Singkat Pustaka Standar
    • 11. Tur Singkat Pustaka Standar --- Bagian II
    • 12. Lingkungan dan Paket Virtual
    • 13. Lalu apa sekarang?
    • 14. Pengeditan Input Interaktif dan Penggantian Riwayat
    • 15. Aritmatika Pecahan Floating Point: Masalah dan Keterbatasan
    • 16. Lampiran
  • Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Python
    • 1. Baris perintah dan lingkungan
    • 2. Using Python on Unix platforms
    • 3. Menggunakan Python di Windows
    • 4. Using Python on a Mac
    • 5. Editor dan IDE
  • Referensi Bahasa Python
    • 1. Pengenalan
    • 2. Lexical analysis
    • 3. Data model
    • 4. Execution model
    • 5. The import system
    • 6. Expressions
    • 7. Simple statements
    • 8. Pernyataan gabungan
    • 9. Komponen tingkat atas
    • 10. Spesifikasi Lengkap Tata Bahasa
  • Pustaka Standar Python
    • Pengenalan
    • Fungsi Bawaan
    • Konstanta Bawaan
    • Tipe Bawaan
    • Built-in Exceptions
    • Layanan Pemrosesan Teks
      • make touch0 --- Operasi umum pada string.
      • make touch1 --- Regular expression operations
      • make touch2 --- Helpers for computing deltas
      • make touch3 --- Text wrapping and filling
      • make touch4 --- Unicode Database
      • make touch5 --- Internet String Preparation
      • make touch6 --- GNU readline interface
      • make touch7 --- Completion function for GNU readline
    • Servis Data Binary
      • make touch8 --- Interpret bytes as packed binary data
      • make touch9 --- Codec registry and base classes
    • Tipe Data
      • concurrent.futures3 --- Basic date and time types
      • make regen-all8 --- IANA time zone support
      • breakpoint()01 --- Fungsi-fungsi umum yang terkait dengan modul calendar
      • breakpoint()02 --- Container datatypes
      • breakpoint()16 --- Abstract Base Classes for Containers
      • breakpoint()17 --- Heap queue algorithm
      • breakpoint()18 --- Array bisection algorithm
      • breakpoint()19 --- Efficient arrays of numeric values
      • breakpoint()20 --- Weak references
      • breakpoint()22 --- Dynamic type creation and names for built-in types
      • breakpoint()23 --- Operasi shallow copy dan deep copy
      • breakpoint()24 --- Data pretty printer
      • breakpoint()25 --- Alternate breakpoint()26 implementation
      • breakpoint()27 --- Support for enumerations
      • breakpoint()39 --- Functionality to operate with graph-like structures
    • Modul Numerik dan Matematika
      • breakpoint()40 --- Numeric abstract base classes
      • breakpoint()41 --- Mathematical functions
      • breakpoint()42 --- Mathematical functions for complex numbers
      • breakpoint()43 --- Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic
      • breakpoint()4 --- Rational numbers
      • breakpoint()45 --- Generate pseudo-random numbers
      • breakpoint()46 --- Mathematical statistics functions
    • Modul Pemrograman Fungsional
      • breakpoint()49 --- Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
      • breakpoint()50 --- Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects
      • breakpoint()52 --- Standard operators as functions
    • File and Directory Access
      • breakpoint()53 --- Object-oriented filesystem paths
      • breakpoint()55 --- Common pathname manipulations
      • breakpoint()56 --- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams
      • breakpoint()57 --- Interpreting breakpoint()58 results
      • breakpoint()59 --- File and Directory Comparisons
      • breakpoint()61 --- Generate temporary files and directories
      • breakpoint()62 --- Ekspansi pola nama jalur bergaya Unix
      • breakpoint()63 --- Unix filename pattern matching
      • breakpoint()64 --- Random access to text lines
      • breakpoint()65 --- High-level file operations
    • Persistensi Data
      • breakpoint()66 --- Python object serialization
      • breakpoint()69 --- Register breakpoint()66 support functions
      • breakpoint()71 --- Python object persistence
      • breakpoint()67 --- Internal Python object serialization
      • breakpoint()73 --- Interfaces to Unix "databases"
      • breakpoint()77 --- DB-API 2.0 antarmuka untuk basisdata SQLite
    • Kompresi Data dan Pengarsipan
      • breakpoint()79 --- Compression compatible with gzip
      • breakpoint()80 --- Support for gzip files
      • breakpoint()81 --- Support for bzip2 compression
      • breakpoint()82 --- Compression using the LZMA algorithm
      • breakpoint()83 --- Work with ZIP archives
      • breakpoint()84 --- Read and write tar archive files
    • File Formats
      • breakpoint()85 --- Baca dan Tulis file CSV
      • breakpoint()86 --- Configuration file parser
      • breakpoint()87 --- netrc file processing
      • breakpoint()8 --- Generate and parse Apple breakpoint()89 files
    • Layanan Kriptografi
      • breakpoint()90 --- Secure hashes and message digests
      • breakpoint()91 --- Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
      • breakpoint()92 --- Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets
    • Layanan Sistem Operasi Generik
      • breakpoint()54 --- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
      • breakpoint()94 --- Core tools for working with streams
      • make regen-all0 --- Akses waktu dan konversi
      • breakpoint()96 --- Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands
      • breakpoint()99 --- C-style parser for command line options
      • __main__00 --- Logging facility for Python
      • __main__01 --- Logging configuration
      • __main__02 --- Logging handlers
      • __main__03 --- Portable password input
      • __main__04 --- Terminal handling for character-cell displays
      • __main__06 --- Utilities for ASCII characters
      • __main__07 --- A panel stack extension for curses
      • __main__08 --- Access to underlying platform's identifying data
      • __main__09 --- Standard errno system symbols
      • __main__10 --- A foreign function library for Python
    • Eksekusi Serentak
      • __main__11 --- Thread-based parallelism
      • breakpoint()2 --- Process-based parallelism
      • __main__20 --- Provides shared memory for direct access across processes
      • Paket __main__21
      • concurrent.futures --- Launching parallel tasks
      • __main__23 --- Subprocess management
      • __main__32 --- Event scheduler
      • __main__33 --- A synchronized queue class
      • __main__34 --- Context Variables
      • __main__35 --- Low-level threading API
    • Komunikasi Interproses dan Networking
      • __main__36 --- Asynchronous I/O
        • Coroutines and Tasks
        • Streams
        • Synchronization Primitives
        • Subprocesses
        • Queues
        • Pengecualian
        • Event Loop
        • Futures
        • Transports and Protocols
        • Policies
        • Platform Support
        • Indeks API Tingkat-atas
        • Low-level API Index
        • Developing with asyncio
      • __main__37 --- Low-level networking interface
      • __main__40 --- TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
      • __main__41 --- Waiting for I/O completion
      • __main__43 --- High-level I/O multiplexing
      • __main__44 --- Set handlers for asynchronous events
      • __main__45 --- Memory-mapped file support
    • Penanganan Data Internet
      • __main__46 --- Paket penanganan email dan MIME
        • __main__47: Representing an email message
        • __main__48: Parsing email messages
        • __main__49: Generating MIME documents
        • __main__50: Policy Objects
        • __main__51: Exception and Defect classes
        • __main__52: Custom Header Objects
        • __main__53: Managing MIME Content
        • __main__46: Examples
        • __main__55: Representing an email message using the __main__56 API
        • __main__57: Creating email and MIME objects from scratch
        • __main__58: Internationalized headers
        • __main__59: Representing character sets
        • __main__60: Encoders
        • __main__61: Miscellaneous utilities
        • __main__62: Iterators
      • breakpoint()7 --- JSON encoder dan decoder
      • __main__64 --- Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
      • __main__77 --- Map filenames to MIME types
      • __main__78 --- Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings
      • __main__79 --- Encode and decode binhex4 files
      • __main__80 --- Convert between binary and ASCII
      • __main__81 --- Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data
    • Alat Pemroses Markup Terstruktur
      • __main__82 --- Dukungan HyperText Markup Language
      • __main__83 --- Simple HTML and XHTML parser
      • __main__85 --- Definisi entitas umum HTML
      • XML Processing Modules
      • __main__87 --- The ElementTree XML API
      • __main__88 --- The Document Object Model API
      • __main__89 --- Minimal DOM implementation
      • __main__90 --- Support for building partial DOM trees
      • __main__91 --- Support for SAX2 parsers
      • __main__92 --- Base classes for SAX handlers
      • __main__93 --- SAX Utilities
      • __main__94 --- Interface for XML parsers
      • __main__97 --- Fast XML parsing using Expat
    • Protokol Internet dan Dukungan
      • __main__98 --- Convenient Web-browser controller
      • __main__99 --- WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation
      • typing05 --- Modul penanganan URL
      • typing06 --- Extensible library for opening URLs
      • typing09 --- Parse URLs into components
      • typing10 --- Exception classes raised by urllib.request
      • typing11 --- Parser for robots.txt
      • typing12 --- modul HTTP
      • typing13 --- HTTP protocol client
      • typing14 --- FTP protocol client
      • typing15 --- POP3 protocol client
      • typing16 --- IMAP4 protocol client
      • typing17 --- SMTP protocol client
      • typing18 --- UUID objects according to RFC 4122
      • typing19 --- A framework for network servers
      • typing22 --- HTTP servers
      • typing23 --- HTTP state management
      • typing24 --- Cookie handling for HTTP clients
      • typing25 --- XMLRPC server and client modules
      • typing26 --- akses klien XML-RPC
      • typing27 --- Basic XML-RPC servers
      • typing28 --- IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library
    • Layanan Multimedia
      • typing29 --- Read and write WAV files
      • typing30 --- Conversions between color systems
    • Internasionalisasi
      • typing31 --- Multilingual internationalization services
      • typing34 --- Internationalization services
    • Kerangka Program
      • typing35 --- Turtle graphics
      • typing37 --- Support for line-oriented command interpreters
      • typing38 --- Simple lexical analysis
    • User Interfaces Grafis dengan Tk
      • typing39 --- Python interface to Tcl/Tk
      • typing40 --- Color choosing dialog
      • typing41 --- Tkinter font wrapper
      • Tkinter Dialogs
      • typing45 --- Tkinter message prompts
      • typing46 --- Scrolled Text Widget
      • typing47 --- Drag and drop support
      • typing48 --- Tk themed widgets
      • typing49 --- Extension widgets for Tk
      • IDLE
    • Alat Pengembangan
      • typing --- Support for type hints
      • typing55 --- Documentation generator and online help system
      • Python Development Mode
      • typing56 --- Contoh uji interaktif Python
      • typing57 --- Unit testing framework
      • typing58 --- mock object library
      • typing58 --- getting started
      • 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation
      • typing61 --- Regression tests package for Python
    • Debugging dan Profiling
      • Audit events table
      • typing67 --- Debugger framework
      • typing68 --- Dump the Python traceback
      • typing69 --- The Python Debugger
      • The Python Profilers
      • typing73 --- Measure execution time of small code snippets
      • typing74 --- Trace or track Python statement execution
      • typing75 --- Trace memory allocations
    • Pengemasan dan Distribusi Perangkat Lunak
      • typing76 --- Building and installing Python modules
      • typing77 --- Bootstrapping the typing78 installer
      • typing79 --- Creation of virtual environments
      • typing81 --- Manage executable Python zip archives
    • Layanan Runtime Python
      • typing82 --- System-specific parameters and functions
      • typing83 --- Provide access to Python's configuration information
      • typing85 --- Objek-objek bawaan
      • __main__ --- Lingkungan skrip tingkat atas
      • typing87 --- Warning control
      • typing88 --- Data Classes
      • typing89 --- Utilities for make regen-all7-statement contexts
      • typing94 --- Abstract Base Classes
      • typing95 --- Exit handlers
      • typing97 --- Print or retrieve a stack traceback
      • make regen-all01 --- Future statement definitions
      • make regen-all02 --- Garbage Collector interface
      • make regen-all03 --- Inspect live objects
      • make touch0 --- Site-specific configuration hook
    • Ubahsuaian Interpreter Python
      • make regen-all05 --- Interpreter base classes
      • make regen-all06 --- Compile Python code
    • Mengimpor Modul
      • make regen-all07 --- Import modules from Zip archives
      • make regen-all08 --- Package extension utility
      • make regen-all09 --- Find modules used by a script
      • make regen-all11 --- Locating and executing Python modules
      • typing1 --- The implementation of make regen-all0
      • Using make regen-all19
    • Layanan Bahasa Python
      • make regen-all20 --- Access Python parse trees
      • breakpoint()5 --- Abstract Syntax Trees
      • make regen-all24 --- Access to the compiler's symbol tables
      • make regen-all25 --- Constants used with Python parse trees
      • make regen-all26 --- Konstanta digunakan dengan pohon pengurai (parse tree) Python
      • make regen-all27 --- Pengujian untuk kata kunci Python
      • make regen-all28 --- Tokenizer for Python source
      • mod:tabnanny --- Deteksi indentasi ambigu
      • make regen-all29 --- Python module browser support
      • make regen-all30 --- Compile Python source files
      • make regen-all31 --- Byte-compile Python libraries
      • make regen-all32 --- Disassembler for Python bytecode
      • make regen-all33 --- Tools for pickle developers
    • Layanan Miscellaneous
      • make regen-all34 --- Pemformatan umum output
    • Layanan MS Windows Spesifik
      • make regen-all35 --- Useful routines from the MS VC++ runtime
      • make regen-all36 --- Windows registry access
      • make regen-all37 --- Sound-playing interface for Windows
    • Layanan Khusus Unix
      • make regen-all38 --- The most common POSIX system calls
      • make regen-all39 --- The password database
      • make regen-all40 --- The group database
      • make regen-all41 --- POSIX style tty control
      • make regen-all42 --- Terminal control functions
      • make regen-all43 --- Pseudo-terminal utilities
      • make regen-all44 --- The make regen-all44 and make regen-all46 system calls
      • make regen-all47 --- Resource usage information
      • make regen-all48 --- Unix syslog library routines
    • Modul yang Diganti
      • make regen-all49 --- Read and write AIFF and AIFC files
      • make regen-all50 --- Asynchronous socket command/response handler
      • make regen-all51 --- Asynchronous socket handler
      • make regen-all52 --- Manipulate raw audio data
      • make regen-all53 --- Common Gateway Interface support
      • make regen-all54 --- Traceback manager for CGI scripts
      • make regen-all55 --- Read IFF chunked data
      • make regen-all56 --- Function to check Unix passwords
      • make regen-all57 --- Determine the type of an image
      • make regen-all58 --- Access the import internals
      • make regen-all59 --- Mailcap file handling
      • make regen-all60 --- Read and write Microsoft Installer files
      • make regen-all61 --- Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages)
      • make regen-all62 --- NNTP protocol client
      • make regen-all63 --- Parser for command line options
      • make regen-all66 --- Access to OSS-compatible audio devices
      • make regen-all67 --- Interface to shell pipelines
      • make regen-all68 --- SMTP Server
      • make regen-all69 --- Determine type of sound file
      • make regen-all70 --- The shadow password database
      • make regen-all71 --- Read and write Sun AU files
      • make regen-all72 --- Telnet client
      • make regen-all73 --- Encode and decode uuencode files
      • make regen-all74 --- Encode and decode XDR data
    • Security Considerations
  • Memperluas dan Menggabungkan Interpreter Python
      • 1. Extending Python with C or C++
      • 2. Mendefinisikan Tipe Ekstensi: Tutorial
      • 3. Defining Extension Types: Assorted Topics
      • 4. Building C and C++ Extensions
      • 5. Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows
      • 1. Embedding Python in Another Application
  • Panduan Referensi Python/API C
    • Pengenalan
    • Stable Application Binary Interface
    • The Very High Level Layer
    • Reference Counting
    • Penanganan Pengecualian
    • Utilitas
      • Operating System Utilities
      • Mengimpor Modul
      • Data marshalling support
      • Mengurai argumen dan membangun nilai
      • Pemformatan dan konversi string
      • Reflection
      • Codec registry and support functions
    • Lapisan Abstrak Objek
      • Object Protocol
      • Call Protocol
      • Number Protocol
      • Sequence Protocol
      • Protokol Pemetaan
      • Iterator Protocol
      • Protokol Penampung Buffer
      • Old Buffer Protocol
    • Lapisan Objek Konkrit
        • Objek Tipe
        • Objek make regen-all75
        • Integer Objects
        • Objek Boolean
        • Objek Pecahan
        • Objek Bilangan Kompleks
        • Bytes Objects
        • Objek Byte Array
        • Unicode Objects and Codecs
        • Tuple Objects
        • List Objects
        • Objek Dictionary
        • Set Objects
        • Objek Fungsi
        • Instance Method Objects
        • Objek Sel, Cell
        • Objek Kode
        • Objek File
        • Module Objects
        • Objek Iterator
        • Obyek Deskriptor
        • Slice Objects
        • MemoryView objects
        • Weak Reference Objects
        • Kapsul
        • Generator Objects
        • Objek Coroutine
        • Context Variables Objects
        • Objek DateTime
        • Objects for Type Hinting
    • Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
    • Python Initialization Configuration
    • Memory Management
    • Dukungan Implementasi Objek
      • Mengalokasikan objek kedalam struktur data (heap)
      • Struktur Objek Umum
      • Objek Tipe
      • Supporting Cyclic Garbage Collection
    • Pengelolaan Versi API dan ABI
  • Mendistribusikan Modul Python
  • Memasang Modul-modul Python
  • HOWTOs Python
    • Penyesuaian Porting Kode Python 2 ke Python 3
    • Penyesuaian Porting Modul Ekstensi ke Python 3
    • Pemrograman Curses dengan Python
    • Descriptor HowTo Guide
    • Pemrograman Fungsional HOWTO
    • Logging HOWTO
    • Logging Cookbook
    • Regular Expression HOWTO
    • HOWTO Pemrograman Soket
    • Sorting HOW TO
    • Unicode HOWTO
    • HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using The urllib Package
    • Argparse Tutorial
    • An introduction to the ipaddress module
    • Klinik Argumen How-To
    • Instrumenting CPython with DTrace and SystemTap
  • Pertanyaan tentang Python yang Sering Diajukan
    • FAQ Umum Python
    • Pemrograman FAQ
    • Desain dan Sejarah FAQ
    • FAQ Pustaka dan Ekstensi
    • Extending/Embedding FAQ
    • FAQ Python di Windows
    • Antarmuka Pengguna Grafis FAQ
    • "Kenapa Python Terpasang di Komputer saya?" FAQ
  • Ikhtisar
  • Tentang dokumen-dokumen ini
  • Berurusan dengan Bugs
  • Hak Cipta
  • Sejarah dan Lisensi

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